[gatein-dev] profiles.xml

Dimitri BAELI dbaeli at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 10:03:10 EST 2010

    You can have this information in your settings.xml in .m2/ dir, thus no need to have a profile.xml

On 4 mars 2010, at 15:51, Matthew Wringe wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 15:45 +0100, Dimitri BAELI wrote:
>> In fact profiles.xml should be in svn:ignore and a profile.xml.template for those who want to use it.
>>    Let's do that just after the GA release
> But it also sets the version of tomcat and jboss. So we need to move
> those somewhere else before making it svn:ignore
>> Dimitri
>> On 4 mars 2010, at 15:37, Matthew Wringe wrote:
>>> I just rolled backed profiles.xml because it was edited to include the
>>> dependencies directory on someones machines instead of
>>> Is there any reason we can't make "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_OWN_DIRECTORY" with
>>> an environment variable, ie something like "${EXO_DEPENDENCIES_DIR}"?
>>> This way people only need to set the environment variable and not edit
>>> this file. So when the version of tomcat or jboss gets updated we don't
>>> get svn conflicts.
>>> Also, when unzipping the tomcat archive it creates a directory that
>>> starts with apache-tomcat, but the reference we use in profiles.xml
>>> starts with just tomcat. Can we add the apache part in profiles.xml to
>>> prevent having to rename the directory every time it gets unzipped? 
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>> Dimitri BAELI
>> VP Quality - eXo Platform

Dimitri BAELI
VP Quality - eXo Platform

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