[gatein-dev] Setting URIEncoding to UTF-8 in server.xml

Julien Viet julien at julienviet.com
Wed Mar 17 16:38:46 EDT 2010

On Mar 17, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Julien Viet wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Matthew Wringe wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 20:20 +0100, Julien Viet wrote:
>>> Hi Matt
>>> in WCI there is code to decode query parameters using UTF-8 charset:
>>> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/gatein/components/wci/trunk/wci/src/main/java/org/gatein/wci/util/RequestDecoder.java
>>> that delegates most of the job to :
>>> org.gatein.common.http.QueryStringParser
>> hmm, ok, so it handles the querystring parameters directly from the  
>> url
>> and not from the request properties. Which means we need to bypass  
>> the
>> request parameters itself to add this feature. We can do this in the
>> PortalRequestContext [or maybe we should wait to add this feature  
>> until
>> a later date? with wci]
> I think you can handle the request query string at any time, what  
> needs to be changed is how the portal consumer the query string as a  
> parameter map.

i.e, the request parameter in webui should parse the query string in  
UTF8 and make them probably available via the class RequestContext:

    abstract public String getRequestParameter(String name);

    abstract public String[] getRequestParameterValues(String name);

and any call to obtain a request parameter should use this.

>>> (somehow the code of WCI: WebRequest and WebResponse should be  
>>> used in
>>> GateIn in a later feature release, as it provides value add services
>>> on top of HTTP request/response)
>> yeah, it probably should, that code isn't being used right now
> Thomas and myself will probably discuss about that in a near future.
>> Thanks
>>> On Mar 17, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Matthew Wringe wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 18:59 +0100, Julien Viet wrote:
>>>>> actually it is servlet container specific so we want to avoid it.
>>>> ok, so that means we want to handle it in the portal code  
>>>> completely
>>>> then?
>>>>> where does the encoding issue occur ?
>>>> It occurs when the url is encoded to one value, but we are  
>>>> expecting
>>>> another. So when the servlet container handles decoding something  
>>>> from
>>>> the url (pathInfo, properties from query strings, etc...) it will
>>>> decode
>>>> it using whatever encoding it has been configured to use  
>>>> (iso-8859-1
>>>> by
>>>> default, or another value configured in the server.xml).
>>>> So we have the situation where something we set something like
>>>> 'thúy' in
>>>> the url, the servlet container will take those bytes and convert  
>>>> them
>>>> into the iso-8859-1 standard (where the ú gets converted into two
>>>> bytes), and then the string value we get back is 'thúy' (it  
>>>> converts
>>>> the two bytes back into utf-8 characters).
>>>> If we set the url encoding to be UTF-8 in the server.xml, then we
>>>> don't
>>>> get these encoding issues since everything is handled in the same
>>>> encoding.
>>>> For the portal naming issue, I found a way to get around that by  
>>>> using
>>>> values not decoded by the servlet container. For the dashboard  
>>>> naming
>>>> issue, it might be a bit more complex to handle.
>>>> I really wish the javax.servlet classes/spec was written better to
>>>> handle encoding issue more nicely. Some methods allow you to get  
>>>> the
>>>> non-decoded values, other don't. Character encoding only works on
>>>> non-querystring properties, etc...
>>>>> On Mar 17, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Matthew Wringe wrote:
>>>>>> There have been a few issues which have been brought up in  
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> portal and tab names not working properly if they contain non  
>>>>>> ascii
>>>>>> characters.
>>>>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/GTNPORTAL-337
>>>>>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/GTNPORTAL-596
>>>>>> These are due to the portal using utf-8, while tomcat/jboss is
>>>>>> configured to use iso-8859-1 encoding for the url.
>>>>>> In both cases if the URIEncoding is set to UTF-8 in the  
>>>>>> server.xml
>>>>>> (or
>>>>>> if useBodyEncodingForURI is set to true) then it works.
>>>>>> For the portal naming issue it was possible to get around it in  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> code, for the tab issue its going to be a bit more complex.
>>>>>> Can we just change the URIEncoding in the server.xml for the  
>>>>>> bundles
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> create? or would it be better to find workarounds for this  
>>>>>> issue in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> portal code itself?
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