[gatein-dev] Dublin Core properties from an image and a HTML code

Luca Stancapiano l.stancapiano at sourcesense.com
Tue Mar 30 19:13:50 EDT 2010

I used cyberneko to parse the properties inside the html code. My code
parses the meta tag inside the html file for example:

<meta name="DC.creator" xml:lang="it" content="creator_brand" />
<meta name="DC.date" xml:lang="it" content="2010-01-11" />
<meta name="DC.contributor" xml:lang="it" content="contributor_brand" />
<meta name="DC.language" xml:lang="it" content="it" />
<meta name="DC.subject" xml:lang="it" content="subject_brand" />
<meta name="DC.description" xml:lang="it" content="description_brand" />
<meta name="DC.title" xml:lang="it" content="title_brand />
<meta name="DC.publisher" xml:lang="it" content="publisher_brand" />
<meta name="DC.resourceType" xml:lang="it" content="text/html/brand" />
<meta name="DC.format" xml:lang="it" content="text/html" />
<meta name="DC.identifier" xml:lang="it" content="identifier_brand" />
<meta name="DC.source" xml:lang="it" content="source_brand" />
<meta name="DC.relation" xml:lang="it" content="relation_brand" />
<meta name="DC.coverage" xml:lang="it" content="coverage_brand" />
<meta name="DC.rights" xml:lang="it" content="rights_brand" />

Here a part of the code:

                DOMFragmentParser parser = new DOMFragmentParser();
                HTMLDocument document = new HTMLDocumentImpl();
                DocumentFragment fragment =
                parser.parse(new InputSource(is), fragment);

    public void setProperties(Node node) {
        if (node instanceof org.apache.html.dom.HTMLMetaElementImpl) {
            String name =
            String value =
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.CONTRIBUTOR.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.CONTRIBUTOR, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.DESCRIPTION.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.DESCRIPTION, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.DATE.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.DATE, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.CREATOR.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.CREATOR, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.SUBJECT.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.SUBJECT, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.PUBLISHER.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.PUBLISHER, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.TITLE.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.TITLE, value);
            if (name.contains(DCMetaData.LANGUAGE.getName()))
                props.put(DCMetaData.LANGUAGE, value);
        Node child = node.getFirstChild();
        while (child != null) {
            child = child.getNextSibling();

I've seen you used HTMLParser in your code. I've no preferences about the
parser tools. Simply neko is the first I thought. It is better use a only

For the images I used javax.imageio package. You put the properties in the
image through some graphic rendering software. The java code extract the
properties so:

                    ImageInputStream imgInput =
                    ImageReader imageReader =
                    IIOMetadata metaData = imageReader.getImageMetadata(0);
                    Node fragment =

    public void setProperties(Node node) {
        if (node instanceof javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode) {
            if (node.getNodeName().equals("TextEntry")) {
                String name =
                String value =
                    props.put(DCMetaData.CONTRIBUTOR, value);
                if (name.toLowerCase().contains(DCMetaData.DATE.getName()))
                    props.put(DCMetaData.DATE, value);
                    props.put(DCMetaData.CREATOR, value);
                    props.put(DCMetaData.LANGUAGE, value);
        Node child = node.getFirstChild();
        while (child != null) {
            child = child.getNextSibling();

I published the complete patch in jira

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Patrice Lamarque <
patrice.lamarque at gmail.com> wrote:

> It looks interesting.
> How did you map image/html properties to dublin core ?
> Can you give an example ?
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Luca Stancapiano <
> l.stancapiano at sourcesense.com> wrote:
>> Hi... I created a task to extract the Dublin Core properties from an image
>> and a HTML code similar to the
>> org.exoplatform.services.document.impl.MSExcelDocumentReader . I have a
>> patch for it.  Can be it useful?
>> The task is:
>> https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EXOJCR-624
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> --
> Patrice Lamarque
> Product Manager
> eXo Platform
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