[gatein-dev] API javadoc

Julien Viet julien at julienviet.com
Mon Jul 9 09:09:40 EDT 2012


I added to the gatein-api-java project the generation and publishing of javadoc to GitHub pages (known as gh-pages). For the gatein-api-java I added the javadoc generation of the API and the publishing to the gh-pages so it's possible to publish the javadoc to make it visible to others.

gh-pages are useful for generating static content from a project (like javadoc) and deploying it with little efforts quickly, here is how it works for the gatein-api-java:

1/ the maven javadoc plugin generates the javadoc for the api module (which is the one we care about).
2/ gh-pages uses a special branch of a git repository called "gh-pages" that contains the site.
3/ there is a special github plugin that publish a directory to the gh-pages
4/ github receives pushes on the gh-pages and publishes them on the web

In practice it means that:
- doing "mvn install -Pgithub" will publish the javadoc in the api module of the gatein-api-java project
- the project javadoc can be browsed at http://gatein.github.com/gatein-api-java/

Anybody with push permissions can do it on a repository, however the settings.xml should contain "git" username / password  (which can be not acceptable for some ppl but it's possible also to specify that using properties). In practice I'm using it with a profile defined in settings.xml like:


So "mvn install -Pgithub" uses them automatically.

- http://pages.github.com/
- https://github.com/github/maven-plugins/

If you find this useful we should add it to the wiki but I don't know in which community / page add it. 

Julien Viet

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