[gatein-dev] Site renaming

Christophe Laprun claprun at redhat.com
Thu Jul 19 12:49:29 EDT 2012

On 19 juil. 2012, at 17:45, Julien Viet wrote:

> from other's project (like ecms, etc...) perspective I think there could be issues.
> within gatein itself, I think one way to test it would be to do a jcr move operation (with crash) and see what happens. I think that some stuff would break because there are internal pointers between JCR nodes using PATH value: for instance a navigations points to a page and the link is the path of the page in the navigation, for instance:
> % ls -l
> /production/mop:workspace/mop:portalsites/mop:classic/mop:rootnavigation/mop:children/mop:default/mop:children/mop:sitemap/mop:link
> +-properties
> | +-jcr:primaryType: mop:pagelink
> | +-jcr:uuid: '4b86dd95c0a8008a2d41737a90e131be'
> | +-mop:page: /production/mop:workspace/mop:portalsites/mop:classic/mop:rootpage/mop:children/mop:pages/mop:children/mop:sitemap
> +-children
>   +-/production/mop:workspace/mop:portalsites/mop:classic/mop:rootnavigation/mop:children/mop:default/mop:children/mop:sitemap/mop:link/mop:attributes

So what happens if you remove a site?

Cordialement / Best,

Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
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