[gatein-dev] Bug after merging the gatein mobile supporting stuff

Phuong Viet VU phuongvv at exoplatform.com
Tue Jul 24 08:43:15 EDT 2012

Hi all, I've just seen that we have 2 bugs after GTNPORTAL-2403

1/ currently we have 2 projects (GATEIN/web/redirect and
GATEIN/portlet/redirect) with the same artifactID :
We should have them had difference name
2/ the GATEIN/portlet/redirect/src/main/webapp/jsp/*redirect.jsp *template
missing and closing tag *</div>*
This will cause all gatein ajax request that *relate* to this portlet fail.
For example, edit page, or edit portal-layout, portal will response and
unwell-form xml that cause problem with many functions of portal
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