[gatein-dev] RichFaces Ajax calls no longer working

Nick Scavelli nscavell at redhat.com
Fri Jul 27 09:07:18 EDT 2012

Are there any other core Javascript things we extend/override that would 
have jquery equivalents so we don't have this issue with something else 
? I see we are doing things with Function, String, and Array in Util.js.

 From the comment on the JIRA, in 3.3 javascript is lazy loaded and 
portlets no longer will be able to override the javascript we provide 
since it's loaded after the portlet's javascript I'm assuming ? So 
optimally everything we provide should probably have a namespace as to 
not conflict with other portlet's javascript.

On 07/27/2012 04:00 AM, Trong Tran wrote:
> the problem has just been fixed in latest GateIn 3.4 snapshot and you 
> could refer to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL-2479 for more 
> details
> On 26 July 2012 10:53, Phuong Viet VU <phuongvv at exoplatform.com 
> <mailto:phuongvv at exoplatform.com>> wrote:
>     Hi, look like problem with jquery, i'm not sure
>     can you send me the demo portlet, or the link to download it. So I
>     can reproduce the bug, thanks
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