[gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?

Anil Saldhana Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com
Mon Apr 23 12:01:31 EDT 2012

To the list...

On 04/21/2012 08:36 PM, Ognjen Bubalo wrote:
> Dear Mr. Saldhana,
> There are several reasons I would like to participate.
> The feeling that I only need a computer and an internet connection to 
> create something useful and that I can work with such an unselfish 
> people are the main reasons I am interested in open source projects.
> Of course, money would be a big help. Here in Hungary the situation is 
> not too good and if I want to be sure about my future I have to build 
> a strong resume. This motivates me a lot, GSoS with JBoss would be a 
> perfect start. I am lucky that my mentor is Jonathan Fuerth. He spared 
> no effort to help me, and there are others in JBoss community who were 
> very helpful. It would be an honor working with them, also it gives me 
> a huge motivation that the realization of this project is long waited. 
> So with or without GSoC I would like to continue the project.
> I really hope that I am allowed to continue. Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Ogi
> 2012/4/20 Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com 
> <mailto:Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com>>
>     Hi gsoc students,
>        soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
>     rejected proposals.  Until they make the formal announcement, please
>     disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
>     Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
>     While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
>     who will turn unhappy.  The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
>     always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
>     At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much
>     excitement
>     among both the mentors and students.
>     Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
>     their proposals.
>     Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
>     community?  Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to
>     figure out
>     dishonest people)
>     a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
>     b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
>     c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
>     d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss
>     Community
>     Open Source ecosystem?
>     I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
>     continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
>     is rejected.
>     "I am looking for passion for open source."
>     Regards,
>     Anil
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