[hibernate-announce] Hibernate OGM 4.1.0.CR1 - stable mapping

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Wed Dec 10 14:46:00 EST 2014

After a huge push, we are now one release away from our Final version. So without further due, I present you Hibernate OGM 4.1.0.CR1. To sum it up:

* stable mapping for each of the supported datastores (Infinispan, Ehcache, MongoDB, Neo4J)
* new and better one cache per entity structure for key/value stores
* improvement in Neo4J and MongoDB around embedded objects and composite ids
* better documentation

More at http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/HibernateOGM410CR1StableMapping <http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/HibernateOGM410CR1StableMapping>

Happy persisting


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