[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r10620 - trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Oct 19 11:50:41 EDT 2006

Author: max.andersen at jboss.com
Date: 2006-10-19 11:50:37 -0400 (Thu, 19 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 10620

HBX-769  Improved Reference Manual Documentation (meta attribute advanced examples)
+ various fixes to doc

Modified: trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/ant.xml
--- trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/ant.xml	2006-10-19 14:15:34 UTC (rev 10619)
+++ trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/ant.xml	2006-10-19 15:50:37 UTC (rev 10620)
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
     e.g. Hibernate 3.2 jar's with e.g. an Hibernate 3.1 project since
     the output generated will work with previous Hibernate 3 versions.
-    <section>
+  </section>
+   <section>
       <title>The <literal>&lt;hibernatetool&gt;</literal> ant Task</title>
       <para>To use the ant tasks you need to have the hibernatetool task
@@ -825,5 +826,4 @@
-  </section>

Modified: trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/codegen.xml
--- trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/codegen.xml	2006-10-19 14:15:34 UTC (rev 10619)
+++ trunk/HibernateExt/tools/doc/reference/en/modules/codegen.xml	2006-10-19 15:50:37 UTC (rev 10620)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <chapter id="codegen">
   <title>Controlling POJO code generation</title>
@@ -24,26 +24,26 @@
     <para>The following example shows how to use various &lt;meta&gt;
     attributes and the resulting java code.</para>
-    <programlisting><![CDATA[<class name="Person">
-    <meta attribute="class-description">
+    <programlisting>&lt;class name="Person"&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="class-description"&gt;
         Javadoc for the Person class
         @author Frodo
-    </meta>
-    <meta attribute="implements">IAuditable</meta>
-    <id name="id" type="long">
-        <meta attribute="scope-set">protected</meta>
-        <generator class="increment"/>
-    </id>
-    <property name="name" type="string">
-        <meta attribute="field-description">The name of the person</meta>
-    </property>
+    &lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="implements"&gt;IAuditable&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;id name="id" type="long"&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="scope-set"&gt;protected&lt;/meta&gt;
+        &lt;generator class="increment"/&gt;
+    &lt;/id&gt;
+    &lt;property name="name" type="string"&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="field-description"&gt;The name of the person&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;/property&gt;
     <para>The above hbm.xml will produce something like the following (code
     shortened for better understanding). Notice the Javadoc comment and the
     protected set methods:</para>
-    <programlisting><![CDATA[// default package
+    <programlisting>// default package
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
         this.name = name;
     <table frame="topbot">
       <title>Supported meta tags</title>
@@ -244,5 +244,294 @@
     attribute, e.g. <literal>&lt;meta attribute="scope-class"
     inherit="false"&gt;public abstract&lt;/meta&gt;</literal> will restrict
     the "class-scope" to the current class, not the subclasses.</para>
+    <section>
+      <title>Recomendations</title>
+      <para>The following are some good practices when using
+      <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attributes.</para>
+      <section>
+        <title>Dangers of a class level <literal>use-in-string and
+        use-in-equals</literal> meta attributes when having bi-directional
+        associations</title>
+        <para>If we have two entities with a bi-directional association
+        between them and define at class scope level the meta attributes:
+        <literal>use-in-string, use-in-equals</literal>:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;
+  &lt;class name="Person"&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="use-in-equals"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+    ...
+  &lt;/class&gt;
+        <para>and for <literal>Event.hbm</literal> file:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;              
+  &lt;class name="events.Event" table="EVENTS"&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="use-in-equals"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;                  
+    &lt;id name="id" column="EVENT_ID"&gt;
+        &lt;generator class="native"/&gt;
+    &lt;/id&gt;
+    &lt;property name="date" type="timestamp" column="EVENT_DATE"/&gt;
+    &lt;property name="title"/&gt;
+    &lt;set name="participants" table="PERSON_EVENT" inverse="true"&gt;
+        &lt;key column="EVENT_ID"/&gt;
+        &lt;many-to-many column="PERSON_ID" class="events.Person"/&gt;
+    &lt;/set&gt;                    
+  &lt;/class&gt;
+        <para>Then <literal>&lt;hbm2java&gt;</literal> will assume you want to
+        include all properties and collections in the
+        <literal>toString()/equals()</literal> methods and this can result in
+        infinite recursive calls.</para>
+        <para>To remedy this you have to decide which side of the association
+        will include the other part (if at all) in the
+        <literal>toString()/equals()</literal> methods. Therefore it is not a
+        good practice to put at class scope such meta attributes, unless you
+        are defining a class without bi-directional associations</para>
+        <para>We recomend instead to add the <literal>meta</literal>
+        attributes at the property level:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;              
+  &lt;class name="events.Event" table="EVENTS"&gt;                  
+    &lt;id name="id" column="EVENT_ID"&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+        &lt;generator class="native"/&gt;
+    &lt;/id&gt;
+    &lt;property name="date" type="timestamp" column="EVENT_DATE"/&gt;
+    &lt;property name="title"&gt;
+      &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+      &lt;meta attribute="use-in-equals"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;      
+    &lt;/property&gt;
+    &lt;set name="participants" table="PERSON_EVENT" inverse="true"&gt;
+        &lt;key column="EVENT_ID"/&gt;
+        &lt;many-to-many column="PERSON_ID" class="events.Person"/&gt;
+    &lt;/set&gt;                    
+  &lt;/class&gt;
+        <para>and now for <literal>Person</literal>:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;
+    &lt;class name="Person"&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="class-description"&gt;
+        Javadoc for the Person class
+        @author Frodo
+    &lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;meta attribute="implements"&gt;IAuditable&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;id name="id" type="long"&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="scope-set"&gt;protected&lt;/meta&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;        
+        &lt;generator class="increment"/&gt;
+    &lt;/id&gt;
+    &lt;property name="name" type="string"&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="field-description"&gt;The name of the person&lt;/meta&gt;
+        &lt;meta attribute="use-in-tostring"&gt;true&lt;/meta&gt;
+    &lt;/property&gt;
+  &lt;/class&gt;
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Be aware of putting at class scope level
+        <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attribute
+        <literal>use-in-equals</literal></title>
+        <para>For <literal>equal()/hashCode()</literal> method generation, you
+        have to take into account that the attributes that participate on such
+        method definition, should take into account only attributes with
+        business meaning (the name, social security number, etc, but no
+        generated id's, for example).</para>
+        <para>This is important because Java's hashbased collections, such as
+        java.util.Set relies on equals() and hashcode() to be correct and not
+        change for objects in the set; this can be a problem if the id gets
+        assigned for an object after you inserted it into a set.</para>
+        <para>Therefore automatically configuration the generation of
+        <literal>equals()/hashCode()</literal> methods specifying at class
+        scope level the <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attribute
+        <literal>use-in-equals</literal> could be a dangerous decision that
+        could produce non expected side-effect.</para>
+        <para>See http://www.hibernate.org/109.html for an more in-depth
+        explanation on the subject of equals() and hashcode().</para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>Advanced <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attribute
+      examples</title>
+      <para>This section shows an example for using meta attributes (including
+      userspecific attributes) together with the code generation features in
+      Hibernate Tools.</para>
+      <para>The usecase being implemented is to automatically insert some pre-
+      and post-conditions into the getter and setters of the generated POJO.
+      </para>
+      <section>
+        <title>Generate pre/post-conditions for methods</title>
+        <para>With an <literal>&lt;meta attribute="class-code"&gt;</literal>,
+        you can add addional methods on a given class, nevertheless such
+        <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attribute can not be used at property
+        scope level and Hibernatetools does not provide such
+        <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attributes.</para>
+        <para>A possibly solution for this is to modify the freemarker
+        templates responsable for generating the POJO's. If you look inside
+        <literal>hibernate-tools.jar</literal>, you can find the template:
+        <literal>pojo/PojoPropertyAccessor.ftl</literal></para>
+        <para>This file is as the named indicates used to generate property
+        accessors for pojo's.</para>
+        <para>Extract the <literal>PojoPropertyAccessor.ftl</literal> into a
+        local folder i.e. <literal>${hbm.template.path}</literal>, respecting
+        the whole path, for example:
+        <literal>${hbm.template.path}/pojo/PojoPropertyAccessor.ftl</literal></para>
+        <para>The contents of the file is something like this:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;#foreach property in pojo.getAllPropertiesIterator()&gt;
+    ${pojo.getPropertyGetModifiers(property)} ${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${pojo.getGetterSignature(property)}() {
+        return this.${property.name};
+    }
+    ${pojo.getPropertySetModifiers(property)} void set${pojo.getPropertyName(property)}(${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${property.name}) {
+        this.${property.name} = ${property.name};
+    }
+        <para>We can add conditionally pre/post-conditions on our
+        <literal>set</literal> method generation just adding a little
+        Freemarker syntax to the above source code:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;#foreach property in pojo.getAllPropertiesIterator()&gt;
+    ${pojo.getPropertyGetModifiers(property)} ${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${pojo.getGetterSignature(property)}() {
+        return this.${property.name};
+    }
+    ${pojo.getPropertySetModifiers(property)} void set${pojo.getPropertyName(property)}(${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${property.name}) {
+      &lt;#if pojo.hasMetaAttribute(property, "pre-cond")&gt; 
+       ${c2j.getMetaAsString(property, "pre-cond","\n")} 
+      &lt;/#if&gt;      
+      this.${property.name} = ${property.name};
+      &lt;#if pojo.hasMetaAttribute(property, "post-cond")&gt; 
+       ${c2j.getMetaAsString(property, "post-cond","\n")} 
+      &lt;/#if&gt;        
+        <para>Now if in any <literal>*hbm.xml</literal> file we define the
+        <literal>&lt;meta&gt;</literal> attributes:
+        <literal>pre-cond</literal> or <literal>post-cond</literal>, their
+        contents will be generated into the body of the relevant
+        <literal>set</literal> method.</para>
+        <para>As an examlpe let us add a pre-condition for property
+        <literal>name</literal> preventing no <literal>Person</literal> can
+        have an empty name. So we have to modify the
+        <literal>Person.hbm.xml</literal> file like this:</para>
+        <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;
+  &lt;class name="Person"&gt;
+  &lt;id name="id" type="long"&gt;        
+      &lt;generator class="increment"/&gt;
+  &lt;/id&gt;
+  &lt;property name="firstName" type="string"&gt;
+      &lt;meta attribute="pre-cond"&gt;&lt;![CDATA[
+      if ((firstName != null) &amp;&amp; (firstName.length() == 0) ) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("firstName can not be an empty String");
+      }]]&gt;
+      &lt;/meta&gt;
+  &lt;/property&gt;
+        <para>Notes: i) If you don't use <literal>&lt;[[CDATA[]]&gt;</literal>
+        you have to scape the &amp; symbol, i.e.: &amp;amp; ii). Note that we
+        are referring to "firstName" directly and this is the parameter name
+        not the actual field name. If you want to refer the field you have to
+        use "this.firstName" instead. </para>
+        <para>Finally we have to generate the <literal>Person.java</literal>
+        class, for this we can use both Eclipse and Ant as long as you
+        remember to set or fill in the templatepath setting. For Ant we
+        configure <literal>&lt;hibernatetool&gt;</literal> task via
+        <literal>the templatepath</literal> attribute as in:</para>
+        <programlisting>
+    &lt;target name="hbm2java"&gt;
+        &lt;taskdef name="hibernatetool"
+          classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask"
+          classpathref="lib.classpath"/&gt;
+        &lt;hibernatetool destdir="${hbm2java.dest.dir}"
+          templatepath="${hbm.template.path}"&gt;
+          &lt;classpath&gt;
+            &lt;path refid="pojo.classpath"/&gt;
+          &lt;/classpath&gt;        
+          &lt;configuration&gt;
+            &lt;fileset dir="${hbm2java.src.dir}"&gt;
+              &lt;include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/&gt;
+            &lt;/fileset&gt;
+          &lt;/configuration&gt;
+          &lt;hbm2java/&gt;
+        &lt;/hibernatetool&gt;
+    &lt;/target&gt;</programlisting>
+        <para>Invoking the target <literal>&lt;hbm2java&gt;</literal> will
+        generate on the <literal>${hbm2java.dest.dir}</literal> the file:
+        <literal>Person.java</literal>:</para>
+        <programlisting>// default package
+import java.io.Serializable;
+public class Person implements Serializable {
+    public Long id;
+    public String name;
+    public Person(java.lang.String name) {
+        this.name = name;
+    }
+    public Person() {
+    }
+    public java.lang.Long getId() {
+        return this.id;
+    }
+    public void setId(java.lang.Long id) {
+        this.id = id;
+    }
+    public java.lang.String getName() {
+        return this.name;
+    }
+    public void setName(java.lang.String name) {
+        if ((name != null) &amp;&amp; (name.length() == 0)) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name can not be an empty String");
+        }
+        this.name = name;
+    }
+        <para></para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
\ No newline at end of file

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