[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r11162 - in branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en: modules and 1 other directory.

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Feb 7 17:08:01 EST 2007

Author: epbernard
Date: 2007-02-07 17:08:01 -0500 (Wed, 07 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 11162

new Annotations documentation

Modified: branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/master.xml
--- branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/master.xml	2007-02-07 07:43:17 UTC (rev 11161)
+++ branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/master.xml	2007-02-07 22:08:01 UTC (rev 11162)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 <!ENTITY setup SYSTEM "modules/setup.xml">
 <!ENTITY entity SYSTEM "modules/entity.xml">
 <!ENTITY xml-overriding SYSTEM "modules/xml-overriding.xml">
-<!ENTITY validator SYSTEM "modules/validator.xml">
-<!ENTITY lucene SYSTEM "modules/lucene.xml">
+<!ENTITY additionalmodules SYSTEM "modules/additionalmodules.xml">
 <book lang="en">
@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
     <subtitle>Reference Guide</subtitle>
-    <releaseinfo>3.2.1.GA</releaseinfo>
+    <releaseinfo>3.2.2.GA</releaseinfo>
@@ -63,8 +62,8 @@
     <para>If you are moving from previous Hibernate Annotations versions,
-    please have a look at <uri>http://www.hibernate.org/371.html</uri> for a
-    migration guide.</para>
+    please have a look at <ulink url="http://www.hibernate.org/398.html">Java
+    Persistence migration guide</ulink>.</para>
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@
-  &validator;
+  &additionalmodules;
-  &lucene;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/entity.xml
--- branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/entity.xml	2007-02-07 07:43:17 UTC (rev 11161)
+++ branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/entity.xml	2007-02-07 22:08:01 UTC (rev 11162)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <chapter id="entity">
   <title>Entity Beans</title>
-  <sect1 id="entity-overview" revision="1">
+  <sect1 id="entity-overview" revision="2">
-    <para>This section covers EJB 3.0 (aka JPA) entity annotations and
-    Hibernate-specific extensions.</para>
+    <para>This section covers EJB 3.0 (aka Java Persistence) entity
+    annotations and Hibernate-specific extensions.</para>
   <sect1 id="entity-mapping" revision="2">
@@ -1203,11 +1203,11 @@
           annotation takes into parameter a list of comma separated (target
           entity) properties to order the collection by (eg <code>firstname
           asc, age desc</code>), if the string is empty, the collection will
-          be ordered by id. For true indexed
-          collections, please refer to the <xref linkend="entity-hibspec" />.
-          EJB3 allows you to map Maps using as a key one of the target entity
-          property using <literal>@MapKey(name="myProperty")</literal>
-          (myProperty is a property name in the target entity). When using
+          be ordered by id. For true indexed collections, please refer to the
+          <xref linkend="entity-hibspec" />. EJB3 allows you to map Maps using
+          as a key one of the target entity property using
+          <literal>@MapKey(name="myProperty")</literal> (myProperty is a
+          property name in the target entity). When using
           <literal>@MapKey</literal> (without property name), the target
           entity primary key is used. The map key uses the same column as the
           property pointed out: there is no additional column defined to hold

Deleted: branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/lucene.xml
--- branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/lucene.xml	2007-02-07 07:43:17 UTC (rev 11161)
+++ branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/lucene.xml	2007-02-07 22:08:01 UTC (rev 11162)
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<chapter id="lucene" revision="2">
-  <title>Hibernate Search: Apache <trademark>Lucene</trademark>
-  Integration</title>
-  <para><ulink url="http://lucene.apache.org">Apache Lucene</ulink> is a
-  high-performance Java search engine library available at the Apache Software
-  Foundation. Hibernate Annotations includes a package of annotations that
-  allows you to mark any domain model object as indexable and have Hibernate
-  maintain a Lucene index of any instances persisted via Hibernate. Apache
-  Lucene is also integrated with the Hibernate query facility.</para>
-  <para>Hibernate Search is a work in progress and new features are cooking in
-  this area. So expect some compatibility changes in subsequent
-  versions.</para>
-  <section id="lucene-architecture">
-    <title>Architecture</title>
-    <para>Hibernate Search is made of an indexing engine and an index search
-    engine. Both are backed by Apache Lucene.</para>
-    <para>When an entity is inserted, updated or removed to/from the database,
-    <productname>Hibernate Search</productname> will keep track of this event
-    (through the Hibernate event system) and schedule an index update. When
-    out of transaction, the update is executed right after the actual database
-    operation. It is however recommended, for both your database and Hibernate
-    Search, to execute your operation in a transaction (whether JDBC or JTA).
-    When in a transaction, the index update is schedule for the transaction
-    commit (and discarded in case of transaction rollback). You can think of
-    this as the regular (infamous) autocommit vs transactional behavior. From
-    a performance perspective, the <emphasis>in transaction</emphasis> mode is
-    recommended. All the index updates are handled for you without you having
-    to use the Apache Lucene APIs.</para>
-    <para>To interact with Apache Lucene indexes, Hibernate Search has the
-    notion of <classname>DirectoryProvider</classname>. A directory provider
-    will manage a given Lucene <classname>Directory</classname> type. You can
-    configure directory providers to adjust the directory target.</para>
-    <para><productname>Hibernate Search</productname> can also use a Lucene
-    index to search an entity and return a (list of) managed entity saving you
-    from the tedious Object / Lucene Document mapping and low level Lucene
-    APIs. The application code use the unified
-    <classname>org.hibernate.Query</classname> API exactly the way a HQL or
-    native query would be done.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section id="lucene-configuration">
-    <title>Configuration</title>
-    <section id="lucene-configuration-directory" revision="1">
-      <title>Directory configuration</title>
-      <para>Apache Lucene has a notion of Directory where the index is stored.
-      The Directory implementation can be customized but Lucene comes bundled
-      with a file system and a full memory implementation.
-      <productname>Hibernate Search</productname> has the notion of
-      <literal>DirectoryProvider</literal> that handle the configuration and
-      the initialization of the Lucene Directory.</para>
-      <table>
-        <title>List of built-in Directory Providers</title>
-        <tgroup cols="3">
-          <thead>
-            <row>
-              <entry align="center">Class</entry>
-              <entry align="center">description</entry>
-              <entry align="center">Properties</entry>
-            </row>
-          </thead>
-          <tbody>
-            <row>
-              <entry>org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider</entry>
-              <entry>File system based directory. The directory used will be
-              &lt;indexBase&gt;/&lt;<literal>@Indexed.name</literal>&gt;</entry>
-              <entry><literal>indexBase</literal>: Base directory</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>org.hibernate.search.store.RAMDirectoryProvider</entry>
-              <entry>Memory based directory, the directory will be uniquely
-              indentified by the <literal>@Indexed.name</literal>
-              element</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-          </tbody>
-        </tgroup>
-      </table>
-      <para>If the built-in directory providers does not fit your needs, you
-      can write your own directory provider by implementing the
-      <classname>org.hibernate.store.DirectoryProvider</classname>
-      interface</para>
-      <para>Each indexed entity is associated to a Lucene index (an index can
-      be shared by several entities but this is not usually the case). You can
-      configure the index through properties prefixed by
-      <constant>hibernate.search.</constant><replaceable>indexname</replaceable>.
-      Default properties inherited to all indexes can be defined using the
-      prefix <constant>hibernate.search.default.</constant></para>
-      <para>To define the directory provider of a given index, you use the
-      <constant>hibernate.search.<replaceable>indexname</replaceable>.directory_provider</constant></para>
-      <programlisting>hibernate.search.default.directory_provider org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider
-hibernate.search.Rules.directory_provider org.hibernate.search.store.RAMDirectoryProvider
-      <para>applied on</para>
-      <programlisting>@Indexed(name="Status")
-public class Status { ... }
- at Indexed(name="Rules")
-public class Rule { ... }</programlisting>
-      <para>will create a file system directory in
-      <filename>/usr/lucene/indexes/Status</filename> where the Status
-      entities will be indexed, and use an in memory directory named
-      <literal>Rules</literal> where Rule entities will be indexed.</para>
-      <para>So you can easily defined common rules like the directory provider
-      and base directory, and overide those default later on on a per index
-      basis.</para>
-      <para>Writing your own <classname>DirectoryProvider</classname>, you can
-      benefit this configuration mechanism too.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="lucene-configuration-event" revision="1">
-      <title>Enabling automatic indexing</title>
-      <para>Finally, we enable the <literal>SearchEventListener</literal> for
-      the three Hibernate events that occur after changes are executed to the
-      database.</para>
-      <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-configuration&gt;
-    ...
-    &lt;event type="post-update" 
-        &lt;listener class="org.hibernate.search.event.FullTextIndexEventListener"/&gt;
-    &lt;/event&gt;
-    &lt;event type="post-insert" 
-        &lt;listener class="org.hibernate.search.event.FullTextIndexEventListener"/&gt;
-    &lt;/event&gt;
-    &lt;event type="post-delete" 
-        &lt;listener class="org.hibernate.search.event.FullTextIndexEventListener"/&gt;
-    &lt;/event&gt;
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="lucene-mapping" revision="2">
-    <title>Mapping entities to the index structure</title>
-    <para>All the metadata information related to indexed entities is
-    described through some Java annotations. There is no need for xml mapping
-    files nor a list of indexed entities. The list is discovered at startup
-    time scanning the Hibernate mapped entities.</para>
-    <para>First, we must declare a persistent class as indexable. This is done
-    by annotating the class with <literal>@Indexed</literal> (all entities not
-    annotated with <literal>@Indexed</literal> will be ignored by the indexing
-    process):</para>
-    <programlisting>@Entity
-<emphasis role="bold">@Indexed(index="indexes/essays")</emphasis>
-public class Essay {
-    ...
-    <para>The <literal>index</literal> attribute tells Hibernate what the
-    Lucene directory name is (usually a directory on your file system). If you
-    wish to define a base directory for all Lucene indexes, you can use the
-    <literal>hibernate.search.default.indexBase</literal> property in your
-    configuration file. Each entity instance will be represented by a Lucene
-    <classname>Document</classname> inside the given index (aka
-    Directory).</para>
-    <para>For each property (or attribute) of your entity, you have the
-    ability to describe how it will be indexed. The default (ie no annotation)
-    means that the property is completly ignored by the indexing process.
-    <literal>@Field</literal> does declare a property as indexed. When
-    indexing an element to a Lucene document you can specify how it is
-    indexed:</para>
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><literal>name</literal>: describe under which name, the property
-        should be stored in the Lucene Document. The default value is the
-        property name (following the JavaBeans convention)</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><literal>store</literal>: describe whether or not the property
-        is stored in the Lucene index. You can store the value
-        <literal>Store.YES</literal> (comsuming more space in the index),
-        store it in a compressed way <literal>Store.COMPRESS</literal> (this
-        does consume more CPU), or avoid any storage
-        <literal>Store.NO</literal> (this is the default value). When a
-        property is stored, you can retrieve it from the Lucene Document (note
-        that this is not related to whether the element is indexed or
-        not).</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>index: describe how the element is indexed (ie the process used
-        to index the property and the type of information store). The
-        different values are <literal>Index.NO</literal> (no indexing, ie
-        cannot be found by a query), <literal>Index.TOKENIZED</literal> (use
-        an analyzer to process the property),
-        <literal>Index.UN_TOKENISED</literal> (no analyzer pre processing),
-        <literal>Index.NO_NORM</literal> (do not store the normalization
-        data).</para>
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-    <para>These attributes are part of the <literal>@Field</literal>
-    annotation.</para>
-    <para>Whether or not you want to store the data depends on how you wish to
-    use the index query result. As of today, for a pure <productname>Hibernate
-    Search</productname> usage, storing is not necessary. Whether or not you
-    want to tokenize a property or not depends on whether you wish to search
-    the element as is, or only normalized part of it. It make sense to
-    tokenize a text field, but it does not to do it for a date field (or an id
-    field).</para>
-    <para>Finally, the id property of an entity is a special property used by
-    <productname>Hibernate Search</productname> to ensure index unicity of a
-    given entity. By design, an id has to be stored and must not be tokenized.
-    To mark a property as index id, use the <literal>@DocumentId</literal>
-    annotation.</para>
-    <programlisting>@Entity
- at Indexed(index="indexes/essays")
-public class Essay {
-    ...
-    @Id
-    <emphasis role="bold">@DocumentId</emphasis>
-    public Long getId() { return id; }
-    <emphasis role="bold">@Field(name="Abstract", index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.YES)</emphasis>
-    public String getSummary() { return summary; }
-    @Lob
-    <emphasis role="bold">@Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED)</emphasis>
-    public String getText() { return text; }
-    <para>These annotations define an index with three fields:
-    <literal>id</literal>, <literal>Abstract</literal> and
-    <literal>text</literal>. Note that by default the field name is
-    decapitalized, following the JavaBean specification.</para>
-    <para>Note: you <emphasis>must</emphasis> specify
-    <literal>@DocumentId</literal> on the identifier property of your entity
-    class.</para>
-    <para>Lucene has the notion of <emphasis>boost factor</emphasis>. It's a
-    way to give more weigth to a field or to an indexed element over an other
-    during the indexation process. You can use <literal>@Boost</literal> at
-    the field or the class level.</para>
-    <programlisting>@Entity
- at Indexed(index="indexes/essays")
-<emphasis role="bold">@Boost(2)</emphasis>
-public class Essay {
-    ...
-    @Id
-    @DocumentId
-    public Long getId() { return id; }
-    @Field(name="Abstract", index=Index.TOKENIZED, store=Store.YES)
-    <emphasis role="bold">@Boost(2.5f)</emphasis>
-    public String getSummary() { return summary; }
-    @Lob
-    @Field(index=Index.TOKENIZED)
-    public String getText() { return text; }
-    <para>In our example, Essay's probability to reach the top of the search
-    list will be multiplied by 2 and the summary field will be 2.5 more
-    important than the test field. Note that this explaination is actually
-    wrong, but it is simple and close enought to the reality. Please check the
-    Lucene documentation or the excellent <citetitle>Lucene In
-    Action</citetitle> from Otis Gospodnetic and Erik Hatcher.</para>
-    <para>The analyzer class used to index the elements is configurable
-    through the <literal>hibernate.search.analyzer</literal> property. If none
-    defined,
-    <classname>org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer</classname>
-    is used as the default.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section id="lucene-bridge">
-    <title>Property/Field Bridge</title>
-    <para>All field of a full text index in Lucene have to be represented as
-    Strings. Ones Java properties have to be indexed in a String form. For
-    most of your properties, <productname>Hibernate Search</productname> does
-    the translation job for you thanks to a built-in set of bridges. In some
-    cases, though you need a fine grain control over the translation
-    process.</para>
-    <section>
-      <title>Built-in bridges</title>
-      <para><literal>Hibernate Search</literal> comes bundled with a set of
-      built-in bridges between a Java property type and its full text
-      representation.</para>
-      <para><literal>Null</literal> elements are not indexed (Lucene does not
-      support null elements and it does not make much sense either)</para>
-      <variablelist>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>null</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>null elements are not indexed. Lucene does not support null
-            elements and this does not make much sense either.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>java.lang.String</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>String are indexed as is</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>short, Short, integer, Integer, long, Long, float, Float,
-          double, Double, BigInteger, BigDecimal</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Numbers are converted in their String representation. Note
-            that numbers cannot be compared by Lucene (ie used in ranged
-            queries) out of the box: they have to be padded <footnote>
-                <para>Using a Range query is debattable and has drawbacks, an
-                alternative approach is to use a Filter query which will
-                filter the result query to the appropriate range.</para>
-                <para><productname>Hibernate Search</productname> will support
-                a padding mechanism</para>
-              </footnote></para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>java.util.Date</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>Dates are stored as yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS in GMT time
-            (200611072203012 for Nov 7th of 2006 4:03PM and 12ms EST). You
-            shouldn't really bother with the internal format. What is
-            important is that when using a DateRange Query, you should know
-            that the dates have to be expressed in GMT time.</para>
-            <para>Usually, storing the date up to the milisecond is not
-            necessary. <literal>@DateBridge</literal> defines the appropriate
-            resolution you are willing to store in the index
-            (<literal><literal>@DateBridge(resolution=Resolution.DAY)</literal></literal>).
-            The date pattern will then be truncated accordingly.</para>
-            <programlisting>@Entity @Indexed 
-public class Meeting {
-    @Field(index=Index.UN_TOKENIZED)
-    <emphasis role="bold">@DateBridge(resolution=Resolution.MINUTE)</emphasis>
-    private Date date;
-    ...
-            <warning>
-              <para>A Date whose resolution is lower than
-              <literal>MILLISECOND</literal> cannot be a
-              <literal>@DocumentId</literal></para>
-            </warning>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-      </variablelist>
-      <para></para>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Custom Bridge</title>
-      <para>It can happen that the built-in bridges of Hibernate Search does
-      not cover some of your property types, or that the String representation
-      used is not what you expect.</para>
-      <section>
-        <title>StringBridge</title>
-        <para>The simpliest custom solution is to give <productname>Hibernate
-        Search</productname> an implementation of your expected
-        <emphasis>object to String</emphasis> bridge. To do so you need to
-        implements the
-        <literal>org.hibernate.search.bridge.StringBridge</literal>
-        interface</para>
-        <programlisting>/**
- * Padding Integer bridge.
- * All numbers will be padded with 0 to match 5 digits
- *
- * @author Emmanuel Bernard
- */
-public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements <emphasis role="bold">StringBridge</emphasis> {
-    private int PADDING = 5;
-    <emphasis role="bold">public String objectToString(Object object)</emphasis> {
-        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
-        if (rawInteger.length() &gt; PADDING) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
-        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
-        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex &lt; PADDING ; padIndex++ ) {
-            paddedInteger.append('0');
-        }
-        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();
-    }
-        <para>Then any property or field can use this bridge thanks to the
-        <literal>@FieldBridge</literal> annotation</para>
-        <programlisting><emphasis role="bold">@FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class)</emphasis>
-private Integer length;</programlisting>
-        <para>Parameters can be passed to the Bridge implementation making it
-        more flexible. The Bridge implementation implements a
-        <classname>ParameterizedBridge</classname> interface, and the
-        parameters are passed through the <literal>@FieldBridge</literal>
-        annotation.</para>
-        <programlisting>public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements StringBridge, <emphasis
-            role="bold">ParameterizedBridge</emphasis> {
-    public static String PADDING_PROPERTY = "padding";
-    private int padding = 5; //default
-    <emphasis role="bold">public void setParameterValues(Map parameters)</emphasis> {
-        Object padding = parameters.get( PADDING_PROPERTY );
-        if (padding != null) this.padding = (Integer) padding;
-    }
-    public String objectToString(Object object) {
-        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
-        if (rawInteger.length() &gt; padding) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
-        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
-        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex &lt; padding ; padIndex++ ) {
-            paddedInteger.append('0');
-        }
-        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();
-    }
- at FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class, 
-        <emphasis role="bold">params = @Parameter(name="padding", value="10")</emphasis> )
-private Integer length;</programlisting>
-        <para>The <classname>ParameterizedBridge</classname> interface can be
-        implemented by <classname>StringBridge</classname>,
-        <classname>TwoWayStringBridge</classname>,
-        <classname>FieldBridge</classname> implementations (see
-        bellow).</para>
-        <para>If you expect to use your bridge implementation on for an id
-        property (ie annotated with <literal>@DocumentId</literal>), you need
-        to use a slightly extended version of <literal>StringBridge</literal>
-        named <classname>TwoWayStringBridge</classname>. <literal>Hibernate
-        Search</literal> needs to read the string representation of the
-        identifier and generate the object out of it. There is not difference
-        in the way the <literal>@FieldBridge</literal> annotation is
-        used.</para>
-        <programlisting>public class PaddedIntegerBridge implements TwoWayStringBridge, ParameterizedBridge {
-    public static String PADDING_PROPERTY = "padding";
-    private int padding = 5; //default
-    public void setParameterValues(Map parameters) {
-        Object padding = parameters.get( PADDING_PROPERTY );
-        if (padding != null) this.padding = (Integer) padding;
-    }
-    public String objectToString(Object object) {
-        String rawInteger = ( (Integer) object ).toString();
-        if (rawInteger.length() &gt; padding) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Try to pad on a number too big" );
-        StringBuilder paddedInteger = new StringBuilder( );
-        for ( int padIndex = rawInteger.length() ; padIndex &lt; padding ; padIndex++ ) {
-            paddedInteger.append('0');
-        }
-        return paddedInteger.append( rawInteger ).toString();
-    }
-    <emphasis role="bold">public Object stringToObject(String stringValue)</emphasis> {
-        return new Integer(stringValue);
-    }
-//id property
- at DocumentId
- at FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class,
-            params = @Parameter(name="padding", value="10") )
-private Integer id;</programlisting>
-        <para>It is critically important for the two-way process to be
-        idempotent (ie object = stringToObject( objectToString( object ) )
-        ).</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>FieldBridge</title>
-        <para>Some usecase requires more than a simple object to string
-        translation when mapping a property to a Lucene index. To give you
-        most of the flexibility you can also implement a bridge as a
-        <classname>FieldBridge</classname>. This interface give you a property
-        value and let you map it the way you want in your Lucene
-        <classname>Document</classname>.This interface is very similar in its
-        concept to the <productname>Hibernate</productname>
-        <classname>UserType</classname>.</para>
-        <para>You can for example store a given property in two different
-        document fields</para>
-        <programlisting>/**
- * Store the date in 3 different field year, month, day
- * to ease Range Query per year, month or day
- * (eg get all the elements of december for the last 5 years)
- *
- * @author Emmanuel Bernard
- */
-public class DateSplitBridge implements FieldBridge {
-    private final static TimeZone GMT = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
-    <emphasis role="bold">public void set(String name, Object value, Document document, Field.Store store, Field.Index index, Float boost) {</emphasis>
-        Date date = (Date) value;
-        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance( GMT );
-        cal.setTime( date );
-        int year = cal.get( Calendar.YEAR );
-        int month = cal.get( Calendar.MONTH ) + 1;
-        int day = cal.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH );
-        //set year
-        Field field = new Field( name + ".year", String.valueOf(year), store, index );
-        if ( boost != null ) field.setBoost( boost );
-        document.add( field );
-        //set month and pad it if needed
-        field = new Field( name + ".month", month &lt; 10 ? "0" : "" + String.valueOf(month), store, index );
-        if ( boost != null ) field.setBoost( boost );
-        document.add( field );
-        //set day and pad it if needed
-        field = new Field( name + ".day", day &lt; 10 ? "0" : "" + String.valueOf(day), store, index );
-        if ( boost != null ) field.setBoost( boost );
-        document.add( field );
-    }
-<emphasis role="bold">@FieldBridge(impl = DateSplitBridge.class)</emphasis>
-private Integer length;</programlisting>
-        <para></para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="lucene-query">
-    <title>Querying</title>
-    <para>The second most important capability of <productname>Hibernate
-    Search</productname> is the ability to execute a Lucene query and retrieve
-    entities managed by an Hibernate session, providing the power of Lucene
-    without living the Hibernate paradygm, and giving another dimension to the
-    Hibernate classic search mechanisms (HQL, Criteria query, native SQL
-    query).</para>
-    <para>To access the <productname>Hibernate Search</productname> querying
-    facilities, you have to use an Hibernate
-    <classname>FullTextSession</classname>. A SearchSession wrap an regular
-    <classname>org.hibernate.Session</classname> to provide query and indexing
-    capabilities.</para>
-    <programlisting>Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
-FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.createFullTextSession(session);</programlisting>
-    <para>The search facility is built on native Lucene queries.</para>
-    <programlisting>org.apache.lucene.QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("title", new StopAnalyzer() );
-org.hibernate.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery = parser.parse( "summary:Festina Or brand:Seiko" );
-<emphasis role="bold">org.hibernate.Query fullTextQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery );</emphasis>
-List result = fullTextQuery.list(); //return a list of managed objects</programlisting>
-    <para>The Hibernate query built on top of the Lucene query is a regular
-    <literal>org.hibernate.Query</literal>, you are is the same paradygm as
-    the other Hibernate query facilities (HQL, Native or Criteria). The
-    regular <literal>list()</literal>, <literal>uniqueResult()</literal>,
-    <literal>iterate()</literal> and <literal>scroll()</literal> can be
-    used.</para>
-    <para>If you expect a reasonnable result number and expect to work on all
-    of them, <methodname>list()</methodname> or
-    <methodname>uniqueResult()</methodname> are recommanded.
-    <methodname>list()</methodname> work best if the entity
-    <literal>batch-size</literal> is set up properly. Note that Hibernate
-    Seach has to process all Lucene Hits elements when using
-    <methodname>list()</methodname>, <methodname>uniqueResult()</methodname>
-    and <methodname>iterate()</methodname>. If you wish to minimize Lucene
-    document loading, <methodname>scroll()</methodname> is more appropriate,
-    Don't forget to close the <classname>ScrollableResults</classname> object
-    when you're done, since it keeps Lucene resources.</para>
-    <para>An efficient way to work with queries is to use pagination. The
-    pagination API is exactly the one available in
-    <classname>org.hibernate.Query</classname>:</para>
-    <programlisting><emphasis role="bold">org.hibernate.Query fullTextQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery );</emphasis>
-fullTextQuery.list(); //will return a list of 20 elements starting from the 30th</programlisting>
-    <para>Only the relevant Lucene Documents are accessed.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section id="lucene-index">
-    <title>Indexing</title>
-    <para>It is sometimes useful to index an object event if this object is
-    not inserted nor updated to the database. This is especially true when you
-    want to build your index the first time. You can achieve that goal using
-    the <classname>FullTextSession</classname>.</para>
-    <programlisting>FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.createFullTextSession(session);
-Transaction tx = fullTextSession.beginTransaction();
-for (Customer customer : customers) {
-    <emphasis role="bold">fullTextSession.index(customer);</emphasis>
-tx.commit(); //index are written at commit time</programlisting>
-    <para>For maximum efficiency, Hibernate Search batch index operations
-    which and execute them at commit time (Note: you don't need to use
-    <classname>org.hibernate.Transaction</classname> in a JTA
-    environment).</para>
-  </section>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/setup.xml
--- branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/setup.xml	2007-02-07 07:43:17 UTC (rev 11161)
+++ branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/setup.xml	2007-02-07 22:08:01 UTC (rev 11162)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <title id="setup" revision="1">Setting up an annotations project</title>
-  <section id="setup-requirements">
+  <section id="setup-requirements" revision="1">
@@ -12,27 +12,27 @@
-        <para><emphasis>This release requires Hibernate 3.2.0.GA and above.
-        Do not use this release of Hibernate Annotations with an older version
-        of Hibernate 3.x!</emphasis></para>
+        <para><emphasis>This release requires Hibernate 3.2.0.GA and above. Do
+        not use this release of Hibernate Annotations with an older version of
+        Hibernate 3.x!</emphasis></para>
-        <para>This release is known to work on Hibernate core 3.2.0.CR5, 3.2.0.GA
-			and 3.2.1.GA</para>
+        <para>This release is known to work on Hibernate core 3.2.0.CR5 and
+        3.2.x.GA</para>
-        <para>Make sure you have JDK 5.0 installed. You can of course continue
-        using XDoclet and get some of the benefits of annotation-based
-        metadata with older JDK versions. Note that this document only
-        describes JDK 5.0 annotations and you have to refer to the XDoclet
-        documentation for more information.</para>
+        <para>Make sure you have JDK 5.0 installed or above. You can of course
+        continue using XDoclet and get some of the benefits of
+        annotation-based metadata with older JDK versions. Note that this
+        document only describes JDK 5.0 annotations and you have to refer to
+        the XDoclet documentation for more information.</para>
-  <section id="setup-configuration">
+  <section id="setup-configuration" revision="1">
     <para>First, set up your classpath (after you have created a new project
@@ -43,17 +43,23 @@
-          <para>Copy <filename>hibernate-annotations.jar</filename> and
+          <para>Copy <filename>hibernate-annotations.jar</filename>,
+          <filename>lib/hibernate-comons-annotations.jar</filename> and
           <filename>lib/ejb3-persistence.jar</filename> from the Hibernate
           Annotations distribution to your classpath as well.</para>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>To use the <xref linkend="lucene" />, add the lucene jar
-          file.</para>
-        </listitem>
+    <para>If you wish to use Hibernate Validator (TODO make a link to HV doc),
+    download it from the Hibernate website and add
+    <filename>hibernate-validator.jar</filename> in your classpath.</para>
+    <para>If you wish to use Hibernate Search (TODO make a link to HSearch
+    doc), download it from the Hibernate website and add
+    <filename>hibernate-search.jar</filename> and
+    <filename>lucene-core-x.y.z.jar</filename> in your classpath.</para>
     <para>We also recommend a small wrapper class to startup Hibernate in a
     static initializer block, known as <classname>HibernateUtil</classname>.
     You might have seen this class in various forms in other areas of the

Deleted: branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/validator.xml
--- branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/validator.xml	2007-02-07 07:43:17 UTC (rev 11161)
+++ branches/HAN_SPLIT/HibernateExt/metadata/doc/reference/en/modules/validator.xml	2007-02-07 22:08:01 UTC (rev 11162)
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<chapter id="validator">
-  <title>Hibernate Validator</title>
-  <para>Annotations are a very convenient and elegant way to specify invariant
-  constraints for a domain model. You can, for example, express that a
-  property should never be null, that the account balance should be strictly
-  positive, etc. These domain model constraints are declared in the bean
-  itself by annotating its properties. A validator can then read them and
-  check for constraint violations. The validation mechanism can be executed in
-  different layers in your application without having to duplicate any of
-  these rules (presentation layer, data access layer). Hibernate Validator has
-  been designed for that purpose.</para>
-  <para>Hibernate Validator works at two levels. First, it is able to check
-  in-memory instances of a class for constraint violations. Second, it can
-  apply the constraints to the Hibernate metamodel and incorporate them into
-  the generated database schema.</para>
-  <para>Each constraint annotation is associated to a validator implementation
-  responsible for checking the constraint on the entity instance. A validator
-  can also (optionally) apply the constraint to the Hibernate metamodel,
-  allowing Hibernate to generate DDL that expresses the constraint. With the
-  appropriate event listener, you can execute the checking operation on
-  inserts and updates done by Hibernate. Hibernate Validator is not limited to
-  use with Hibernate. You can easily use it anywhere in your
-  application.</para>
-  <para>When checking instances at runtime, Hibernate Validator returns
-  information about constraint violations in an array of
-  <classname>InvalidValue</classname>s. Among other information, the
-  <classname>InvalidValue</classname> contains an error description message
-  that can embed the parameter values bundle with the annotation (eg. length
-  limit), and message strings that may be externalized to a
-  <classname>ResourceBundle</classname>.</para>
-  <sect1 id="validator-constraints">
-    <title>Constraints</title>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>What is a constraint?</title>
-      <para>A constraint is represented by an annotation. A constraint usually
-      has some attributes used to parameterize the constraints limits. The
-      constraint apply to the annotated element.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 id="validator-constraints-built-in" revision="1">
-      <title>Built in constraints</title>
-      <para>Hibernate Validator comes with some built-in constraints, which
-      covers most basic data checks. As we'll see later, you're not limited to
-      them, you can in a minute write your own constraints.</para>
-      <table>
-        <title>Built-in constraints</title>
-        <tgroup cols="4">
-          <colspec align="center" />
-          <thead>
-            <row>
-              <entry>Annotation</entry>
-              <entry>Apply on</entry>
-              <entry>Runtime checking</entry>
-              <entry>Hibernate Metadata impact</entry>
-            </row>
-          </thead>
-          <tbody>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Length(min=, max=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (String)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the string length match the range</entry>
-              <entry>Column length will be set to max</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Max(value=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (numeric or string representation of a
-              numeric)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the value is less than or equals to max</entry>
-              <entry>Add a check constraint on the column</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Min(value=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (numeric or string representation of a
-              numeric)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the value is more than or equals to min</entry>
-              <entry>Add a check constraint on the column</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@NotNull</entry>
-              <entry>property</entry>
-              <entry>check if the value is not null</entry>
-              <entry>Column(s) are not null</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@NotEmpty</entry>
-              <entry>property</entry>
-              <entry>check if the string is not null nor empty. Check if the
-              connection is not null nor empty</entry>
-              <entry>Column(s) are not null (for String)</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Past</entry>
-              <entry>property (date or calendar)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the date is in the past</entry>
-              <entry>Add a check constraint on the column</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Future</entry>
-              <entry>property (date or calendar)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the date is in the future</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Pattern(regex="regexp", flag=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (string)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the property match the regular expression given
-              a match flag (see <classname> java.util.regex.Pattern
-              </classname> )</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Range(min=, max=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (numeric or string representation of a
-              numeric)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the value is between min and max
-              (included)</entry>
-              <entry>Add a check constraint on the column</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Size(min=, max=)</entry>
-              <entry>property (array, collection, map)</entry>
-              <entry>check if the element size is between min and max
-              (included)</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@AssertFalse</entry>
-              <entry>property</entry>
-              <entry>check that the method evaluates to false (useful for
-              constraints expressed in code rather than annotations)</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@AssertTrue</entry>
-              <entry>property</entry>
-              <entry>check that the method evaluates to true (useful for
-              constraints expressed in code rather than annotations)</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Valid</entry>
-              <entry>property (object)</entry>
-              <entry>perform validation recursively on the associated object.
-              If the object is a Collection or an array, the elements are
-              validated recursively. If the object is a Map, the value
-              elements are validated recursively.</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>@Email</entry>
-              <entry>property (String)</entry>
-              <entry>check whether the string is conform to the email address
-              specification</entry>
-              <entry>none</entry>
-            </row>
-          </tbody>
-        </tgroup>
-      </table>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 id="validator-constraints-error" xreflabel="Error messages">
-      <title>Error messages</title>
-      <para>Hibernate Validator comes with a default set of error messages
-      translated in about ten languages (if yours is not part of it, please
-      sent us a patch). You can override those messages by creating a
-      <filename>ValidatorMessages.properties</filename> or
-      (<filename>ValidatorMessages_loc.properties</filename>) and override the
-      needed keys. You can even add your own additional set of messages while
-      writing your validator annotations. If Hibernate Validator cannot
-      resolve a key from your resourceBundle nor from ValidatorMessage, it
-      falls back to the default built-in values.</para>
-      <para>Alternatively you can provide a
-      <classname>ResourceBundle</classname> while checking programmatically
-      the validation rules on a bean or if you want a completly different
-      interpolation mechanism, you can provide an implementation of
-      <literal>org.hibernate.validator.MessageInterpolator</literal> (check
-      the JavaDoc for more informations).</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Writing your own constraints</title>
-      <para>Extending the set of built-in constraints is extremely easy. Any
-      constraint consists of two pieces: the constraint
-      <emphasis>descriptor</emphasis> (the annotation) and the constraint
-      <emphasis>validator</emphasis> (the implementation class). Here is a
-      simple user-defined descriptor:</para>
-      <programlisting>@ValidatorClass(CapitalizedValidator.class)
- at Target(METHOD) 
- at Retention(RUNTIME)
- at Documented
-public @interface Capitalized {
-    CapitalizeType type() default Capitalize.FIRST;
-    String message() default "has incorrect capitalization";
-      <para><literal>type</literal> is a parameter describing how the property
-      should to be capitalized. This is a user parameter fully dependant on
-      the annotation business.</para>
-      <para><literal>message</literal> is the default string used to describe
-      the constraint violation and is mandatory. You can hard code the string
-      or you can externalize part/all of it through the Java ResourceBundle
-      mechanism. Parameters values are going to be injected inside the message
-      when the <literal>{parameter}</literal> string is found (in our example
-      <literal>Capitalization is not {type}</literal> would generate
-      <literal>Capitalization is not FIRST</literal>), externalizing the whole
-      string in <filename>ValidatorMessages.properties</filename> is
-      considered good practice. See <xref
-      linkend="validator-constraints-error" />.</para>
-      <programlisting>@ValidatorClass(CapitalizedValidator.class)
- at Target(METHOD) 
- at Retention(RUNTIME)
- at Documented
-public @interface Capitalized {
-    CapitalizeType type() default Capitalize.FIRST;
-    String message() default "{validator.capitalized}";
-#in ValidatorMessages.properties
-validator.capitalized=<literal>Capitalization is not {type}</literal></programlisting>
-      <para>As you can see the {} notation is recursive.</para>
-      <para>To link a descriptor to its validator implementation, we use the
-      <literal>@ValidatorClass</literal> meta-annotation. The validator class
-      parameter must name a class which implements
-      <literal>Validator&lt;ConstraintAnnotation&gt;</literal>.</para>
-      <para>We now have to implement the validator (ie. the rule checking
-      implementation). A validation implementation can check the value of the
-      a property (by implementing <literal>PropertyConstraint</literal>)
-      and/or can modify the hibernate mapping metadata to express the
-      constraint at the database level (by implementing
-      <literal>PersistentClassConstraint</literal>).</para>
-      <programlisting>public class CapitalizedValidator 
-        implements Validator&lt;Capitalized&gt;, PropertyConstraint {
-    private CapitalizeType type;
-    //part of the Validator&lt;Annotation&gt; contract, 
-    //allows to get and use the annotation values
-    public void initialize(Capitalized parameters) {
-        type = parameters.type();
-    }
-    //part of the property constraint contract
-    public boolean isValid(Object value) {
-        if (value==null) return true;
-        if ( !(value instanceof String) ) return false;
-        String string = (String) value;
-        if (type == CapitalizeType.ALL) {
-            return string.equals( string.toUpperCase() );
-        }
-        else {
-            String first = string.substring(0,1);
-            return first.equals( first.toUpperCase();
-        }
-    }
-      <para>The <literal>isValid()</literal> method should return false if the
-      constraint has been violated. For more examples, refer to the built-in
-      validator implementations.</para>
-      <para>We only have seen property level validation, but you can write a
-      Bean level validation annotation. Instead of receiving the return
-      instance of a property, the bean itself will be passed to the validator.
-      To activate the validation checking, just annotated the bean itself
-      instead. A small sample can be found in the unit test suite.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Annotating your domain model</title>
-      <para>Since you are already familiar with annotations now, the syntax
-      should be very familiar.</para>
-      <programlisting>public class Address {
-    private String line1;
-    private String line2;
-    private String zip;
-    private String state;
-    private String country;
-    private long id;
-    // a not null string of 20 characters maximum
-    @Length(max=20) 
-    @NotNull
-    public String getCountry() {
-        return country;
-    }
-    // a non null string
-    @NotNull
-    public String getLine1() {
-        return line1;
-    }
-    //no constraint    
-    public String getLine2() {
-        return line2;
-    }
-    // a not null string of 3 characters maximum
-    @Length(max=3) @NotNull
-    public String getState() {
-        return state;
-    }
-    // a not null numeric string of 5 characters maximum
-    // if the string is longer, the message will 
-    //be searched in the resource bundle at key 'long'
-    @Length(max=5, message="{long}")
-    @Pattern(regex="[0-9]+")
-    @NotNull
-    public String getZip() {
-        return zip;
-    }
-    // should always be true
-    @AssertTrue
-    public boolean isValid() {
-        return true;
-    }
-    // a numeric between 1 and 2000
-    @Id @Min(1)
-    @Range(max=2000)
-    public long getId() {
-        return id;
-    }
-      <para>While the example only shows public property validation, you can
-      also annotate fields of any kind of visibility.</para>
-      <programlisting>@MyBeanConstraint(max=45)
-public class Dog {
-    @AssertTrue private boolean isMale;
-    @NotNull protected String getName() { ... };
-    ...
-      <para>You can also annotate interfaces. Hibernate Validator will check
-      all superclasses and interfaces extended or implemented by a given bean
-      to read the appropriate validator annotations.</para>
-      <programlisting>public interface Named {
-    @NotNull String getName();
-    ...
-public class Dog implements Named {
-    @AssertTrue private boolean isMale;
-    public String getName() { ... };
-      <para>The name property will be checked for nullity when the Dog bean is
-      validated.</para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1>
-    <title>Using the Validator framework</title>
-    <para>Hibernate Validator is intended to be used to implement
-    multi-layered data validation, where we express constraints in one place
-    (the annotated domain model) and apply them at various different layers of
-    the application.</para>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Database schema-level validation</title>
-      <para>Out of the box, Hibernate Annotations will translate the
-      constraints you have defined for your entities into mapping metadata.
-      For example, if a property of your entity is annotated
-      <literal>@NotNull</literal>, its columns will be declared as
-      <literal>not null</literal> in the DDL schema generated by
-      Hibernate.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Hibernate event-based validation</title>
-      <para>Hibernate Validator has two built-in Hibernate event listeners.
-      Whenever a <literal>PreInsertEvent</literal> or
-      <literal>PreUpdateEvent</literal> occurs, the listeners will verify all
-      constraints of the entity instance and throw an exception if any
-      constraint is violated. Basically, objects will be checked before any
-      inserts and before any updates made by Hibernate. This is the most
-      convenient and the easiest way to activate the validation process. On
-      constraint violation, the event will raise a runtime
-      <classname>InvalidStateException</classname> which contains an array of
-      <literal>InvalidValue</literal>s describing each failure.</para>
-      <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-configuration&gt;
-    ...
-    &lt;event type="pre-update"&gt;
-        &lt;listener 
-          class="org.hibernate.validator.event.ValidatePreUpdateEventListener"/&gt;
-    &lt;/event&gt;
-    &lt;event type="pre-insert"&gt;
-        &lt;listener 
-          class="org.hibernate.validator.event.ValidatePreInsertEventListener"/&gt;
-    &lt;/event&gt;
-      <para><note>
-          <para>When using Hibernate Entity Manager, the Validation framework
-          is activated out of the box. If the beans are not annotated with
-          validation annotations, there is no performance cost.</para>
-        </note></para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Application-level validation</title>
-      <para>Hibernate Validator can be applied anywhere in your application
-      code.</para>
-      <programlisting>ClassValidator personValidator = new ClassValidator( Person.class );
-ClassValidator addressValidator = new ClassValidator( Address.class, ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.ENGLISH) );
-InvalidValue[] validationMessages = addressValidator.getInvalidValues(address);</programlisting>
-      <para>The first two lines prepare the Hibernate Validator for class
-      checking. The first one relies upon the error messages embedded in
-      Hibernate Validator (see <xref
-      linkend="validator-constraints-error" />), the second one uses a
-      resource bundle for these messages. It is considered a good practice to
-      execute these lines once and cache the validator instances.</para>
-      <para>The third line actually validates the <literal>Address</literal>
-      instance and returns an array of <literal>InvalidValue</literal>s. Your
-      application logic will then be able to react to the failure.</para>
-      <para>You can also check a particular property instead of the whole
-      bean. This might be useful for property per property user
-      interaction</para>
-      <programlisting>ClassValidator addressValidator = new ClassValidator( Address.class, ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.ENGLISH) );
-//only get city property invalid values
-InvalidValue[] validationMessages = addressValidator.getInvalidValues(address, "city");
-//only get potential city property invalid values
-InvalidValue[] validationMessages = addressValidator.getPotentialInvalidValues("city", "Paris")</programlisting>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Validation informations</title>
-      <para>As a validation information carrier, hibernate provide an array of
-      <classname>InvalidValue</classname>. Each
-      <literal>InvalidValue</literal> has a buch of methods describing the
-      individual issues.</para>
-      <para><methodname>getBeanClass()</methodname> retrieves the failing bean
-      type</para>
-      <para><methodname>getBean()</methodname>retrieves the failing instance
-      (if any ie not when using
-      <methodname>getPotentianInvalidValues()</methodname>)</para>
-      <para><methodname>getValue()</methodname> retrieves the failing
-      value</para>
-      <para><methodname>getMessage()</methodname> retrieves the proper
-      internationalized error message</para>
-      <para><methodname>getRootBean()</methodname> retrieves the root bean
-      instance generating the issue (useful in conjunction with
-      <literal>@Valid</literal>), is null if getPotentianInvalidValues() is
-      used.</para>
-      <para><literal>getPropertyPath()</literal> retrieves the dotted path of
-      the failing property starting from the root bean</para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
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