[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r16403 - in core/branches/antlr3/src: main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse and 9 other directories.

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Apr 22 13:46:26 EDT 2009

Author: porcelli
Date: 2009-04-22 13:46:26 -0400 (Wed, 22 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 16403

Staring 2nd parsing Phase (Name Resolution)

Modified: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQL.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQL.g	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQL.g	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -469,8 +469,7 @@
 	boolean generateVersionedField;
-	:	udpate_key
+}	:	udpate_key
 		(versioned_key {$updateStatement::generateVersionedField = true;})? 
 			from_key? entityName aliasClause[true] setClause whereClause?
 		-> {	generateUpdateStatementTree($udpate_key.tree, $entityName.tree, $aliasClause.tree, $setClause.tree, $whereClause.tree )	}

Deleted: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQLTreeWalker.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQLTreeWalker.g	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/HQLTreeWalker.g	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-tree grammar HQLTreeWalker;
-	output=AST;
-	rewrite=true;
-	tokenVocab=HQL;
-	ASTLabelType=CommonTree;
-	TokenLabelType=CommonToken;
- at header {
- * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
- * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
- * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
- * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
- *
- * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
- * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
- * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
- * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- *
- * Portions of SQL grammar parsing copyright (C) 2003 by Lubos Vnuk.  All rights
- * reserved.  These portions are distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware
- * LLC and are covered by the above LGPL notice.  If you redistribute this material,
- * with or without modification, you must preserve this copyright notice in its
- * entirety.
- */
-package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse;
-filterStatement[String collectionRole]
-				selectClause? whereClause? ( groupByClause havingClause?)? orderByClause?))
-	;
-	:	updateStatementSet
-	|	deleteStatementSet
-	|	insertStatementSet
-	|	queryStatementSet
-	;
-	:	updateStatement+
-	;
-	:	^(UPDATE entityName ^(SET assignment+) whereClause?)
-	;
-	:	^(EQUALS propertyReference valueExpression)
-	;
-	:	deleteStatement+
-	;
-	:	^(DELETE entityName whereClause?)
-	;
-	:	insertStatement+
-	;
-	:	^(INSERT intoClause queryStatementSet)
-	;
-	:	^(INTO entityName ^(INSERTABILITY_SPEC propertyReference+ ) )
-	;
-	:	queryStatement+
-	;
-	:	^(QUERY queryExpression orderByClause?)
-	;
-	:	^(UNION ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
-	|	^(INTERSECT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
-	|	^(EXCEPT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
-	|	querySpec	
-	;
-	:	^(QUERY_SPEC selectFrom whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause?)
-	;
-	:	^(WHERE searchCondition)
-	;
-	:	^(GROUP_BY groupingValue+)
-	;
-	:	^(GROUPING_VALUE valueExpression COLLATE?)
-	;
-	:	^(HAVING searchCondition)
-	;
-	:	^(SELECT_FROM fromClause selectClause)
-	;
-	:	^(FROM persisterSpaces+)
-	;
-	:	^(PERSISTER_SPACE persisterSpace)
-	;
-	:	persisterSpaceRoot joins*
-	;
-	;
-	:	^(PROPERTY_JOIN joinType FETCH? ALIAS_NAME PROP_FETCH? (collectionExpression|propertyReference) withClause?)
-	|	^(PERSISTER_JOIN joinType persisterSpaceRoot onClause?)
-	;
-	:	^(WITH searchCondition)
-	;
-	:	^(ON searchCondition)
-	;
-	;
-	:	^(SELECT DISTINCT? rootSelectExpression) 
-	;
-	:	^(SELECT_LIST rootSelectExpression+)
-	|	^(SELECT_ITEM rootSelectExpression)
-	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION rootSelectExpression+)
-	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION_ARG rootSelectExpression)
-	|	valueExpression ALIAS_NAME?
-	;
-	:	^(ORDER_BY sortSpecification+)
-	;
-	:	^(SORT_SPEC valueExpression COLLATE? (ASC|DESC))
-	;
-	:	^( OR searchCondition searchCondition )
-	|	^( AND searchCondition searchCondition )
-	|	^( NOT searchCondition )
-	|	predicate
-	;
-	:	^( EQUALS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( NOT_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( LESS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( LESS_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( GREATER rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( GREATER_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
-	|	^( IS_NULL rowValueConstructor )
-	|	^( IS_NOT_NULL rowValueConstructor )
-	|	^( LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
-	|	^( NOT_LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
-	|	^( BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
-	|	^( NOT_BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
-	|	^( IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
-	|	^( NOT_IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
-	|	^( MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
-	|	^( NOT_MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor  )
-	|	^( IS_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
-	|	^( IS_NOT_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
-	|	rowValueConstructor
-	;
-	:	^( BETWEEN_LIST rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
-	;	
-	:	rowValueConstructor
-	;
-	:	valueExpression
-	;
-	:	^(ESCAPE characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(IN_LIST valueExpression+)
-	;
-	:	valueExpression
-	;
-	:	valueExpression
-	;
-	:	valueExpression
-	;
-	:	^( DOUBLE_PIPE characterValueExpression+ )
-	|	^( UNARY_MINUS numericValueExpression )
-	|	^( UNARY_PLUS numericValueExpression )
-	|	^( PLUS valueExpression valueExpression )
-	|	^( MINUS valueExpression valueExpression )
-	|	^( ASTERISK numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
-	|	^( SOLIDUS numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
-	|	^( EXISTS rowValueConstructor)
-    |	^( SOME valueExpression )
-    |	^( ALL valueExpression )
-    |	^( ANY valueExpression )
-	|	^( VECTOR_EXPR valueExpression+) // or a tuples or ^(AND or IN statement 
-	|	valueExpressionPrimary
-	;
-	:	caseExpression
-	|	function
-	|	collectionFunction
-	|	collectionExpression
-	|	constant
-	|	parameter
-	|	propertyReference
-	|	^(SUB_QUERY queryStatementSet)
-	|	ALIAS_REF //ID COLUMN, full property column list 
-	|	^(DOT_CLASS identPrimary) // crazy 
-	|	^(GENERAL_FUNCTION_CALL identPrimary)
-	|	^(JAVA_CONSTANT identPrimary) //It will generate at SQL a parameter element (?) -> 'cos we do not need to care about char escaping
-	|	^(PATH identPrimary)
-	;
-	:	^(NULLIF valueExpression valueExpression)
-	|	^(COALESCE valueExpression valueExpression*)
-	|	^(SIMPLE_CASE valueExpression simpleCaseWhenClause+ elseClause?)
-	|	^(SEARCHED_CASE searchedWhenClause+ elseClause?)
-	;
-	:	^(WHEN valueExpression valueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(WHEN searchCondition valueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(ELSE valueExpression)
-	;
-	:	standardFunction
-	|	setFunction
-	;
-	:	castFunction
-	|	concatFunction
-	|	substringFunction
-	|	trimFunction
-	|	upperFunction
-	|	lowerFunction
-	|	lengthFunction
-	|	locateFunction
-	|	absFunction
-	|	sqrtFunction
-	|	modFunction
-	|	sizeFunction
-	|	indexFunction
-	|	currentDateFunction
-	|	currentTimeFunction
-	|	currentTimestampFunction
-	|	extractFunction
-	|	positionFunction
-	|	charLengthFunction
-	|	octetLengthFunction
-	|	bitLengthFunction
-	;
-	:	^(CAST valueExpression IDENTIFIER)
-	;
-	:	^(CONCAT valueExpression+)
-	;
-	:	^(SUBSTRING characterValueExpression numericValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
-	;
-	:	^(TRIM trimOperands)
-	;
-	:	^((LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH) characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(UPPER characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(LOWER characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(LENGTH characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(LOCATE characterValueExpression characterValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
-	;
-	:	^(ABS numericValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(SQRT numericValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(MOD numericValueExpression numericValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(SIZE propertyReference)
-	;
-	;
-	;
-	;
-	;
-	:	^(EXTRACT extractField datetimeValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	datetimeField
-	|	timeZoneField
-	;
-	:	YEAR
-	|	DAY
-	|	HOUR
-	;
-	;
-	:	^(POSITION characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(CHARACTER_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(OCTET_LENGTH characterValueExpression)	
-	;
-	:	^(BIT_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
-	;
-	:	^(SUM numericValueExpression)
-	|	^(AVG numericValueExpression)
-	|	^(MAX numericValueExpression)
-	|	^(MIN numericValueExpression)
-	|	^(COUNT (ASTERISK | (DISTINCT|ALL) countFunctionArguments))
-	;
-	:	collectionExpression
-	|	propertyReference
-	|	numeric_literal
-	;
-	:	^((MAXELEMENT|MAXINDEX|MINELEMENT|MININDEX) collectionPropertyReference)
-		//it will generate a SELECT MAX (m.column) form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
-	;
-	:	propertyReference
-	;
-	:	^(ELEMENTS propertyReference) //it will generate a SELECT m.column form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
-	|	^(INDICES propertyReference)
-	;
-	;
-	:	literal
-	|	NULL
-	|	TRUE
-	;
-	:	numeric_literal
-	;
-	;
-	;
-	:	^(PROPERTY_REFERENCE identPrimary)
-	;
-	|	^(DOT identPrimary identPrimary )
-	|	^(LEFT_SQUARE identPrimary valueExpression* )
-	|	^(LEFT_PAREN identPrimary valueExpression* )
-	;

Added: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/TestHQLTreeWalker.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/TestHQLTreeWalker.g	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/TestHQLTreeWalker.g	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+tree grammar TestHQLTreeWalker;
+	output=AST;
+	rewrite=true;
+	tokenVocab=HQL;
+	ASTLabelType=CommonTree;
+	TokenLabelType=CommonToken;
+ at header {
+ * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
+ * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
+ * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
+ * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
+ *
+ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
+ * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
+ * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
+ * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * Portions of SQL grammar parsing copyright (C) 2003 by Lubos Vnuk.  All rights
+ * reserved.  These portions are distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware
+ * LLC and are covered by the above LGPL notice.  If you redistribute this material,
+ * with or without modification, you must preserve this copyright notice in its
+ * entirety.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse;
+filterStatement[String collectionRole]
+				selectClause? whereClause? ( groupByClause havingClause?)? orderByClause?))
+	;
+	:	updateStatementSet
+	|	deleteStatementSet
+	|	insertStatementSet
+	|	queryStatementSet
+	;
+	:	updateStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(UPDATE entityName ^(SET assignment+) whereClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(EQUALS propertyReference valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	deleteStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(DELETE entityName whereClause?)
+	;
+	:	insertStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(INSERT intoClause queryStatementSet)
+	;
+	:	^(INTO entityName ^(INSERTABILITY_SPEC propertyReference+ ) )
+	;
+	:	queryStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(QUERY queryExpression orderByClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(UNION ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	^(INTERSECT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	^(EXCEPT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	querySpec	
+	;
+	:	^(QUERY_SPEC selectFrom whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WHERE searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(GROUP_BY groupingValue+)
+	;
+	:	^(GROUPING_VALUE valueExpression COLLATE?)
+	;
+	:	^(HAVING searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT_FROM fromClause selectClause)
+	;
+	:	^(FROM persisterSpaces+)
+	;
+	:	^(PERSISTER_SPACE persisterSpace)
+	;
+	:	persisterSpaceRoot joins*
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(PROPERTY_JOIN joinType FETCH? ALIAS_NAME PROP_FETCH? (collectionExpression|propertyReference) withClause?)
+	|	^(PERSISTER_JOIN joinType persisterSpaceRoot onClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WITH searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(ON searchCondition)
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT DISTINCT? rootSelectExpression) 
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT_LIST rootSelectExpression+)
+	|	^(SELECT_ITEM rootSelectExpression)
+	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION rootSelectExpression+)
+	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION_ARG rootSelectExpression)
+	|	valueExpression ALIAS_NAME?
+	;
+	:	^(ORDER_BY sortSpecification+)
+	;
+	:	^(SORT_SPEC valueExpression COLLATE? (ASC|DESC))
+	;
+	:	^( OR searchCondition searchCondition )
+	|	^( AND searchCondition searchCondition )
+	|	^( NOT searchCondition )
+	|	predicate
+	;
+	:	^( EQUALS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( NOT_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( LESS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( LESS_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( GREATER rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( GREATER_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( IS_NULL rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( IS_NOT_NULL rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
+	|	^( NOT_LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
+	|	^( BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
+	|	^( NOT_BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
+	|	^( IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
+	|	^( NOT_IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
+	|	^( MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( NOT_MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor  )
+	|	^( IS_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( IS_NOT_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
+	|	rowValueConstructor
+	;
+	:	^( BETWEEN_LIST rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
+	;	
+	:	rowValueConstructor
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	^(ESCAPE characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(IN_LIST valueExpression+)
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	^( DOUBLE_PIPE characterValueExpression+ )
+	|	^( UNARY_MINUS numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( UNARY_PLUS numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( PLUS valueExpression valueExpression )
+	|	^( MINUS valueExpression valueExpression )
+	|	^( ASTERISK numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( SOLIDUS numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( EXISTS rowValueConstructor)
+    |	^( SOME valueExpression )
+    |	^( ALL valueExpression )
+    |	^( ANY valueExpression )
+	|	^( VECTOR_EXPR valueExpression+) // or a tuples or ^(AND or IN statement 
+	|	valueExpressionPrimary
+	;
+	:	caseExpression
+	|	function
+	|	collectionFunction
+	|	collectionExpression
+	|	constant
+	|	parameter
+	|	propertyReference
+	|	^(SUB_QUERY queryStatementSet)
+	|	ALIAS_REF //ID COLUMN, full property column list 
+	|	^(DOT_CLASS identPrimary) // crazy 
+	|	^(GENERAL_FUNCTION_CALL identPrimary)
+	|	^(JAVA_CONSTANT identPrimary) //It will generate at SQL a parameter element (?) -> 'cos we do not need to care about char escaping
+	|	^(PATH identPrimary)
+	;
+	:	^(NULLIF valueExpression valueExpression)
+	|	^(COALESCE valueExpression valueExpression*)
+	|	^(SIMPLE_CASE valueExpression simpleCaseWhenClause+ elseClause?)
+	|	^(SEARCHED_CASE searchedWhenClause+ elseClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WHEN valueExpression valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(WHEN searchCondition valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(ELSE valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	standardFunction
+	|	setFunction
+	;
+	:	castFunction
+	|	concatFunction
+	|	substringFunction
+	|	trimFunction
+	|	upperFunction
+	|	lowerFunction
+	|	lengthFunction
+	|	locateFunction
+	|	absFunction
+	|	sqrtFunction
+	|	modFunction
+	|	sizeFunction
+	|	indexFunction
+	|	currentDateFunction
+	|	currentTimeFunction
+	|	currentTimestampFunction
+	|	extractFunction
+	|	positionFunction
+	|	charLengthFunction
+	|	octetLengthFunction
+	|	bitLengthFunction
+	;
+	:	^(CAST valueExpression IDENTIFIER)
+	;
+	:	^(CONCAT valueExpression+)
+	;
+	:	^(SUBSTRING characterValueExpression numericValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
+	;
+	:	^(TRIM trimOperands)
+	;
+	:	^((LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH) characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(UPPER characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LOWER characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LOCATE characterValueExpression characterValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
+	;
+	:	^(ABS numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SQRT numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(MOD numericValueExpression numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SIZE propertyReference)
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(EXTRACT extractField datetimeValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	datetimeField
+	|	timeZoneField
+	;
+	:	YEAR
+	|	DAY
+	|	HOUR
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(POSITION characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(CHARACTER_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(OCTET_LENGTH characterValueExpression)	
+	;
+	:	^(BIT_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SUM numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(AVG numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(MAX numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(MIN numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(COUNT (ASTERISK | (DISTINCT|ALL) countFunctionArguments))
+	;
+	:	collectionExpression
+	|	propertyReference
+	|	numeric_literal
+	;
+	:	^((MAXELEMENT|MAXINDEX|MINELEMENT|MININDEX) collectionPropertyReference)
+		//it will generate a SELECT MAX (m.column) form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
+	;
+	:	propertyReference
+	;
+	:	^(ELEMENTS propertyReference) //it will generate a SELECT m.column form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
+	|	^(INDICES propertyReference)
+	;
+	;
+	:	literal
+	|	NULL
+	|	TRUE
+	;
+	:	numeric_literal
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(PROPERTY_REFERENCE identPrimary)
+	;
+	|	^(DOT identPrimary identPrimary )
+	|	^(LEFT_SQUARE identPrimary valueExpression* )
+	|	^(LEFT_PAREN identPrimary valueExpression* )
+	;
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/TestHQLTreeWalker.g
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/GeneratedHQLResolution.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/GeneratedHQLResolution.g	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/GeneratedHQLResolution.g	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+tree grammar GeneratedHQLResolution;
+	output=AST;
+	rewrite=true;
+	tokenVocab=HQL;
+	ASTLabelType=CommonTree;
+	TokenLabelType=CommonToken;
+ at header {
+ * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
+ * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
+ * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
+ * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
+ *
+ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
+ * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
+ * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
+ * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * Portions of SQL grammar parsing copyright (C) 2003 by Lubos Vnuk.  All rights
+ * reserved.  These portions are distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware
+ * LLC and are covered by the above LGPL notice.  If you redistribute this material,
+ * with or without modification, you must preserve this copyright notice in its
+ * entirety.
+ */
+package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.PathedPropertyReferenceSource;
+ at members{
+    protected void registerPersisterSpace(CommonTree entityName,
+                                       CommonTree alias) {
+    }
+	protected boolean isUnqualifiedPropertyReference() {
+		return false;
+	}	
+	protected Tree normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReference(CommonTree property) {
+		return null;
+	}
+	protected boolean isPersisterReferenceAlias() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    protected PathedPropertyReferenceSource normalizeUnqualifiedRoot( CommonTree identifier382 ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+		return null;
+	}
+	protected PathedPropertyReferenceSource normalizeQualifiedRoot( CommonTree identifier381 ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+		return null;
+	}
+    protected void normalizePropertyPathIntermediary( CommonTree commonTree,
+			CommonTree identifier387 ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+    protected void normalizeIntermediateIndexOperation( CommonTree commonTree,
+			CommonTree commonTree2 ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub	
+	}
+    protected void normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReferenceSource(
+			CommonTree identifier394 ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub    		
+	}
+    protected void normalizeTerminalIndexOperation(CommonTree collectionPath, CommonTree selector) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub    		
+    }
+    protected void normalizePropertyPathTerminus(PathedPropertyReferenceSource source, CommonTree propertyNameNode) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub    		
+    }
+filterStatement[String collectionRole]
+				selectClause? whereClause? ( groupByClause havingClause?)? orderByClause?))
+	;
+	:	updateStatementSet
+	|	deleteStatementSet
+	|	insertStatementSet
+	|	queryStatementSet
+	;
+	:	updateStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(UPDATE entityName ^(SET assignment+) whereClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(EQUALS propertyReference valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	deleteStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(DELETE entityName whereClause?)
+	;
+	:	insertStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(INSERT intoClause queryStatementSet)
+	;
+	:	^(INTO entityName ^(INSERTABILITY_SPEC propertyReference+ ) )
+	;
+	:	queryStatement+
+	;
+	:	^(QUERY queryExpression orderByClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(UNION ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	^(INTERSECT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	^(EXCEPT ALL? queryExpression queryExpression)
+	|	querySpec	
+	;
+	:	^(QUERY_SPEC selectFrom whereClause? groupByClause? havingClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WHERE searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(GROUP_BY groupingValue+)
+	;
+	:	^(GROUPING_VALUE valueExpression COLLATE?)
+	;
+	:	^(HAVING searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT_FROM fromClause selectClause)
+	;
+	:	^(FROM persisterSpaces+)
+	;
+	:	^(PERSISTER_SPACE persisterSpace)
+	;
+	:	persisterSpaceRoot joins*
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(PROPERTY_JOIN joinType FETCH? ALIAS_NAME PROP_FETCH? (collectionExpression|propertyReference) withClause?)
+	|	^(PERSISTER_JOIN joinType persisterSpaceRoot onClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WITH searchCondition)
+	;
+	:	^(ON searchCondition)
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT DISTINCT? rootSelectExpression) 
+	;
+	:	^(SELECT_LIST rootSelectExpression+)
+	|	^(SELECT_ITEM rootSelectExpression)
+	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION rootSelectExpression+)
+	|	^(DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATION_ARG rootSelectExpression)
+	|	valueExpression ALIAS_NAME?
+	;
+	:	^(ORDER_BY sortSpecification+)
+	;
+	:	^(SORT_SPEC valueExpression COLLATE? (ASC|DESC))
+	;
+	:	^( OR searchCondition searchCondition )
+	|	^( AND searchCondition searchCondition )
+	|	^( NOT searchCondition )
+	|	predicate
+	;
+	:	^( EQUALS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( NOT_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( LESS rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( LESS_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( GREATER rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( GREATER_EQUAL rowValueConstructor comparativePredicateValue )
+	|	^( IS_NULL rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( IS_NOT_NULL rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
+	|	^( NOT_LIKE valueExpression valueExpression escapeSpecification? )
+	|	^( BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
+	|	^( NOT_BETWEEN rowValueConstructor betweenList )
+	|	^( IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
+	|	^( NOT_IN rowValueConstructor inPredicateValue )
+	|	^( MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( NOT_MEMBER_OF rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor  )
+	|	^( IS_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
+	|	^( IS_NOT_EMPTY rowValueConstructor )
+	|	rowValueConstructor
+	;
+	:	^( BETWEEN_LIST rowValueConstructor rowValueConstructor )
+	;	
+	:	rowValueConstructor
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	^(ESCAPE characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(IN_LIST valueExpression+)
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	^( DOUBLE_PIPE characterValueExpression+ )
+	|	^( UNARY_MINUS numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( UNARY_PLUS numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( PLUS valueExpression valueExpression )
+	|	^( MINUS valueExpression valueExpression )
+	|	^( ASTERISK numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( SOLIDUS numericValueExpression numericValueExpression )
+	|	^( EXISTS rowValueConstructor)
+    |	^( SOME valueExpression )
+    |	^( ALL valueExpression )
+    |	^( ANY valueExpression )
+	|	^( VECTOR_EXPR valueExpression+) // or a tuples or ^(AND or IN statement 
+	|	valueExpressionPrimary
+	;
+	:	caseExpression
+	|	function
+	|	collectionFunction
+	|	collectionExpression
+	|	constant
+	|	parameter
+	|	propertyReference
+	|	^(SUB_QUERY queryStatementSet)
+	|	ALIAS_REF //ID COLUMN, full property column list 
+	|	^(DOT_CLASS path) // crazy 
+	|	^(JAVA_CONSTANT path) //It will generate at SQL a parameter element (?) -> 'cos we do not need to care about char escaping
+	|	^(PATH path)
+	;
+	:	^(NULLIF valueExpression valueExpression)
+	|	^(COALESCE valueExpression valueExpression*)
+	|	^(SIMPLE_CASE valueExpression simpleCaseWhenClause+ elseClause?)
+	|	^(SEARCHED_CASE searchedWhenClause+ elseClause?)
+	;
+	:	^(WHEN valueExpression valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(WHEN searchCondition valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(ELSE valueExpression)
+	;
+	:	standardFunction
+	|	setFunction
+	;
+	:	castFunction
+	|	concatFunction
+	|	substringFunction
+	|	trimFunction
+	|	upperFunction
+	|	lowerFunction
+	|	lengthFunction
+	|	locateFunction
+	|	absFunction
+	|	sqrtFunction
+	|	modFunction
+	|	sizeFunction
+	|	indexFunction
+	|	currentDateFunction
+	|	currentTimeFunction
+	|	currentTimestampFunction
+	|	extractFunction
+	|	positionFunction
+	|	charLengthFunction
+	|	octetLengthFunction
+	|	bitLengthFunction
+	;
+	:	^(CAST valueExpression IDENTIFIER)
+	;
+	:	^(CONCAT valueExpression+)
+	;
+	:	^(SUBSTRING characterValueExpression numericValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
+	;
+	:	^(TRIM trimOperands)
+	;
+	:	^((LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH) characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(UPPER characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LOWER characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(LOCATE characterValueExpression characterValueExpression numericValueExpression?)
+	;
+	:	^(ABS numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SQRT numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(MOD numericValueExpression numericValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SIZE propertyReference)
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(EXTRACT extractField datetimeValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	datetimeField
+	|	timeZoneField
+	;
+	:	YEAR
+	|	DAY
+	|	HOUR
+	;
+	;
+	:	^(POSITION characterValueExpression characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(CHARACTER_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(OCTET_LENGTH characterValueExpression)	
+	;
+	:	^(BIT_LENGTH characterValueExpression)
+	;
+	:	^(SUM numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(AVG numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(MAX numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(MIN numericValueExpression)
+	|	^(COUNT (ASTERISK | (DISTINCT|ALL) countFunctionArguments))
+	;
+	:	collectionExpression
+	|	propertyReference
+	|	numeric_literal
+	;
+	:	^((MAXELEMENT|MAXINDEX|MINELEMENT|MININDEX) collectionPropertyReference)
+		//it will generate a SELECT MAX (m.column) form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
+	;
+	:	propertyReference
+	;
+	:	^(ELEMENTS propertyReference) //it will generate a SELECT m.column form Table xxx -> it is realted to Hibernate mappings to Table->Map
+	|	^(INDICES propertyReference)
+	;
+	;
+	:	literal
+	|	NULL
+	|	TRUE
+	;
+	:	numeric_literal
+	;
+	;
+	{	registerPersisterSpace($ENTITY_NAME, $ALIAS_NAME);	}
+	;
+	:	^(PROPERTY_REFERENCE propertyReferencePath)
+	;
+	: 	{isUnqualifiedPropertyReference()}? unqualifiedPropertyReference
+	|	pathedPropertyReference
+    |	terminalIndexOperation
+	;
+	{	normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReference( $IDENTIFIER ); }
+	;
+	:	^(DOT pathedPropertyReferenceSource IDENTIFIER)
+	{	normalizePropertyPathTerminus( $pathedPropertyReferenceSource.propertyReferenceSource, $IDENTIFIER );	}
+	;
+pathedPropertyReferenceSource returns [PathedPropertyReferenceSource propertyReferenceSource]
+	:	{(isPersisterReferenceAlias())}?=> IDENTIFIER { $propertyReferenceSource = normalizeQualifiedRoot( $IDENTIFIER ); }
+    |	{(isUnqualifiedPropertyReference())}?=> IDENTIFIER { $propertyReferenceSource = normalizeUnqualifiedRoot( $IDENTIFIER ); }
+    |	intermediatePathedPropertyReference
+    |	intermediateIndexOperation
+    ;
+	:	^(DOT pathedPropertyReferenceSource IDENTIFIER )
+	{	normalizePropertyPathIntermediary( $pathedPropertyReferenceSource.tree, $IDENTIFIER );	}
+	;
+	:	^( LEFT_SQUARE indexOperationSource indexSelector ) 
+	{	normalizeIntermediateIndexOperation( $indexOperationSource.tree, $indexSelector.tree );	}
+	;
+	:	^(DOT pathedPropertyReferenceSource IDENTIFIER )
+    |	{(isUnqualifiedPropertyReference())}?=> IDENTIFIER
+    {	normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReferenceSource( $IDENTIFIER );	}
+	;
+	:	valueExpression
+	;
+	:	^( INDEX_OP indexOperationSource indexSelector ) 
+	{	normalizeTerminalIndexOperation( $indexOperationSource.tree, $indexSelector.tree );	}
+	;
+	|	^(DOT path path )
+	|	^(LEFT_SQUARE path valueExpression* )
+	|	^(LEFT_PAREN path valueExpression* )
+	;

Property changes on: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr3/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/GeneratedHQLResolution.g
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/ParserContextDefaultImpl.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/ParserContextDefaultImpl.java	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/ParserContextDefaultImpl.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 public class ParserContextDefaultImpl implements ParserContext {
-	private ImplicitAliasGenerator implicitAliasGenerator = new ImplicitAliasGenerator(); 
+	private final ImplicitAliasGenerator implicitAliasGenerator = new ImplicitAliasGenerator(); 
 	public List getEntityImplementors(String text) {
 		List implementors = new ArrayList();

Added: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/HQLResolution.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/HQLResolution.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/HQLResolution.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve;
+import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeNodeStream;
+import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
+import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
+import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.alias.DefaultTableAliasGenerator;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.alias.TableAliasGenerator;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse.HQLParser;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.PathResolutionStrategy;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.PathResolutionStrategyStack;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.PathedPropertyReferenceSource;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.impl.BasicPathResolutionStrategySupport;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.Table;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.Table.EntityTableSpace;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.util.TreePrinter;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+public class HQLResolution extends GeneratedHQLResolution implements
+		ResolutionContext {
+	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
+			.getLogger( HQLResolution.class );
+	private final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory;
+	private final PersisterSpaceContext persisterSpaceContext;
+	private final DefaultTableAliasGenerator defaultTableAliasGenerator;
+	private final PathResolutionStrategyStack pathResolutionStrategyStack;
+	private final TreePrinter printer;
+	private boolean isProcessingFunction = false;
+	public HQLResolution( TreeNodeStream input,
+			SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory ) {
+		this( input, new RecognizerSharedState(), sessionFactory );
+	}
+	public HQLResolution( TreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state,
+			SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory ) {
+		super( input, state );
+		this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
+		this.persisterSpaceContext = new RootPersisterSpaceContext();
+		this.defaultTableAliasGenerator = new DefaultTableAliasGenerator(
+				sessionFactory.getDialect() );
+		this.printer = new TreePrinter( HQLParser.class );
+		this.pathResolutionStrategyStack = new PathResolutionStrategyStack();
+		this.pathResolutionStrategyStack
+				.push( new BasicPathResolutionStrategySupport( this ) );
+	}
+	protected void registerPersisterSpace( CommonTree entityName,
+			CommonTree alias ) {
+		String entityPersisterName = sessionFactory
+				.getImportedClassName( entityName.getText() );
+		EntityPersister entityPersister = sessionFactory
+				.getEntityPersister( entityPersisterName );
+		EntityTableSpace tableSpace = new Table.EntityTableSpace(
+				( Queryable ) entityPersister, alias.getText() );
+		registerPersisterSpace( tableSpace.getPersisterSpace() );
+	}
+	public PersisterSpaceContext getCurrentPersisterSpaceContext() {
+		return persisterSpaceContext;
+	}
+	public SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactoryImplementor() {
+		return sessionFactory;
+	}
+	public TableAliasGenerator getTableAliasGenerator() {
+		return defaultTableAliasGenerator;
+	}
+	public TreePrinter getTreePrinter() {
+		return printer;
+	}
+	public boolean isCurrentlyProcessingFunction() {
+		return isProcessingFunction;
+	}
+	public PathResolutionStrategyStack getPathResolutionStrategyStack() {
+		return pathResolutionStrategyStack;
+	}
+	public PathResolutionStrategy getCurrentPathResolutionStrategy() {
+		return pathResolutionStrategyStack.getCurrent();
+	}
+	public void registerAssociationFetch( PersisterSpace persisterSpace ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+		persisterSpaceContext.registerPersisterSpace( persisterSpace );
+	}
+	public void registerPropertyFetch( PersisterSpace persisterSpace ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	protected void registerEntityPersisterSpace( CommonTree entityName,
+			CommonTree alias ) {
+		String entityPersisterName = sessionFactory
+				.getImportedClassName( entityName.getText() );
+		EntityPersister entityPersister = sessionFactory
+				.getEntityPersister( entityPersisterName );
+		EntityTableSpace tableSpace = new Table.EntityTableSpace(
+				( Queryable ) entityPersister, getTableAliasGenerator()
+						.generateSqlAliasRoot( ( Queryable ) entityPersister,
+								alias.getText() ) );
+		registerPersisterSpace( tableSpace.getPersisterSpace() );
+	}
+	private void registerPersisterSpace( PersisterSpace persisterSpace ) {
+		persisterSpaceContext.registerPersisterSpace( persisterSpace );
+	}
+	protected boolean isUnqualifiedPropertyReference() {
+		return locateOwningPersisterAlias( ( Tree ) input.LT( 1 ) ) != null;
+	}
+	protected String locateOwningPersisterAlias( Tree property ) {
+		PersisterSpace persisterReference = getCurrentPersisterSpaceContext()
+				.locatePersisterSpaceExposingProperty( property.getText() );
+		return persisterReference == null ? null : persisterReference
+				.getSourceAlias();
+	}
+	protected boolean isPersisterReferenceAlias() {
+		Tree alias = ( Tree ) input.LT( 1 );
+		log.trace( "Checking [" + textOrNull( alias )
+				+ "] as persister-ref alias" );
+		return getCurrentPersisterSpaceContext().isContainedAlias(
+				alias.getText() );
+	}
+	protected Tree normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReference( CommonTree property ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+		return null;
+	}
+	protected PathedPropertyReferenceSource normalizeUnqualifiedRoot(
+			CommonTree identifier ) {
+		System.out
+				.println( "normalizeUnqualifiedRoot: " + identifier.getText() );
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+		return null;
+	}
+	protected PathedPropertyReferenceSource normalizeQualifiedRoot(
+			CommonTree alias ) {
+		log.debug( "normalizing path expression root as alias ["
+				+ alias.getText() + "]" );
+		return getCurrentPathResolutionStrategy().handleRoot(
+				getCurrentPersisterSpaceContext().locatePersisterSpaceByAlias(
+						alias.getText() ) );
+	}
+	protected void normalizePropertyPathTerminus(
+			PathedPropertyReferenceSource source, CommonTree propertyNameNode ) {
+		log.trace( "normalizing terminal path expression ["
+				+ textOrNull( propertyNameNode ) + "]" );
+		getCurrentPathResolutionStrategy().handleTerminalPathPart( source,
+				propertyNameNode.getText() );
+	}
+	protected void normalizePropertyPathIntermediary( CommonTree identifier1,
+			CommonTree identifier2 ) {
+		System.out.println( "normalizePropertyPathIntermediary: "
+				+ identifier1.getText() + ":" + identifier2.getText() );
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	protected void normalizeIntermediateIndexOperation( CommonTree identifier1,
+			CommonTree identifier2 ) {
+		System.out.println( "normalizeIntermediateIndexOperation: "
+				+ identifier1.getText() + ":" + identifier2.getText() );
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	protected void normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReferenceSource(
+			CommonTree identifier ) {
+		System.out.println( "normalizeUnqualifiedPropertyReferenceSource: "
+				+ identifier.getText() );
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	protected void normalizeTerminalIndexOperation( CommonTree collectionPath,
+			CommonTree selector ) {
+		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	}
+	private String textOrNull( Tree tree ) {
+		return tree == null ? null : tree.getText();
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/HQLResolution.java
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/PersisterTableExpressionGenerator.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/PersisterTableExpressionGenerator.java	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/PersisterTableExpressionGenerator.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
  * @author Steve Ebersole
-public class PersisterTableExpressionGenerator {
+public abstract class PersisterTableExpressionGenerator {
 	public static Table generateTableExpression(
 			Queryable persister,

Modified: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/ResolutionContext.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/ResolutionContext.java	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/ResolutionContext.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -29,12 +29,10 @@
 package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve;
-import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeAdaptor;
 import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
 import org.hibernate.sql.ast.alias.TableAliasGenerator;
-import org.hibernate.sql.ast.util.TreePrinter;
 import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.PathResolutionStrategy;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.util.TreePrinter;
  * todo : javadocs
@@ -50,8 +48,6 @@
 	public SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactoryImplementor();
-	public TreeAdaptor getTreeAdaptor();
 	 * The current {@link PersisterSpaceContext} for this context.  The {@link PersisterSpaceContext}
 	 * can change in relation to subqueries and such.  See {@link PersisterSpaceContext} docs for more info.

Modified: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/path/impl/AbstractPathResolutionStrategy.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/path/impl/AbstractPathResolutionStrategy.java	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/path/impl/AbstractPathResolutionStrategy.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
 package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve.path.impl;
 import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 import org.hibernate.QueryException;
 import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
 import org.hibernate.persister.collection.QueryableCollection;
@@ -53,6 +50,8 @@
 import org.hibernate.type.ComponentType;
 import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
 import org.hibernate.type.Type;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  * Abstract implementation of {@link PathResolutionStrategy} providing convenience methods to actual
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@
 	protected final HibernateTree createNode(int type, String text) {
-		return ( HibernateTree ) resolutionContext().getTreeAdaptor().create( type, text );
+		return new HibernateTree(type, text);

Deleted: core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite	2009-04-22 14:13:26 UTC (rev 16402)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/parse/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -1,1660 +0,0 @@
-gunit HQLTreeWalker walks HQL;
- at header{
-package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse;
-statement walks statement:
-"from com.acme.EntityName e"  OK
-"from com.acme.EntityName where prop = org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse.ParserTest.CONSTANT"  OK
-"from com.acme.EntityName where prop = compProp.subProp"  OK
-"from A a where b = 1"  OK
-"from A a where a.b.c = 1"  OK
-"from X x where y[1].z = 2"  OK
-"from X x where x.y[1].z = 2"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Inner"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Inner i where i.outer.inner.middle = 'xyz'"  OK
-"select new list(a, mate) from Animal a join a.mate as mate"  OK
-"select p from eg.NameList nl, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(nl.names)"  OK
-"select p from eg.NameList list, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(list.names)"  OK
-"select p from eg.NameList map, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(map.names)"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat inner join fetch cat.mate as m fetch all properties left join fetch cat.kittens as k"  OK
-// tests copied over from org.hibernate.test.hql.HqlParserTest ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-"from Animal a where a in (from Cat union from Dog)"  OK
- * Section 9.2 - from *
- */
-"from eg.Cat"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat"  OK
-"from Formula, Parameter"  OK
-"from Formula as form, Parameter as param"  OK
- * Section 9.3 - Associations and joins *
- */
-"from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate left outer join cat.kittens as kitten"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat left join cat.mate.kittens as kittens"  OK
-"from Formula form full join form.parameter param"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat join cat.mate as mate left join cat.kittens as kitten"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat inner join fetch cat.mate left join fetch cat.kittens"  OK
- * Section 9.4 - Select *
- */
-"select mate from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate"  OK
-"select cat.mate from eg.Cat cat"  OK
-"select elements(cat.kittens) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
-"select cat.name from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name like 'fri%'"  OK
-"select cust.name.firstName from Customer as cust"  OK
-"select mother, offspr, mate.name from eg.DomesticCat  as mother inner join mother.mate as mate left outer join mother.kittens as offspr"  OK
-"select new Family(mother, mate, offspr) from eg.DomesticCat as mother join mother.mate as mate left join mother.kittens as offspr"  OK
- * Section 9.5 - Aggregate functions *
- */
-"select avg(cat.weight), sum(cat.weight), max(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
-"select cat, count( elements(cat.kittens) ) from eg.Cat cat group by cat"  OK
-"select distinct cat.name from eg.Cat cat"  OK
-"select count(distinct cat.name), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
- * Section 9.6 - Polymorphism *
- */
-"from java.lang.Object o"  OK
-"from eg.Named n, eg.Named m where n.name = m.name"  OK
- * Section 9.7 - Where *
- */
-"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.name='Fritz'"  OK
-"select foo from eg.Foo foo, eg.Bar bar where foo.startDate = bar.date"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where cat.mate.name is not null"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat rival where cat.mate = rival.mate"  OK
-"select cat, mate from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat mate where cat.mate = mate"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.id = 123"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.mate.id = 69"  OK
-"from bank.Person person where person.id.country = 'AU' and person.id.medicareNumber = 123456"  OK
-"from bank.Account account where account.owner.id.country = 'AU' and account.owner.id.medicareNumber = 123456"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where cat.class = eg.DomesticCat"  OK
-"from eg.AuditLog log, eg.Payment payment where log.item.class = 'eg.Payment' and log.item.id = payment.id"  OK
- * Section 9.8 - Expressions *
- */
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name between 'A' and 'B'"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not between 'A' and 'B'"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where cat.kittens.size > 0"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where size(cat.kittens) > 0"  OK
-//"from Calendar cal where cal.holidays.maxElement > current date"  OK
-"from Order order where maxindex(order.items) > 100"  OK
-"from Order order where minelement(order.items) > 10000"  OK
-"from Order ord where maxindex(ord.items) > 100"  OK
-"from Order ord where minelement(ord.items) > 10000"  OK
-"select mother from eg.Cat as mother, eg.Cat as kit where kit in elements(foo.kittens)"  OK
-"select p from eg.NameList list, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(list.names)"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where exists elements(cat.kittens)"  OK
-"from eg.Player p where 3 > all elements(p.scores)"  OK
-"from eg.Show show where 'fizard' in indices(show.acts)"  OK
-"from Order order where order.items[0].id = 1234"  OK
-"select person from Person person, Calendar calendar where calendar.holidays['national day'] = person.birthDay and person.nationality.calendar = calendar"  OK
-"select item from Item item, Order order where order.items[ order.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and order.id = 11"  OK
-"select item from Item item, Order order where order.items[ maxindex(order.items) ] = item and order.id = 11"  OK
-"from Order ord where ord.items[0].id = 1234"  OK
-"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ ord.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and ord.id = 11"  OK
-"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ maxindex(ord.items) ] = item and ord.id = 11"  OK
-"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ size(ord.items) - 1 ] = item"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where upper(cat.name) like 'FRI%'"  OK
-"select cust from Product prod, Store store inner join store.customers cust where prod.name = 'widget' and store.location.name in ( 'Melbourne', 'Sydney' ) and prod = all elements(cust.currentOrder.lineItems)"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat order by cat.name asc, cat.weight desc, cat.birthdate"  OK
-"select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color"  OK
-"select foo.id, avg( elements(foo.names) ), max( indices(foo.names) ) from eg.Foo foo group by foo.id"  OK
-"select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color having cat.color in (eg.Color.TABBY, eg.Color.BLACK)"  OK
-"select cat from eg.Cat cat join cat.kittens kitten group by cat having avg(kitten.weight) > 100 order by count(kitten) asc, sum(kitten.weight) desc"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as fatcat where fatcat.weight > (select avg(cat.weight) from eg.DomesticCat cat)"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name = some (select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as cat where not exists (from eg.Cat as mate where mate.mate = cat)"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name not in (select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)"  OK
-<<select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)
-  from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item
-  join item.product as product, Catalog as catalog
-  join catalog.prices as price
-  where ord.paid = false
-  and ord.customer = :customer
-  and price.product = product
-  and catalog.effectiveDate < sysdate
-  and catalog.effectiveDate >= all (
-  select cat.effectiveDate from Catalog as cat where cat.effectiveDate < sysdate)
-  group by ord
-  having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
-  order by sum(price.amount) desc>> OK
-<<select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)
-  from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item join item.product as product,
-  Catalog as catalog join catalog.prices as price
-  where ord.paid = false and ord.customer = :customer
-  and price.product = product and catalog = :currentCatalog
-  group by ord having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
-  order by sum(price.amount) desc>> OK
-<<select count(payment), status.name
-  from Payment as payment
-      join payment.currentStatus as status
-      join payment.statusChanges as statusChange
-  where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL
-      or (
-          statusChange.timeStamp = ( 
-              select max(change.timeStamp) 
-              from PaymentStatusChange change
-              where change.payment = payment
-          )
-          and statusChange.user <> :currentUser
-      )
-  group by status.name, status.sortOrder
-  order by status.sortOrder>>  OK
-<<select count(payment), status.name 
-  from Payment as payment
-      join payment.currentStatus as status
-  where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL
-      or payment.statusChanges[ maxIndex(payment.statusChanges) ].user <> :currentUser
-  group by status.name, status.sortOrder
-  order by status.sortOrder>>  OK
-<<select account, payment
-  from Account as account
-      left outer join account.payments as payment
-  where :currentUser in elements(account.holder.users)
-      and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)
-  order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate>>  OK
-<<select account, payment
-  from Account as account
-      join account.holder.users as user
-      left outer join account.payments as payment
-  where :currentUser = user
-      and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)
-  order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate>>  OK
-"select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address) from s in class Simple"  OK
-"select s.name, sysdate, trunc(s.pay), round(s.pay) from s in class Simple"  OK
-"select abs(round(s.pay)) from s in class Simple"  OK
-"select trunc(round(sysdate)) from s in class Simple"  OK
-"select round(s.pay, 2) from s"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, org.jabberwocky.Dipstick"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat  left join com.multijoin.JoinORama , com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
-"select f from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
-"select distinct bar from eg.mypackage.Cat qat  left join com.multijoin.JoinORama as bar, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
-"select count(*) from eg.mypackage.Cat qat"  OK
-"select avg(qat.weight) from eg.mypackage.Cat qat"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name not like '%fluffy%'"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name in ('crater','bean','fluffy')"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name not in ('crater','bean','fluffy')"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed, qat.eyecolor"  OK
-"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat order by avg(qat.toes)"  OK
-"from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as tinycat where fatcat.weight < 3.1415"  OK
-"from eg.Cat as enormouscat where fatcat.weight > 3.1415e3"  OK
-"select new Foo(count(bar)) from bar"  OK
-"select new Foo(count(bar),(select count(*) from doofus d where d.gob = 'fat' )) from bar"  OK
-"from foo where foo.bar in ('a' , 'b', 'c')"  OK
-"from foo where foo.bar not in ('a' , 'b', 'c')"  OK
-"from foo where foo.bar = 123 + foo.baz * foo.not"  OK
-"from foo where foo.bar like 'testzzz' || foo.baz or foo.bar in ('duh', 'gob')"  OK
-"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee where foo.dependent = fee order by foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, fee.id"  OK
-"select foo.foo, foo.dependent from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, foo.dependent.id"  OK
-"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.dependent.id, foo.dependent.fi"  OK
-"select one from one in class org.hibernate.test.One order by one.value asc"  OK
-"select many.one from many in class org.hibernate.test.Many order by many.one.value asc, many.one.id"  OK
-"select foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.joinedProp = 'foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo inner join fetch foo.foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.fooToGlarch"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'bar'"  OK
-"select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar' and foo.foo.foo.foo = 'baz'"  OK
-"select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'a' and foo.foo.string = 'b'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo where foo.component.glarch.name is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo left outer join foo.component.glarch as glarch where glarch.name = 'foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join baz.fooSet"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooSet foo left join fetch foo.foo"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' and foo.boolean = true order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc"  OK
-"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.count is null order by foo.component.count"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
-"select distinct foo.component.name, foo.component.name from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
-"select distinct foo.component.name, foo.id from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.key=?"  OK
-"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='fizard'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.subcomponent.name='bar'"  OK
-"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = ?"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.string='a string' or bar.string='a string'"  OK
-"select foo.component.name, elements(foo.component.importantDates) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?"  OK
-"select max(elements(foo.component.importantDates)) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.id"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, foo2 in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo = foo2.foo and not not ( not foo.string='fizard' ) and foo2.string between 'a' and (foo.foo.string) and ( foo2.string in ( 'fiz', 'blah') or 1=1 )"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='from BoogieDown  -tinsel town  =!@#$^&*())'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where not foo.string='foo''bar'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.glarch.next is null"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.baz.count=667 and bar.baz.count!=123 and not bar.baz.name='1-E-1'"  OK
-"from i in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where i.baz.name='Bazza'"  OK
-"select count(distinct foo.foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select count(foo.foo.boolean) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select count(*), foo.int from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.int"  OK
-"select sum(foo.foo.int) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select count(foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.boolean = ?"  OK
-"select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Fo fo"  OK
-"select new Foo(fo.integer) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo"  OK
-"select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo"  OK
-"select foo.long, foo.component.name, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select avg(foo.float), max(foo.component.name), count(distinct foo.id) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select foo.long, foo.component, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Y"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.X"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Location"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.X$XX"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name is not null"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n.name is not null"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n.name is not null"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n.name is not null"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
-"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name = :name"  OK
-"select baz.code, min(baz.count) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz.code"  OK
-"selecT baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['foo'] is not null or baz.stringDateMap['bar'] = ?"  OK
-"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
-"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null and baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < baz.stringDateMap['now']"  OK
-"select index(date) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap as date"  OK
-"select index(date) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.integer not between 1 and 5 and foo.string not in ('cde', 'abc') and foo.string is not null and foo.integer<=3"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos foo where foo.string is null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.fooSet where '1' in (from baz.fooSet foo where foo.string is not null)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'a' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo join foo.foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
-"select foo.foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
-"select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
-"select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')"  OK
-"select foo.foo.long from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')"  OK
-"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') or foo.foo.long in (1,2,3)"  OK
-"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') group by foo.foo.long"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo2.foo where foo1.string is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo.foo where foo1.string is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo1.foo.foo foo3 where foo1.string is not null"  OK
-"select foo.formula from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.formula > 0"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo join foo.foo as foo2 where foo2.id >'a' or foo2.id <'a'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.manyToAny"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny"  OK
-"select baz from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny a where index(a) = 0"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baaz b where b.stringDateMap['big bang'] < b.stringDateMap['now'] and b.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] and bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
-"select foo.string, foo.component, foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Bar foo"  OK
-"select elements(baz.components) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz"  OK
-"select bc.name from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.components bc"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.integer < 10 order by foo.string"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Holder h join h.otherHolder oh where h.otherHolder.name = 'bar'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooSet foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g where index(g) = 'A'"  OK
-"select index(g) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.stringSet"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet str where str='foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet string where string='foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where comp.name='foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp join comp.fee fee where fee.count > 0"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee.count is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fooBag"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.sortablez order by baz.name asc"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz order by baz.name asc"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fees"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar2"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.X x"  OK
-"select distinct foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g where g.multiple.glarch=g and g.multiple.count=12"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar %'"  OK
-"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'"  OK
-"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where ( bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) or bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) ) and bar.string = :stringVal"  OK
-"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'"  OK
-"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like :name and b.name like :name"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.x > ? or bar.short = 1 or bar.string = 'ff ? bb'"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.string = ' ? ' or bar.string = '?'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz, baz.fooArray foo"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.id.intId = ? and s.moreStuff.id.stringId = ?"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.name = ?"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.string is not null"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo > '0' order by s.foo"  OK
-"from ms in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
-"from fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
-"select new Result(foo.string, foo.long, foo.integer) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"select new Result( baz.name, foo.long, count(elements(baz.fooArray)) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name, foo.long"  OK
-"select new Result( baz.name, max(foo.long), count(foo) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name"  OK
-"select max( elements(bar.baz.fooArray) ) from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooArray foo left join fetch foo.foo"  OK
-"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar INNER JOIN bar.baz AS baz INNER JOIN baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz baz left outer join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, bar.baz baz, baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar, bar.baz AS baz, baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooSet foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
-"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooArray foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
-"select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
-"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
-"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
-"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
-"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz.fooArray foo"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements( bar.baz.fooArray )"  OK
-"select one.id, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
-"select max( elements(one.manies) ) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
-"select one, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
-"select one, max(elements(one.manies)) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One group by one"  OK
-"select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
-"select indices(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
-"select baz, max(elements(baz.timeArray)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz"  OK
-"select baz, baz.stringSet.size, count(distinct elements(baz.stringSet)), max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz"  OK
-"select max( elements(baz.timeArray) ) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
-"select max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
-"select size(baz.stringSet) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.component.glarch.id is not null"  OK
-"from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"select elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"select elements(baz.stringList) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
-"select count(*) from b in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
-"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
-"select baz, baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz order by baz"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
-"from f in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
-"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string, foo.date"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class='B'"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class=Bar"  OK
-"select bar from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where bar.string = foo.string and not bar=foo"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'"  OK
-"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.barString='bar bar'"  OK
-"from t in class org.hibernate.test.Trivial"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.date = ?"  OK
-"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff is null"  OK
-"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff=?"  OK
-"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.version=2"  OK
-"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.next is not null"  OK
-"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch order by g.order asc"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string asc"  OK
-"select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
-"select count(distinct child.id), count(distinct parent.id) from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
-"select child.id, parent.id, child.long from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
-"select child.id, parent.id, child.long, child, parent.foo from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
-"select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child and parent.string='a string'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.custom.s1 = 'one'"  OK
-"from im in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable where im = ?"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.char='X'"  OK
-"select distinct elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.dependent.qux.foo.string = 'foo2'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = ? and bar.object.class = ?"  OK
-"select one from org.hibernate.test.One one, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = one.id and bar.object.class = 'O'"  OK
-"from l in class org.hibernate.test.Location where l.countryCode = 'AU' and l.description='foo bar'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
-"From org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
-"From org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
-"select fum.id from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
-"from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
-"from fo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo where fo.id.string like 'an instance of fo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.detailId = ?"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null"  OK
-"select o.id.master.id.sup.dudu from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
-"select o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.bla = ''"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.one = ''"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Inner inn where inn.id.bkey is not null and inn.backOut.id.master.id.sup.id.akey > 'a'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join m.id.sup where o.bubu is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null"  OK
-"select fum1.fo from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null"  OK
-"from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null order by fum1.fo.fum"  OK
-"select elements(fum1.friends) from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
-"from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum, fr in elements( fum1.friends )"  OK
-"select new Jay(eye) from org.hibernate.test.Eye eye"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new sub'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Up up order by up.id2 asc"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Down down"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Up up"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Master"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Several"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Single"  OK
-"from d in class org.hibernate.test.Detail"  OK
-"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Category where c.name = org.hibernate.test.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.oneToMany[2] = s"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.oneToMany[2]"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.manyToMany[2]"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.oneToMany[2 - 2].name"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.manyToMany[(3+1)/4-1].name"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
-"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
-"select c from org.hibernate.test.Container c where c.manyToMany[ c.oneToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
-"select count(comp.name) from org.hibernate.test.Container c join c.components comp"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p left join fetch p.child"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where c.x > 0"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Child c join c.parent p where p.x > 0"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Child"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Fumm"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Parent"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Part"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Vetoer"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Sortable"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Contained"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Circular"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Stuff"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Immutable"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.parts"  OK
-"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where p.count=66"  OK
-"select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count"  OK
-"select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66 order by c.parent.count"  OK
-"select c, c.parent, c.parent.count from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count"  OK
-"FROM p IN class org.hibernate.test.Parent WHERE p.count = ?"  OK
-"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'"  OK
-"select c, s from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
-"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Child"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Parent"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Circular"  OK
-"from c in class org.hibernate.test.C2 where 1=1 or 1=1"  OK
-"from b in class org.hibernate.test.B"  OK
-"from a in class org.hibernate.test.A"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.reverse as b where b.count=1"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.as as b where b.count=1"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.B"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.C1"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.C2"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.E e, org.hibernate.test.A a where e.reverse = a.forward and a = ?"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.E e join fetch e.reverse"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.E e"  OK
-"select max(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"select count(*) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name=:name and s.count=:count"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:several0_, :several1_)"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:stuff0_, :stuff1_)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=?"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=:name"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.name ) ='SIMPLE 1'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where lower( s.name || ' foo' ) ='simple 1 foo'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not ( upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2' )"  OK
-"select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2"  OK
-"select s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2 order by s.other.count"  OK
-"select sum(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having sum(s.count) > 10"  OK
-"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having s.count = 12"  OK
-"select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple, t in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ?"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ? and upper(s.name) = ?"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = :foo and upper(s.name) = :bar or s.count=:count or s.count=:count + 1"  OK
-"select s.id from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
-"select all s, s.other from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = :s"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:name_list0_, :name_list1_) and s.count > :count"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Assignable"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Category"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.A"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string=?"  OK
-"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Po po, org.hibernate.test.Lower low where low.mypo = po"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.set as sm where sm.amount > 0"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.top as low where low.foo = 'po'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti sm join sm.children smc where smc.name > 'a'"  OK
-"select s, ya from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.yetanother ya"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 join s1.bag s2"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 left join s1.bag s2"  OK
-"select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.another a"  OK
-"select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s left join s.another a"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Top s, org.hibernate.test.Lower ls"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls join ls.set s where s.name > 'a'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.list sm where sm.name > 'a'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls inner join ls.another s where s.name is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls where ls.other.another.name is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Multi m where m.derived like 'F%'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti m where m.derived like 'F%'"  OK
-"select s from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null"  OK
-"select elements(sm.children) from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm"  OK
-"select distinct sm from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null"  OK
-"select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where s.moreChildren[1].amount < 1.0"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.TrivialClass where s.id = 2"  OK
-"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.another.name='name'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name' and s.yetanother.foo is null"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count=1"  OK
-"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top, ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where ls.another=s"  OK
-"select elements(ls.bag), elements(ls.set) from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
-"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
-"from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti"  OK
-"select s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count>0"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.count>0 and m.extraProp is not null"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.count>0 and m.name is not null"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where m.other is not null"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.other.id = 1"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where m.amount > 0.0"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.class = SubMulti"  OK
-"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.class = Multi"  OK
-"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
-"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.bag) where s.id is not null"  OK
-"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.set) where s.id is not null"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
-"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Po"  OK
-"from ChildMap cm where cm.parent is not null"  OK
-"from ParentMap cm where cm.child is not null"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Componentizable"  OK
-"select foo, bar from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo bar where foo = ?"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooArray)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooArray)"  OK
-"select distinct foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
-"select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooSet)"  OK
-"select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'b' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size < 1 )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size > 1 )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size >= 1 )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name between 'A' and 'B' )"  OK
-"from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name not between 'A' and 'B' )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
-"from eg.Cat cat where not  not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
-"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar order by ((bar.x - :valueX)*(bar.x - :valueX))"  OK
-"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooSet)"  OK
-"from one in class org.hibernate.test.One, many in elements(one.manies) where one.id = 1 and many.id = 1"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Inner _inner join _inner.middles middle"  OK
-"FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT EXISTS ( FROM d IN elements(m.details) WHERE NOT d.i=5 )"  OK
-"FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT 5 IN ( SELECT d.i FROM d IN elements(m.details) )"  OK
-"SELECT m FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5"  OK
-"SELECT m.id FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5"  OK
-//I'm not sure about these... [jsd]
-//"select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"  OK
-//"select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"  OK
-//"select count(*) where this.amount>-1 and this.name is null"  OK
-//"from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where exists sm.children.elements"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother member of a.offspring"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.offspring is empty"  OK
-"select x from fmc_web.pool.Pool x left join x.containers c0 where (upper(x.name) = upper(':') and c0.id = 1)"  OK
-"from Customer c where c.order.status = 'argh'"  OK
-"from Customer c where c.order.count > 3"  OK
-"select c.where from Customer c where c.order.count > 3"  OK
-"from Interval i where i.end <:end"  OK
-"from Letter l where l.case = :case"  OK
-"from Order order"  OK
-"from Order order join order.group"  OK
-"from X x order by x.group.by.from"  OK
-"from Order x order by x.order.group.by.from"  OK
-"select order.id from Order order"  OK
-"select order from Order order"  OK
-"from Order order where order.group.by.from is not null"  OK
-"from Order order order by order.group.by.from"  OK
-"from Group as group group by group.by.from"  OK
-"from Foo f where f.full = 'yep'"  OK
-"from where.Order"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where (b.x, b.y, b.z) in (select foo, bar, baz from org.hibernate.test.Foo)"  OK
-"from User user where user.name like '%nn\u4e2dnn%'"  OK
-//FIXME "from User user where user.\u432d like '%\u4e2d%'"  OK
-//FIXME "from \u432d \u432d where \u432d.name like '%fred%'"  OK
-"from Foo f order by com.fooco.SpecialFunction(f.id)"  OK
-"from Animal where zoo.address.street = '123 Bogus St.'"  OK
-"select distinct user.party from com.itf.iceclaims.domain.party.user.UserImpl user inner join user.party.$RelatedWorkgroups relatedWorkgroups where relatedWorkgroups.workgroup.id = :workgroup and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.start <= :datesnow and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.end > :dateenow "  OK
-"from Foo f where f.name = 'fred'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = ?1"  OK
-"select object(m) from Model m"  OK
-"select o from Animal a inner join a.offspring o"  OK
-"select object(o) from Animal a, in(a.offspring) o"  OK
-"from Animal a where not exists elements(a.offspring)"  OK
-"from Animal a where exists (from a.mother.father.offspring)"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother.father.offspring is not empty"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother in (from a.offspring)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother not in (from a.offspring)"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother not member of a.offspring"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.description = concat('1', concat('2','3'), '4'||'5')||0"  OK
-"from Animal a where substring(a.description, 1, 3) = :p1"  OK
-"select substring(a.description, 1, 3) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where lower(a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"from Animal a where length(a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"select length(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where locate(a.description, 'abc', 2) = :p1"  OK
-"select locate(a.description, :p1, 2) from Animal a"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(trailing '_' from a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"select trim(trailing '_' from a.description) from Animal a"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(leading '_' from a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(a.description) = :p1"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight) = sqrt(a.bodyWeight)"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where mod(a.bodyWeight, a.mother.bodyWeight) = :p1"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) = :p1"  OK
-"select BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where CURRENT_DATE = :p1 or CURRENT_TIME = :p2 or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = :p3"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%'"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight not like '%a%'"  OK
-"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%' escape '%'"  OK
-"from Human h where h.pregnant = true"  OK
-"from Human h where h.pregnant = false"  OK
-"from Human h where not( h.pregnant=true )"  OK
-"select p.name, a.zipCode, count(*) from Person p left outer join Employee e on e.id = p.id and p.type = 'E' and (e.effective>? or e.effective<?) join Address a on a.pid = p.id where upper(p.name) like 'G%' and p.age > 100 and (p.sex = 'M' or p.sex = 'F') and coalesce( trim(a.street), a.city, (a.zip) ) is not null order by p.name asc, a.zipCode asc"  OK
-"select ( (m.age - p.age) * 12 ), trim(upper(p.name)) from Person p, Person m where p.mother = m.id and ( p.age = (select max(p0.age) from Person p0 where (p0.mother=m.id)) and p.name like ? )"  OK
-"select case when p.age > 50 then 'old' when p.age > 18 then 'adult' else 'child' end from Person p where ( case when p.age > 50 then 'old' when p.age > 18 then 'adult' else 'child' end ) like ?"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.offspring.description = 'xyz'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.offspring.father.description = 'xyz'"  OK
-"select c.address.zip.code from ComponentContainer c"  OK
-"select c.address.zip from ComponentContainer c"  OK
-"select c.address from ComponentContainer c"  OK
-"from PropertySet p where p.someSpecificProperty.id is not null"  OK
-"from PropertySet p join p.generalProperties gp where gp.id is not null"  OK
-"select a.id, a.description from Animal a left join a.offspring where a in ( select a1 from Animal a1 left join a1.offspring o where a1.id=1)"  OK
-"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends where h in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f where h1.id=1 )"  OK
-"select o.orderDate - o.orderDate from Order o"  OK
-"select o.orderDate + 2 from Order o"  OK
-"select o.orderDate -2 from Order o"  OK
-"from Order o where o.orderDate > ?"  OK
-"select o.orderDate + ? from Order o"  OK
-"select a as animal from Animal a"  OK
-"select o as entity from java.lang.Object o"  OK
-"select foo.foo from Foo foo, Foo foo2"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo from Foo foo, Foo foo2"  OK
-"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) between :min and :max"  OK
-"from Animal x where (select max(a.description) from Animal a) like 'big%'"  OK
-"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) is not null"  OK
-"from Animal x where exists (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a)"  OK
-"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) in (1,2,3)"  OK
-"from Animal a left outer join fetch a.offspring where a.mother.id = :mid order by a.description"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description"  OK
-"from Animal a join fetch a.offspring order by a.description"  OK
-"from Animal a join fetch a.offspring o order by o.description"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description, o.description"  OK
-"from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight-:param) < 2.0"  OK
-"from Animal a where abs(:param - a.bodyWeight) < 2.0"  OK
-"select e.id.id from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e"  OK
-"select max(e.id.id) from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e"  OK
-"select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
-"select c from Container c where c.manyToMany[ maxIndex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
-"select c from ContainerX c where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
-"from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems li left join fetch li.product p"  OK
-"from Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.mother m1 join a.mother m2"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an join zoo.mammals m"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals an join zoo.mammals m"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where zoo.mammals[ index(an) ] = an"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ] = dog"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where dog = zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ]"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].description like '%black%'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].father.description like '%black%'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].father.id = 1234"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals['1234'].description like '%black%'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where index(dog) = 'dog'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where index(an) = '1234'"  OK
-"select baz, date from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
-"from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
-"from Baz b order by org.bazco.SpecialFunction(b.id)"  OK
-"from Baz b order by anypackage.anyFunction(b.id)"  OK
-"from Animal as animal where animal.id in (:idList_1, :idList_2)"  OK
-"from Zoo z where z.address.stateProvince.id is null"  OK
-"select h.friends.offspring from Human h"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as animal where animal.id in ( select a.id from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as a left join a.mother as mo )"  OK
-"select o.mother.bodyWeight, count(distinct o) from Animal an join an.offspring as o group by o.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null"  OK
-"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.offspring.size > 0"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring where a.offspring.size > 1"  OK
-"from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 0"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o where size(a.offspring) > 1"  OK
-"from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 1 and size(a.offspring) < 100"  OK
-"from Human a where a.family.size > 0"  OK
-"from Human a join a.family where a.family.size > 1"  OK
-"from Human a where size(a.family) > 0"  OK
-"from Human a join a.family o where size(a.family) > 1"  OK
-"from Human a where a.family.size > 0 and a.family.size < 100"  OK
-"from Animal"  OK
-"from Model"  OK
-"select h from Human as h join h.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)"  OK
-"select h from Human as h join h.friends as f join f.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)"  OK
-"from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.addresses)"  OK
-"from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.father.addresses)"  OK
-"from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.nickNames)"  OK
-"from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.father.nickNames)"  OK
-"from Animal a where exists( from a.mother.offspring )"  OK
-"from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count )"  OK
-"select size(baz.stringDateMap) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Baz baz"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where size(zoo.animals) > 100"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where maxindex(zoo.mammals) = 'dog'"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother gm"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother ggm"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother.mother gggm"  OK
-"select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
-"select size(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-//HQLTest.testCollectionIndexFunctionsInSelect"  OK
-"select maxindex(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select minindex(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select indices(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select maxelement(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select minelement(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select elements(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"from Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet"  OK
-"from User u join fetch u.permissions"  OK
-"select m from Master m1, Master m left join fetch m.details where m.name=m1.name"  OK
-"select maxelement(u.permissions) from User u"  OK
-"select elements(u.permissions) from User u"  OK
-"from User u where 'read' in elements(u.permissions)"  OK
-"from User u where 'write' <> all elements(u.permissions)"  OK
-"select maxelement(human.friends) from Human human"  OK
-"select elements(human.friends) from Human human"  OK
-"from Human human where 5 = maxelement(human.friends)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 = maxindex(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 2 = minindex(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 > some indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 > all indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 in indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where exists indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 > some elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 > all elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 4 in elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where exists elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
-"from Human h where h.nickName is null"  OK
-"from Human h where h.nickName is not null"  OK
-"from Human h where h.pregnant = yes"  OK
-"from Human h where h.pregnant = foo"  OK
-"from Human h where h.nickName='1 ov''tha''few'"  OK
-"from Human h where case when h.nickName='1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when h.nickName='turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end = h.name.first"  OK
-"from Human h where case h.nickName when '1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when 'turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end = h.name.first"  OK
-"from Animal foo where an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"select an.name from Animal foo"  OK
-"from Animal foo where an.verybogus > 10"  OK
-"select an.boguspropertyname from Animal foo"  OK
-"from NonexistentClass where name='foo'"  OK
-"select new FOO_BOGUS_Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
-"select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight, 666) from Animal an"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 1 and 10"  OK
-"from Human h where h.nickName = '1' || 'ov' || 'tha' || 'few'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description like '%black%'"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.description like '%fat%'"  OK
-"from Animal an where lower(an.description) like '%fat%'"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.description in ('fat', 'skinny')"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(5)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(-5)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3-5)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3/5)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3+5)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3*5)"  OK
-"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not 'foo'='foo'"  OK
-"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not ('foo'='foo')"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' )"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' )"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or not ('x'='y')"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and not ('x'='y')"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' or not 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' and not 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo') or 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo') and 'x'='y'"  OK
-"from Simple s where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs((3-5)/4)"  OK
-"from Animal where current_date = current_time"  OK
-"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = 'FAT'"  OK
-"select lower(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight desc"  OK
-"from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight*4)/2"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight, an.description"  OK
-"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc, an.description desc"  OK
-"from Human h order by sqrt(h.bodyWeight), year(h.birthdate)"  OK
-"select count(*) from Human h group by year(h.birthdate)"  OK
-"select count(*) from Human h group by trunc( sqrt(h.bodyWeight*4)/2 )"  OK
-"select count(*) from Human h group by year(sysdate)"  OK
-"from Mammal"  OK
-"from Dog"  OK
-"from Mammal m where m.pregnant = false and m.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Dog d where d.pregnant = false and d.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Animal, Animal"  OK
-"from Animal x, Animal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from Animal x, Mammal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight and not y.pregnant = true"  OK
-"from Mammal, Mammal"  OK
-"from PettingZoo, PettingZoo"  OK
-"select x from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName"  OK
-"select x, y from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join fetch an.mother"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join mo.mother gm"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join mo.mother gm"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother m inner join an.father f"  OK
-"from Animal an left join fetch an.mother m left join fetch an.father f"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join an.offspring os"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join an.offspring os"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother.id = 12"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da left join fetch da.owner"  OK
-"from Human h join h.pets p where p.pregnant = 1"  OK
-"from Human h join h.pets p where p.bodyWeight > 100"  OK
-"from Human h left join fetch h.pets"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.offspring os"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring"  OK
-"select an from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals mam where mam.pregnant = true and mam.description like '%white%'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%white%'"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%\u4e2d%'"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > ?"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Dog dog where dog.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother is not null"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother.id = 123"  OK
-"select foo, foo.long from Foo foo"  OK
-"select foo.foo from Foo foo"  OK
-"select foo, foo.foo from Foo foo"  OK
-"select foo.foo from Foo foo where foo.foo is not null"  OK
-"select an.mother.mother from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.mother.mother.mother from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.mother.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.mother.zoo.id from Animal an"  OK
-"select user.human.zoo.id from User user"  OK
-"select u.userName, u.human.name.first from User u"  OK
-"select u.human.name.last, u.human.name.first from User u"  OK
-"select bar.baz.name from Bar bar"  OK
-"select bar.baz.name, bar.baz.count from Bar bar"  OK
-"select current_date, current_time, current_timestamp from Animal"  OK
-"from User u where u.permissions['hibernate']='read'"  OK
-"select baz, size(baz.stringSet), count( distinct elements(baz.stringSet) ), max( elements(baz.stringSet) ) from Baz baz group by baz"  OK
-"select elements(fum1.friends) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Fum fum1"  OK
-"select elements(one.manies) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.One one"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > :weight"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother.class = Reptile"  OK
-"from Human h where h.name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"select an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select mo, an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select max(p), min(p) from User u join u.permissions p"  OK
-"select count(an) from Animal an"  OK
-"select count(distinct an) from Animal an"  OK
-"select count(distinct an.id) from Animal an"  OK
-"select count(all an.id) from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select an.mother from Animal an"  OK
-"select an, an.mother from Animal an"  OK
-"select distinct an.description, an.bodyWeight from Animal an"  OK
-"select all an from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.mother.id from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.mother.id, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by an.mother.id having max(an.bodyWeight)>1.0"  OK
-"select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple s, org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple t where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count"  OK
-"from Human h join h.friends f where f.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"from Human h join h.friends f where f.bodyWeight > 100"  OK
-"from Human human where human in elements(human.friends)"  OK
-"from Human human where human = some elements(human.friends)"  OK
-"from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in elements(h1.family)"  OK
-"from Human h1, Human h2 where 'father' in indices(h1.family)"  OK
-"from Human h left join fetch h.friends"  OK
-"select c from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
-"select s from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
-"from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
-"select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
-"select new org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select o.bodyWeight from a.offspring o)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a = (from a.offspring o)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select an.bodyWeight from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a = (from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a = (select o from a.offspring o)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a in (select o from a.offspring o)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a = (select an from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a in (select an from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight > (select max(o.bodyWeight) from a.offspring o)"  OK
-"select foo from Foo foo where foo in (select elt from Baz baz join baz.fooArray elt)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a = (select an.mother from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.id = (select an.mother.id from Animal an)"  OK
-"from Animal a where 'foo' in (select m.description from a.mother m)"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > ?"  OK
-"from Glarch g order by g.order asc"  OK
-"select g.order from Glarch g where g.order = 3"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where c.name = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where c.id = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_ID"  OK
-"from Category c where c.name = Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
-"select c.name, Category.ROOT_ID from Category as c"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.class = PettingZoo"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal an where an.class = Dog"  OK
-"select mod(s.count, 2) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple as s where s.id = 10"  OK
-"select upper(human.name.first) from Human human"  OK
-"from Human human where lower(human.name.first) like 'gav%'"  OK
-"select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Human human join human.friends, Human h join h.mother"  OK
-"from Human human join human.friends f, Animal an join an.mother m where f=m"  OK
-"from Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, Bar bar join bar.foo"  OK
-"from Dog d join d.owner h join h.friends f where f.name.first like 'joe%'"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring"  OK
-"from Dog d join d.owner m join m.offspring"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring o where o.bodyWeight > a.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'gavin'"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.bodyWeight > 0"  OK
-"from Animal an inner join an.offspring os join os.offspring gc"  OK
-"from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os left outer join os.offspring gc"  OK
-"select distinct p from org.hibernate.test.compositeelement.Parent p join p.children c where c.name like 'Child%'"  OK
-"select fum.id from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Fum as fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
-"from Animal an group by an.zoo.id order by an.zoo.id, count(*)"  OK
-"from Animal an group by an.zoo.id having count(an.zoo.id) > 1"  OK
-"select foo from Foo foo, Baz baz where foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
-"from Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where comp.name='foo'"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.onetoone.joined.Person p join fetch p.address left join fetch p.mailingAddress"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName like 'Gavin%'"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName = 'gavin'"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.bodyWeight > 0"  OK
-"from Dog dog where dog.owner.name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"from User u where u.human.nickName='Steve'"  OK
-"from User u where u.human.name.first='Steve'"  OK
-"select d.owner.mother from Dog d"  OK
-"select d.owner.mother.description from Dog d"  OK
-"select d.owner.mother from Dog d, Dog h"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner.mother m where m.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Human h join h.mother.mother.offspring o"  OK
-"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an join an.mother m where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"select an.mother from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight is not null"  OK
-"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select an, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"select an, mo, an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
-"from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where pz1.id = pz2.id"  OK
-"from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where pz1.id = pz2"  OK
-"from PettingZoo pz where pz.id > 0 "  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
-"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where foo.component.subcomponent.name='bar'"  OK
-"from Human h where not( h.nickName is null )"  OK
-"from Human h where not( h.nickName is not null )"  OK
-"from Lower s where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a in (select m from Animal an join an.mother m)"  OK
-"from Animal a where a in (select o from Animal an join an.offspring o)"  OK
-"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Lower s where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
-"select zoo from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz"  OK
-"select zoo, pz from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz"  OK
-"from Animal a where exists (from a.offspring o where o.bodyWeight>10)"  OK
-"from Human h where h = (from Animal an where an = h)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo left join zoo.mammals"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo left join fetch zoo.mammals"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where 'dog' in indices(zoo.mammals)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where dog in elements(zoo.mammals)"  OK
-"select elements(zoo.mammals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
-"select indices(zoo.mammals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
- "select x.id from Human h1 join h1.family x"   OK
-"select index(h2) from Human h1 join h1.family h2"  OK
- "from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in (select x.id from h1.family x)"  OK
- "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'] is not null"  OK
- "select zoo from Zoo zoo"  OK
- "from Zoo zoo"  OK
- "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals m"  OK
- "from Zoo"  OK
- "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals"  OK
- "from Animal a where ('foo', 'bar') in (select m.description, m.bodyWeight from a.mother m)"  OK
-"from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count ) and s.other.count > 0"  OK
- "select foo.string from Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
-"from Animal where zoo is null"  OK
-"from Human where name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"from Human where name is null"  OK
-"from Human where name is not null"  OK
-"from Human where cast(? as string) is null"  OK
-"from Human where ? is null"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o where o.description = 'xyz'"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o where o.father.description = 'xyz'"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by o.description"  OK
-"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by o.father.description"  OK
-"from Animal a order by a.offspring.description"  OK
-"from Animal a order by a.offspring.father.description"  OK
-"from Animal where abs(cast(:x as long) - :y) < 2.0"  OK
-"from Animal where abs(:x - cast(:y as long)) < 2.0"  OK
-"from Animal where abs(cast(:x as long) - cast(:y as long)) < 2.0"  OK
-"from Animal where abs(:x - :y) < 2.0"  OK
-"from Animal where lower(upper(cast(:foo as string))) like 'f%'"  OK 			
-"from Animal where lower(upper(:foo)) like 'f%'"  OK
-"from Animal a where abs(abs(a.bodyWeight - 1.0 + :param) * abs(length('ffobar')-3)) = 3.0"  OK 
-"from Animal where lower(upper('foo') || upper(cast(:bar as string))) like 'f%'"  OK
-"from Animal where lower(upper('foo') || upper(:bar)) like 'f%'"  OK
-"from Animal where abs(cast(1 as float) - cast(:param as float)) = 1.0"  OK
-"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e"  OK
-"select e.owner from SimpleAssociatedEntity e"  OK
-"select e.id, e.owner from SimpleAssociatedEntity e"  OK
-"from SimpleAssociatedEntity e order by e.owner"  OK
-"select e.owner.id, count(*) from SimpleAssociatedEntity e group by e.owner"  OK
-"from Commento c where c.marelo.commento.mcompr is null"  OK
-"select a.description from Animal a where a.class = Mammal"  OK
-"select a.class from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.class = Dog"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.PettingZoo"  OK
-"select a.description from Animal a where a.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Mammal"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal an where an.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Dog"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Dog"  OK
-"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.name.first = 'John'"  OK
-"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.pregnant = false"  OK
-"select m.pregnant from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.pregnant = false"  OK
-"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.description = 'tabby'"  OK
-"select m.description from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.description = 'tabby'"  OK
-"select m.name from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.name.first = 'John'"  OK
-"select m.pregnant from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
-"select m.description from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
-"select m.name from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
-"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner as o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"select da.father from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner as o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
-"from Human where name.last in (?1)"  OK
-"select h.name from Human h"  OK
-"from Human h where h.name = h.name"  OK
-"from Human h where h.name = :name"  OK
-"from Human where name = :name"  OK
-"from Human h where :name = h.name"  OK
-"from Human h where :name <> h.name"  OK
-"from Human h where h.name = ('John', 'X', 'Doe')"  OK
-"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') = h.name"  OK
-"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') <> h.name"  OK
-"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') >= h.name"  OK
-"from Human h order by h.name"  OK
-"from Order o where o.customer.name =:name and o.id = :id"  OK
-"from Order o where o.id = :id and o.customer.name =:name "  OK
-"from PropertySet p where p.someSpecificProperty = :ssp"  OK
-"from Zoo z where z.classification = org.hibernate.test.hql.Classification.LAME"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description = :nonstring"  OK
-"from Human h join fetch h.friends f join fetch f.friends fof"  OK
-"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends where h in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f where h1.id=1)"  OK
-"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends f where f in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f1 where h = f1 )"  OK
-"select distinct p from Animal p inner join fetch p.offspring"  OK
-"select p from Animal p inner join fetch p.offspring order by p.id"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother in (select m from Animal a1 inner join a1.mother as m join fetch m.mother)"  OK
-"from Animal a inner join fetch a.mother"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['tiger'].mother.bodyWeight > 3.0f"  OK
-"select h from Human as h join fetch h.nickNames"  OK
-"from Foo where long = 1"  OK
-"from Foo where long = 1L"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.0e-10"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.0E-10"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001f"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001F"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001d"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001D"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > .001f"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100e-10"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > .01E-10"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight > 1e-38"  OK
-"from Animal where bodyWeight = bodyWeight"  OK
-"select bodyWeight from Animal"  OK
-"select max(bodyWeight) from Animal"  OK
-"select name from Human"  OK
-"select upper(h.name.first) from Human as h"  OK
-"select upper(name.first) from Human"  OK
-"from Animal where mother.father.id = 1"  OK
-"from Animal where mother = :mother"  OK
-"from Zoo where mammals['dog'].description like '%black%'"  OK
-"select mother from Human a left join fetch a.mother mother"  OK
-"select 2*2*2*2*(2*2) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 / (1+1) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 - (1+1) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 - 1 + 1 from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 * (1-1) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 4 / (2 * 2) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 4 / 2 * 2 from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 * (2/2) from Zoo"  OK
-"select 2 * (2/2+1) from Zoo"  OK
-"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring o left join fetch o.offspring where a.mother.id = 1 order by a.description"  OK
-"from Zoo z left join fetch z.animals a left join fetch a.offspring where z.name ='MZ' order by a.description"  OK
-"from Human h left join fetch h.pets a left join fetch a.offspring where h.name.first ='Gavin' order by a.description"  OK
-"select (select max(z.id) from a.zoo z) from Animal a"  OK
-"select (select max(z.id) from a.zoo z where z.name=:name) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a"  OK
-"select distinct a.zoo from Animal a where a.zoo is not null"  OK
-"from Human as h order by h.name"  OK
-"select cast(bodyWeight as integer) from Animal"  OK
-"select cast(a.bodyWeight as integer) from Animal a"  OK
-"select a.bodyWeight as abw, a.description from Animal a"  OK
-"select count(*), avg(a.bodyWeight) as avg from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description = ? and a.bodyWeight = ? or a.bodyWeight = :bw"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description = ? and a.bodyWeight = ?"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight in (?, ?)"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals[:name] = :id"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals[:name].bodyWeight > :w"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals[:sn].mother.bodyWeight < :mw"  OK
-"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals[:sn].description like :desc and zoo.animals[:sn].bodyWeight > :wmin and zoo.animals[:sn].bodyWeight < :wmax"  OK
-"from Human where addresses[:type].city = :city and addresses[:type].country = :country"  OK
-"select sum(h.bodyWeight) from Human h"  OK
-"select avg(h.height) from Human h"  OK
-"select max(a.id) from Animal a"  OK
-"select case nickName when 'Oney' then 'gavin' when 'Turin' then 'christian' else nickName end from Human"  OK
-"select case when bodyWeight > 100 then 'fat' else 'skinny' end from Human"  OK
-"from java.lang.Comparable"  OK
-"from java.lang.Object"  OK
-"from Human h where coalesce(h.nickName, h.name.first, h.name.last) = 'max'"  OK
-"select nullif(nickName, '1e1') from Human"  OK
-"select str(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an where str(an.bodyWeight) like '%1%'"  OK
-"select str(an.bodyWeight, 8, 3) from Animal an where str(an.bodyWeight, 8, 3) like '%1%'"  OK
-"select str(current_date) from Animal"  OK
-"select str(year(current_date))||'-'||str(month(current_date))||'-'||str(day(current_date)) from Animal"  OK
-"from Human h where h.nickName like 'G%'"  OK
-"from Animal a where cast(a.bodyWeight as string) like '1.%'"  OK
-"from Animal a where cast(a.bodyWeight as integer) = 1"  OK
-"select second(current_timestamp()), minute(current_timestamp()), hour(current_timestamp()) from Mammal m"  OK
-"select day(m.birthdate), month(m.birthdate), year(m.birthdate) from Mammal m"  OK
-"select extract(second from current_timestamp()), extract(minute from current_timestamp()), extract(hour from current_timestamp()) from Mammal m"  OK
-"select extract(day from m.birthdate), extract(month from m.birthdate), extract(year from m.birthdate) from Mammal m"  OK
-"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where lower(h.name.first) = 'gavin'"  OK
-"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where concat(h.name.first, ' ', h.name.initial, ' ', h.name.last) = 'Gavin A King'"  OK
-"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where h.name.first||' '||h.name.initial||' '||h.name.last = 'Gavin A King'"  OK
-"select a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
-"select 2.0 * (a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight) from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
-"select sum(a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight) from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
-"select sum(a.mother.bodyWeight * 2.0) from Animal a"  OK
-"select concat(h.name.first, ' ', h.name.initial, ' ', h.name.last) from Human h"  OK
-"select h.name.first||' '||h.name.initial||' '||h.name.last from Human h"  OK
-"select nickName from Human"  OK
-"select lower(nickName) from Human"  OK
-"select abs(bodyWeight*-1) from Human"  OK
-"select upper(h.name.first||' ('||h.nickName||')') from Human h"  OK
-"select abs(a.bodyWeight-:param) from Animal a"  OK
-"select abs(:param - a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
-"select lower(upper('foo')) from Animal"  OK
-"select lower(upper('foo') || upper('bar')) from Animal"  OK
-"select sum(abs(bodyWeight - 1.0) * abs(length('ffobar')-3)) from Animal"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother.bodyWeight < 2.0 or a.mother.bodyWeight > 9.0"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.mother.bodyWeight > 2.0 and a.mother.bodyWeight > 9.0"  OK
-"select a.mother from Animal as a"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where not an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 0 and 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight not between 0 and 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2 > 10"  OK
-"from Animal an where (an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100) or an.bodyWeight is null"  OK
-"from Animal an join fetch an.mother"  OK
-"select an from Animal an join fetch an.mother"  OK
-"from Animal an join fetch an.offspring"  OK
-"select an from Animal an join fetch an.offspring"  OK
-"select an.mother.id, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by an.mother.id"  OK
-"select current_time(), current_date(), current_timestamp() from Product"  OK
-"select new list(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
-"select new map(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
-"select new map(an.description as descr, an.bodyWeight as bw) from Animal an"  OK
-"select an.description as description, an.bodyWeight as bodyWeight from Animal an order by bodyWeight desc"  OK
-"select a from Animal a, Animal b order by a.id"  OK
-"select an as an from Animal an order by bodyWeight desc"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description = concat('1', concat('2','3'), '4'||'5')||'0'"  OK
-"from Animal a where substring(a.description, 1, 3) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where lower(a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = 'CAT'"  OK
-"select upper(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where length(a.description) = 5"  OK
-"from Animal a where locate('abc', a.description, 2) = 2"  OK
-"from Animal a where locate('abc', a.description) = 2"  OK
-"select locate('cat', a.description, 2) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where trim(trailing '_' from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where trim(leading '_' from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where trim(both from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where trim(a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
-"from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight) = sqrt(a.bodyWeight)"  OK
-"from Animal a where mod(16, 4) = 4"  OK
-"from Animal a where bit_length(a.bodyWeight) = 24"  OK
-"select bit_length(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description like '%a%'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description not like '%a%'"  OK
-"from Animal a where a.description like 'x%ax%' escape 'x'"  OK
-"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) between 0 and 100"  OK
-//"from Animal x where (x.name, x.bodyWeight) = ('cat', 20)"  OK
-"delete Animal where mother is not null"  OK
-"delete Animal where not mother is not null"  OK
-"delete Animal"  OK
-"delete from Thing"  OK
-"delete from Person"  OK
-"delete from Location"  OK
-"delete from Child"  OK
-"delete from Parent"  OK
-"delete from Item"  OK
-"delete Customer where contactOwner is not null"  OK
-"delete Employee where manager is not null"  OK
-"delete Person"  OK
-"delete Locality"  OK
-"delete Country"  OK
-"delete Continent"  OK
-"delete from DataPoint"  OK
-"delete from User where userid = :userid"  OK
-"delete from Mail where alias = :alias"  OK
-"delete from NumberedNode where name like 'child%'"  OK
-"delete from fooArray where id_='???' and i>=8"  OK
-"delete from t_user"  OK
-"delete Animal where not description like 'root%'"  OK
-"delete Animal where description like 'grand%'"  OK
-"delete from Animal where mother is not null or father is not null"  OK
-"delete Animal where mother = :mother"  OK
-"delete EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey where id.id = 1 and id.otherId = 2"  OK
-"delete from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey where id.id = 1 and id.otherId = 2"  OK
-"delete from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e where e.id.id = 1 and e.id.otherId = 2"  OK
-"delete from Bar where barString = 's'"  OK
-"delete Vehicle where owner = :owner"  OK
-"delete Mammal where bodyWeight > 150"  OK
-"delete from User u where u not in (select u from User u)"  OK
-"delete SimpleEntityWithAssociation e where size( e.associatedEntities ) = 0 and e.name like '%'"  OK
-"delete Animal where bodyWeight = null"  OK
-"delete from PICKUP"  OK
-"delete from Address where id = ? and version = ?"  OK
-"update Paper set color = :newColor"  OK
-"update Document set name = :newName where name = :oldName"  OK
-"update Mammal set bodyWeight = null"  OK
-"update Zoo set address.city = null"  OK
-"update PettingZoo set address.city = null"  OK
-"update Vehicle set owner = null where owner = 'Steve'"  OK
-"update Vehicle set owner = 'Steve'"  OK
-"update Mammal set bodyWeight = ( select max(bodyWeight) from Animal )"  OK
-"update Mammal set bodyWeight = 25"  OK
-"update Mammal set description = description"  OK
-"update Animal set bodyWeight = bodyWeight + :w1 + :w2"  OK
-"update Animal set description = :newDesc where description = :desc"  OK
-"update Animal set description = description where description = :desc"  OK
-"update Zoo as z set name = name where id = :id"  OK
-"update Zoo as z set z.name = z.name"  OK
-"update PettingZoo pz set pz.name = pz.name where pz.id = :id"  OK
-"update PettingZoo set name = name"  OK
-"update Human set mother.name.initial = :initial"  OK
-"update Animal a set a.mother = (from Animal where id = 1) where a.id = 2"  OK
-"update Animal a set a.mother = null where a.id = 2"  OK
-"update Human set name.first = :correction where id = :id"  OK
-"update versioned TimestampVersioned set name = name"  OK
-"update versioned IntegerVersioned set name = name"  OK
-<<update SimpleEntityWithAssociation e
-     set e.name = 'updated'
-     where exists (
-           select a.id 
-           from e.associatedEntities a 
-           where a.name = 'one-to-many-association' 
-     )>>  OK
-<<update SimpleEntityWithAssociation e
-     set e.name = 'updated'
-     where exists (
-     	select a.id
-     	from e.manyToManyAssociatedEntities a
-     	where a.name = 'many-to-many-association'
- 	 )>>  OK
-<<update Human h
-     set h.description = 'updated' 
-     where exists (
-     	 select f.id
-     	 from h.friends f
-     	 where f.name.last = 'Public'
- 	 )>>  OK
-"update Human set Human.description = 'xyz' where Human.id = 1 and Human.description is null"  OK
-"update BooleanLiteralEntity set yesNoBoolean = true, trueFalseBoolean = true, zeroOneBoolean = true"  OK
-"update BooleanLiteralEntity set yesNoBoolean = :b1, trueFalseBoolean = :b2, zeroOneBoolean = :b3"  OK
-"update NonExistentEntity e set e.someProp = ?"  OK
-"update Customer c set c.company = 'XYZ'"  OK
-"update User u set u.username = :un where u.name = :n"  OK
-"update Person p set p.name = '<male>'"  OK
-"update Person p set p.name = 'Shawn'"  OK
-"update Address set city = ?, state=?, zip=?, version = ? where id in (select aid from Person)"  OK
-"update Address set city = ?, state=?, zip=?, version = ? where id = ? and version = ?  "  OK
-"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight) select h.description, h.bodyWeight from Human h join h.mother m where m.mother is not null"  OK
-"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight) select h.description, h.bodyWeight from Human h where h.mother.mother is not null"  OK
-"insert into TimestampVersioned ( name ) select name from TimestampVersioned"  OK
-"insert into IntegerVersioned ( name ) select name from IntegerVersioned"  OK
-"insert into PettingZoo (name) select name from Zoo"  OK
-"insert into Joiner (name, joinedName) select vin, owner from Car"  OK
-"insert into Human (id, bodyWeight) select id, bodyWeight from Lizard"  OK
-"insert into Pickup (owner, vin, id) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK
-"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight, mother) select description, bodyWeight, mother from Human"  OK
-"insert into PICKUP (id, vin, owner) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK
-"insert into Pickup (id, vin, owner) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK

Added: core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@
+gunit TestHQLTreeWalker walks HQL;
+ at header{
+package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse;
+statement walks statement:
+"from com.acme.EntityName e"  OK
+"from com.acme.EntityName where prop = org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse.ParserTest.CONSTANT"  OK
+"from com.acme.EntityName where prop = compProp.subProp"  OK
+"from A a where b = 1"  OK
+"from A a where a.b.c = 1"  OK
+"from X x where y[1].z = 2"  OK
+"from X x where x.y[1].z = 2"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Inner"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Inner i where i.outer.inner.middle = 'xyz'"  OK
+"select new list(a, mate) from Animal a join a.mate as mate"  OK
+"select p from eg.NameList nl, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(nl.names)"  OK
+"select p from eg.NameList list, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(list.names)"  OK
+"select p from eg.NameList map, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(map.names)"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat inner join fetch cat.mate as m fetch all properties left join fetch cat.kittens as k"  OK
+// tests copied over from org.hibernate.test.hql.HqlParserTest ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+"from Animal a where a in (from Cat union from Dog)"  OK
+ * Section 9.2 - from *
+ */
+"from eg.Cat"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+"from Formula, Parameter"  OK
+"from Formula as form, Parameter as param"  OK
+ * Section 9.3 - Associations and joins *
+ */
+"from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate left outer join cat.kittens as kitten"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat left join cat.mate.kittens as kittens"  OK
+"from Formula form full join form.parameter param"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat join cat.mate as mate left join cat.kittens as kitten"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat inner join fetch cat.mate left join fetch cat.kittens"  OK
+ * Section 9.4 - Select *
+ */
+"select mate from eg.Cat as cat inner join cat.mate as mate"  OK
+"select cat.mate from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+"select elements(cat.kittens) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+"select cat.name from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name like 'fri%'"  OK
+"select cust.name.firstName from Customer as cust"  OK
+"select mother, offspr, mate.name from eg.DomesticCat  as mother inner join mother.mate as mate left outer join mother.kittens as offspr"  OK
+"select new Family(mother, mate, offspr) from eg.DomesticCat as mother join mother.mate as mate left join mother.kittens as offspr"  OK
+ * Section 9.5 - Aggregate functions *
+ */
+"select avg(cat.weight), sum(cat.weight), max(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+"select cat, count( elements(cat.kittens) ) from eg.Cat cat group by cat"  OK
+"select distinct cat.name from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+"select count(distinct cat.name), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat"  OK
+ * Section 9.6 - Polymorphism *
+ */
+"from java.lang.Object o"  OK
+"from eg.Named n, eg.Named m where n.name = m.name"  OK
+ * Section 9.7 - Where *
+ */
+"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.name='Fritz'"  OK
+"select foo from eg.Foo foo, eg.Bar bar where foo.startDate = bar.date"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where cat.mate.name is not null"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat rival where cat.mate = rival.mate"  OK
+"select cat, mate from eg.Cat cat, eg.Cat mate where cat.mate = mate"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.id = 123"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat where cat.mate.id = 69"  OK
+"from bank.Person person where person.id.country = 'AU' and person.id.medicareNumber = 123456"  OK
+"from bank.Account account where account.owner.id.country = 'AU' and account.owner.id.medicareNumber = 123456"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where cat.class = eg.DomesticCat"  OK
+"from eg.AuditLog log, eg.Payment payment where log.item.class = 'eg.Payment' and log.item.id = payment.id"  OK
+ * Section 9.8 - Expressions *
+ */
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name between 'A' and 'B'"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not between 'A' and 'B'"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where cat.name not in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where cat.kittens.size > 0"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where size(cat.kittens) > 0"  OK
+//"from Calendar cal where cal.holidays.maxElement > current date"  OK
+"from Order order where maxindex(order.items) > 100"  OK
+"from Order order where minelement(order.items) > 10000"  OK
+"from Order ord where maxindex(ord.items) > 100"  OK
+"from Order ord where minelement(ord.items) > 10000"  OK
+"select mother from eg.Cat as mother, eg.Cat as kit where kit in elements(foo.kittens)"  OK
+"select p from eg.NameList list, eg.Person p where p.name = some elements(list.names)"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where exists elements(cat.kittens)"  OK
+"from eg.Player p where 3 > all elements(p.scores)"  OK
+"from eg.Show show where 'fizard' in indices(show.acts)"  OK
+"from Order order where order.items[0].id = 1234"  OK
+"select person from Person person, Calendar calendar where calendar.holidays['national day'] = person.birthDay and person.nationality.calendar = calendar"  OK
+"select item from Item item, Order order where order.items[ order.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and order.id = 11"  OK
+"select item from Item item, Order order where order.items[ maxindex(order.items) ] = item and order.id = 11"  OK
+"from Order ord where ord.items[0].id = 1234"  OK
+"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ ord.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and ord.id = 11"  OK
+"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ maxindex(ord.items) ] = item and ord.id = 11"  OK
+"select item from Item item, Order ord where ord.items[ size(ord.items) - 1 ] = item"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where upper(cat.name) like 'FRI%'"  OK
+"select cust from Product prod, Store store inner join store.customers cust where prod.name = 'widget' and store.location.name in ( 'Melbourne', 'Sydney' ) and prod = all elements(cust.currentOrder.lineItems)"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat order by cat.name asc, cat.weight desc, cat.birthdate"  OK
+"select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color"  OK
+"select foo.id, avg( elements(foo.names) ), max( indices(foo.names) ) from eg.Foo foo group by foo.id"  OK
+"select cat.color, sum(cat.weight), count(cat) from eg.Cat cat group by cat.color having cat.color in (eg.Color.TABBY, eg.Color.BLACK)"  OK
+"select cat from eg.Cat cat join cat.kittens kitten group by cat having avg(kitten.weight) > 100 order by count(kitten) asc, sum(kitten.weight) desc"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as fatcat where fatcat.weight > (select avg(cat.weight) from eg.DomesticCat cat)"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name = some (select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as cat where not exists (from eg.Cat as mate where mate.mate = cat)"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat as cat where cat.name not in (select name.nickName from eg.Name as name)"  OK
+<<select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)
+  from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item
+  join item.product as product, Catalog as catalog
+  join catalog.prices as price
+  where ord.paid = false
+  and ord.customer = :customer
+  and price.product = product
+  and catalog.effectiveDate < sysdate
+  and catalog.effectiveDate >= all (
+  select cat.effectiveDate from Catalog as cat where cat.effectiveDate < sysdate)
+  group by ord
+  having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
+  order by sum(price.amount) desc>> OK
+<<select ord.id, sum(price.amount), count(item)
+  from Order as ord join ord.lineItems as item join item.product as product,
+  Catalog as catalog join catalog.prices as price
+  where ord.paid = false and ord.customer = :customer
+  and price.product = product and catalog = :currentCatalog
+  group by ord having sum(price.amount) > :minAmount
+  order by sum(price.amount) desc>> OK
+<<select count(payment), status.name
+  from Payment as payment
+      join payment.currentStatus as status
+      join payment.statusChanges as statusChange
+  where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL
+      or (
+          statusChange.timeStamp = ( 
+              select max(change.timeStamp) 
+              from PaymentStatusChange change
+              where change.payment = payment
+          )
+          and statusChange.user <> :currentUser
+      )
+  group by status.name, status.sortOrder
+  order by status.sortOrder>>  OK
+<<select count(payment), status.name 
+  from Payment as payment
+      join payment.currentStatus as status
+  where payment.status.name <> PaymentStatus.AWAITING_APPROVAL
+      or payment.statusChanges[ maxIndex(payment.statusChanges) ].user <> :currentUser
+  group by status.name, status.sortOrder
+  order by status.sortOrder>>  OK
+<<select account, payment
+  from Account as account
+      left outer join account.payments as payment
+  where :currentUser in elements(account.holder.users)
+      and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)
+  order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate>>  OK
+<<select account, payment
+  from Account as account
+      join account.holder.users as user
+      left outer join account.payments as payment
+  where :currentUser = user
+      and PaymentStatus.UNPAID = isNull(payment.currentStatus.name, PaymentStatus.UNPAID)
+  order by account.type.sortOrder, account.accountNumber, payment.dueDate>>  OK
+"select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address) from s in class Simple"  OK
+"select s.name, sysdate, trunc(s.pay), round(s.pay) from s in class Simple"  OK
+"select abs(round(s.pay)) from s in class Simple"  OK
+"select trunc(round(sysdate)) from s in class Simple"  OK
+"select round(s.pay, 2) from s"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, org.jabberwocky.Dipstick"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat  left join com.multijoin.JoinORama , com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
+"select f from eg.mypackage.Cat qat, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
+"select distinct bar from eg.mypackage.Cat qat  left join com.multijoin.JoinORama as bar, com.toadstool.Foo f join net.sf.blurb.Blurb"  OK
+"select count(*) from eg.mypackage.Cat qat"  OK
+"select avg(qat.weight) from eg.mypackage.Cat qat"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name like '%fluffy%' or qat.toes > 5"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where not qat.name not like '%fluffy%'"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name in ('crater','bean','fluffy')"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat where qat.name not in ('crater','bean','fluffy')"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat group by qat.breed, qat.eyecolor"  OK
+"from eg.mypackage.Cat qat order by avg(qat.toes)"  OK
+"from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as tinycat where fatcat.weight < 3.1415"  OK
+"from eg.Cat as enormouscat where fatcat.weight > 3.1415e3"  OK
+"select new Foo(count(bar)) from bar"  OK
+"select new Foo(count(bar),(select count(*) from doofus d where d.gob = 'fat' )) from bar"  OK
+"from foo where foo.bar in ('a' , 'b', 'c')"  OK
+"from foo where foo.bar not in ('a' , 'b', 'c')"  OK
+"from foo where foo.bar = 123 + foo.baz * foo.not"  OK
+"from foo where foo.bar like 'testzzz' || foo.baz or foo.bar in ('duh', 'gob')"  OK
+"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee where foo.dependent = fee order by foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, fee.id"  OK
+"select foo.foo, foo.dependent from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.foo.string desc, foo.component.count asc, foo.dependent.id"  OK
+"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.dependent.id, foo.dependent.fi"  OK
+"select one from one in class org.hibernate.test.One order by one.value asc"  OK
+"select many.one from many in class org.hibernate.test.Many order by many.one.value asc, many.one.id"  OK
+"select foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.joinedProp = 'foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo inner join fetch foo.foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.fooToGlarch"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'bar'"  OK
+"select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar' and foo.foo.foo.foo = 'baz'"  OK
+"select foo.string from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.foo.foo.string = 'a' and foo.foo.string = 'b'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo where foo.component.glarch.name is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo left outer join foo.component.glarch as glarch where glarch.name = 'foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join baz.fooSet"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooSet foo left join fetch foo.foo"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' and foo.boolean = true order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='osama bin laden' order by foo.string asc, foo.component.count desc"  OK
+"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.count is null order by foo.component.count"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
+"select distinct foo.component.name, foo.component.name from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
+"select distinct foo.component.name, foo.id from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.name='foo'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.key=?"  OK
+"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='fizard'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.subcomponent.name='bar'"  OK
+"select foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo = ?"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.string='a string' or bar.string='a string'"  OK
+"select foo.component.name, elements(foo.component.importantDates) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.foo.id=?"  OK
+"select max(elements(foo.component.importantDates)) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.id"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, foo2 in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo = foo2.foo and not not ( not foo.string='fizard' ) and foo2.string between 'a' and (foo.foo.string) and ( foo2.string in ( 'fiz', 'blah') or 1=1 )"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='from BoogieDown  -tinsel town  =!@#$^&*())'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where not foo.string='foo''bar'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.component.glarch.next is null"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.baz.count=667 and bar.baz.count!=123 and not bar.baz.name='1-E-1'"  OK
+"from i in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where i.baz.name='Bazza'"  OK
+"select count(distinct foo.foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select count(foo.foo.boolean) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select count(*), foo.int from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo group by foo.int"  OK
+"select sum(foo.foo.int) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select count(foo) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.id=?"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.boolean = ?"  OK
+"select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Fo fo"  OK
+"select new Foo(fo.integer) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo"  OK
+"select new Foo(fo.x) from org.hibernate.test.Foo fo"  OK
+"select foo.long, foo.component.name, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select avg(foo.float), max(foo.component.name), count(distinct foo.id) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select foo.long, foo.component, foo, foo.foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Y"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fumm"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.X"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Location"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Part"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Vetoer"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Sortable"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Contained"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.X$XX"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name is not null"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n.name is not null"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n.name is not null"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n.name is not null"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Holder, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n0 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch, n1 in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where n0.name = n1.name"  OK
+"from n in class org.hibernate.test.Holder where n.name = :name"  OK
+"select baz.code, min(baz.count) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz.code"  OK
+"selecT baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['foo'] is not null or baz.stringDateMap['bar'] = ?"  OK
+"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
+"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null and baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < baz.stringDateMap['now']"  OK
+"select index(date) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap as date"  OK
+"select index(date) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.integer not between 1 and 5 and foo.string not in ('cde', 'abc') and foo.string is not null and foo.integer<=3"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos foo where foo.string is null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.fooSet where '1' in (from baz.fooSet foo where foo.string is not null)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'a' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo join foo.foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
+"select foo.foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
+"select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo in ('1','2','3')"  OK
+"select foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')"  OK
+"select foo.foo.long from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3')"  OK
+"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') or foo.foo.long in (1,2,3)"  OK
+"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.foo.string in ('1','2','3') group by foo.foo.long"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo2.foo where foo1.string is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo.foo where foo1.string is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo1 left join foo1.foo foo2 left join foo1.foo.foo foo3 where foo1.string is not null"  OK
+"select foo.formula from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.formula > 0"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo as foo join foo.foo as foo2 where foo2.id >'a' or foo2.id <'a'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Holder"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left outer join fetch baz.manyToAny"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny"  OK
+"select baz from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.manyToAny a where index(a) = 0"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baaz b where b.stringDateMap['big bang'] < b.stringDateMap['now'] and b.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.baz.stringDateMap['big bang'] < bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] and bar.baz.stringDateMap['now'] is not null"  OK
+"select foo.string, foo.component, foo.id from org.hibernate.test.Bar foo"  OK
+"select elements(baz.components) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz"  OK
+"select bc.name from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.components bc"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.integer < 10 order by foo.string"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Holder h join h.otherHolder oh where h.otherHolder.name = 'bar'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooSet foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo join foo.foo.foo foo2 where foo2.string = 'foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g where index(g) = 'A'"  OK
+"select index(g) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.topGlarchez g"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.stringSet"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet str where str='foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.stringSet string where string='foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where comp.name='foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp join comp.fee fee where fee.count > 0"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g inner join g.fooComponents comp where comp.fee.count is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fooBag"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.sortablez order by baz.name asc"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz order by baz.name asc"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join fetch baz.fees"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar2"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.X x"  OK
+"select distinct foo from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g where g.multiple.glarch=g and g.multiple.count=12"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar %'"  OK
+"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'"  OK
+"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where ( bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) or bar.name in (:nameList0_, :nameList1_, :nameList2_) ) and bar.string = :stringVal"  OK
+"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like 'Bar%'"  OK
+"select bar, b from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.cascadingBars b where bar.name like :name and b.name like :name"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.x > ? or bar.short = 1 or bar.string = 'ff ? bb'"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar where bar.string = ' ? ' or bar.string = '?'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz, baz.fooArray foo"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.id.intId = ? and s.moreStuff.id.stringId = ?"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.id = ? and s.id.id = ? and s.moreStuff.name = ?"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo.string is not null"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Stuff where s.foo > '0' order by s.foo"  OK
+"from ms in class org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
+"from fee in class org.hibernate.test.Fee"  OK
+"select new Result(foo.string, foo.long, foo.integer) from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"select new Result( baz.name, foo.long, count(elements(baz.fooArray)) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name, foo.long"  OK
+"select new Result( baz.name, max(foo.long), count(foo) ) from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.fooArray foo group by baz.name"  OK
+"select max( elements(bar.baz.fooArray) ) from org.hibernate.test.Bar as bar"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch join fetch baz.fooArray foo left join fetch foo.foo"  OK
+"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar inner join bar.baz baz inner join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar INNER JOIN bar.baz AS baz INNER JOIN baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz baz left outer join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, bar.baz baz, baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"SELECT baz.name FROM org.hibernate.test.Bar AS bar, bar.baz AS baz, baz.fooSet AS foo WHERE baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooSet foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooSet foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
+"select baz.name from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz baz left join baz.fooArray foo where baz.name = bar.string"  OK
+"select foo.string from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
+"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
+"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
+"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
+"select foo from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz.fooSet as foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar join bar.baz.fooArray foo"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements( bar.baz.fooArray )"  OK
+"select one.id, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
+"select max( elements(one.manies) ) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
+"select one, elements(one.manies) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
+"select one, max(elements(one.manies)) from one in class org.hibernate.test.One group by one"  OK
+"select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
+"select indices(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
+"select baz, max(elements(baz.timeArray)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz"  OK
+"select baz, baz.stringSet.size, count(distinct elements(baz.stringSet)), max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz group by baz"  OK
+"select max( elements(baz.timeArray) ) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
+"select max(elements(baz.stringSet)) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
+"select size(baz.stringSet) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz where baz.id=?"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.component.glarch.id is not null"  OK
+"from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"select elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"select elements(baz.stringList) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
+"select count(*) from b in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
+"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
+"select baz, baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"select baz from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz order by baz"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar"  OK
+"from f in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
+"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string, foo.date"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class='B'"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.class=Bar"  OK
+"select bar from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where bar.string = foo.string and not bar=foo"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string='foo bar'"  OK
+"select foo from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar where bar.barString='bar bar'"  OK
+"from t in class org.hibernate.test.Trivial"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.date = ?"  OK
+"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff is null"  OK
+"from q in class org.hibernate.test.Qux where q.stuff=?"  OK
+"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.version=2"  OK
+"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch where g.next is not null"  OK
+"from g in class org.hibernate.test.Glarch order by g.order asc"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo order by foo.string asc"  OK
+"select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
+"select count(distinct child.id), count(distinct parent.id) from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
+"select child.id, parent.id, child.long from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
+"select child.id, parent.id, child.long, child, parent.foo from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child"  OK
+"select parent, child from parent in class org.hibernate.test.Foo, child in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where parent.foo = child and parent.string='a string'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo where foo.custom.s1 = 'one'"  OK
+"from im in class org.hibernate.test.Immutable where im = ?"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.char='X'"  OK
+"select distinct elements(baz.stringArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"select elements(baz.fooArray) from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.dependent.qux.foo.string = 'foo2'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = ? and bar.object.class = ?"  OK
+"select one from org.hibernate.test.One one, org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where bar.object.id = one.id and bar.object.class = 'O'"  OK
+"from l in class org.hibernate.test.Location where l.countryCode = 'AU' and l.description='foo bar'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
+"From org.hibernate.test.Bar bar"  OK
+"From org.hibernate.test.Foo foo"  OK
+"select fum.id from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
+"from fum in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
+"from fo in class org.hibernate.test.Fo where fo.id.string like 'an instance of fo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.detailId = ?"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null"  OK
+"select o.id.master.id.sup.dudu from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
+"select o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.id.akey is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.bla = ''"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer o where o.id.master.id.one = ''"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Inner inn where inn.id.bkey is not null and inn.backOut.id.master.id.sup.id.akey > 'a'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join m.id.sup where o.bubu is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Outer as o left join o.id.master m left join o.id.master.id.sup s where o.bubu is not null"  OK
+"select fum1.fo from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null"  OK
+"from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum where fum1.fo.fum is not null order by fum1.fo.fum"  OK
+"select elements(fum1.friends) from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
+"from fum1 in class org.hibernate.test.Fum, fr in elements( fum1.friends )"  OK
+"select new Jay(eye) from org.hibernate.test.Eye eye"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Category cat where cat.name='new sub'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Up up order by up.id2 asc"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Down down"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Up up"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Master"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Several"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Single"  OK
+"from d in class org.hibernate.test.Detail"  OK
+"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Category where c.name = org.hibernate.test.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.oneToMany[2] = s"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.oneToMany[2]"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container, s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = c.manyToMany[2]"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.oneToMany[2 - 2].name"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where 's' = c.manyToMany[(3+1)/4-1].name"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
+"select c from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
+"select c from org.hibernate.test.Container c where c.manyToMany[ c.oneToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
+"select count(comp.name) from org.hibernate.test.Container c join c.components comp"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p left join fetch p.child"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where c.x > 0"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Child c join c.parent p where p.x > 0"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Child"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.MoreStuff"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Qux"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Fumm"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Parent"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Part"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Vetoer"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Sortable"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Contained"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Circular"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Stuff"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Immutable"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.One"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Fo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Fum"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Glarch g"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz join baz.parts"  OK
+"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Parent p join p.child c where p.count=66"  OK
+"select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count"  OK
+"select c, c.parent from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child where c.parent.count=66 order by c.parent.count"  OK
+"select c, c.parent, c.parent.count from c in class org.hibernate.test.Child order by c.parent.count"  OK
+"FROM p IN class org.hibernate.test.Parent WHERE p.count = ?"  OK
+"select count(*) from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'"  OK
+"select c, s from org.hibernate.test.Container as c join c.components as ce join ce.simple as s where ce.name='foo'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Many"  OK
+"from c in class org.hibernate.test.Container"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Child"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Parent"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Circular"  OK
+"from c in class org.hibernate.test.C2 where 1=1 or 1=1"  OK
+"from b in class org.hibernate.test.B"  OK
+"from a in class org.hibernate.test.A"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.reverse as b where b.count=1"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.E e join e.as as b where b.count=1"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.B"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.C1"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.C2"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.E e, org.hibernate.test.A a where e.reverse = a.forward and a = ?"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.E e join fetch e.reverse"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.E e"  OK
+"select max(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"select new org.hibernate.test.S(s.count, s.address) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"select count(*) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name=:name and s.count=:count"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:several0_, :several1_)"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:stuff0_, :stuff1_)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=?"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s where s.name=:name"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.name ) ='SIMPLE 1'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where lower( s.name || ' foo' ) ='simple 1 foo'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where not ( upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2' )"  OK
+"select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2"  OK
+"select s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2 order by s.other.count"  OK
+"select sum(s.count) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having sum(s.count) > 10"  OK
+"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple group by s.count having s.count = 12"  OK
+"select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple, t in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ?"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = ? and upper(s.name) = ?"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name = :foo and upper(s.name) = :bar or s.count=:count or s.count=:count + 1"  OK
+"select s.id from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple"  OK
+"select all s, s.other from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s = :s"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Simple where s.name in (:name_list0_, :name_list1_) and s.count > :count"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Simple s"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Assignable"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Category"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.A"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo where foo.string=?"  OK
+"from foo in class org.hibernate.test.Foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Po po, org.hibernate.test.Lower low where low.mypo = po"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.set as sm where sm.amount > 0"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.top as low where low.foo = 'po'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti sm join sm.children smc where smc.name > 'a'"  OK
+"select s, ya from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.yetanother ya"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 join s1.bag s2"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Lower s1 left join s1.bag s2"  OK
+"select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s join s.another a"  OK
+"select s, a from org.hibernate.test.Lower s left join s.another a"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Top s, org.hibernate.test.Lower ls"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls join ls.set s where s.name > 'a'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Po po join po.list sm where sm.name > 'a'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls inner join ls.another s where s.name is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Lower ls where ls.other.another.name is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Multi m where m.derived like 'F%'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti m where m.derived like 'F%'"  OK
+"select s from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null"  OK
+"select elements(sm.children) from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm"  OK
+"select distinct sm from org.hibernate.test.SubMulti as sm join sm.children as s where s.amount>-1 and s.name is null"  OK
+"select distinct s from s in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where s.moreChildren[1].amount < 1.0"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.TrivialClass where s.id = 2"  OK
+"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.another.name='name'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where s.yetanother.name='name' and s.yetanother.foo is null"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count=1"  OK
+"select s.count from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top, ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where ls.another=s"  OK
+"select elements(ls.bag), elements(ls.set) from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
+"from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
+"from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti"  OK
+"select s from s in class org.hibernate.test.Top where s.count>0"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.count>0 and m.extraProp is not null"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.count>0 and m.name is not null"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Lower where m.other is not null"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.other.id = 1"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where m.amount > 0.0"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Multi where m.class = SubMulti"  OK
+"from m in class org.hibernate.test.Top where m.class = Multi"  OK
+"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower"  OK
+"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.bag) where s.id is not null"  OK
+"from ls in class org.hibernate.test.Lower, s in elements(ls.set) where s.id is not null"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Top"  OK
+"from o in class org.hibernate.test.Po"  OK
+"from ChildMap cm where cm.parent is not null"  OK
+"from ParentMap cm where cm.child is not null"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Componentizable"  OK
+"select foo, bar from org.hibernate.test.Foo foo left outer join foo.foo bar where foo = ?"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooArray)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooArray)"  OK
+"select distinct foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
+"select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooSet)"  OK
+"select foo from baz in class org.hibernate.test.Baz, foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Baz baz where 'b' in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.foos) and 1.0 in elements(baz.collectionComponent.nested.floats)"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size < 1 )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size > 1 )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size >= 1 )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not ( cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name between 'A' and 'B' )"  OK
+"from eg.DomesticCat cat where not ( cat.name not between 'A' and 'B' )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
+"from eg.Cat cat where not  not ( not cat.kittens.size <= 1 )"  OK
+"select bar from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar order by ((bar.x - :valueX)*(bar.x - :valueX))"  OK
+"from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, foo in elements(bar.baz.fooSet)"  OK
+"from one in class org.hibernate.test.One, many in elements(one.manies) where one.id = 1 and many.id = 1"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Inner _inner join _inner.middles middle"  OK
+"FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT EXISTS ( FROM d IN elements(m.details) WHERE NOT d.i=5 )"  OK
+"FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master WHERE NOT 5 IN ( SELECT d.i FROM d IN elements(m.details) )"  OK
+"SELECT m FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5"  OK
+"SELECT m.id FROM m IN class org.hibernate.test.Master, d IN elements(m.details) WHERE d.i=5"  OK
+//I'm not sure about these... [jsd]
+//"select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar inner join bar.baz as baz inner join elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"  OK
+//"select bar.string, foo.string from bar in class org.hibernate.test.Bar, bar.baz as baz, elements(baz.fooSet) as foo where baz.name = 'name'"  OK
+//"select count(*) where this.amount>-1 and this.name is null"  OK
+//"from sm in class org.hibernate.test.SubMulti where exists sm.children.elements"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother member of a.offspring"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.offspring is empty"  OK
+"select x from fmc_web.pool.Pool x left join x.containers c0 where (upper(x.name) = upper(':') and c0.id = 1)"  OK
+"from Customer c where c.order.status = 'argh'"  OK
+"from Customer c where c.order.count > 3"  OK
+"select c.where from Customer c where c.order.count > 3"  OK
+"from Interval i where i.end <:end"  OK
+"from Letter l where l.case = :case"  OK
+"from Order order"  OK
+"from Order order join order.group"  OK
+"from X x order by x.group.by.from"  OK
+"from Order x order by x.order.group.by.from"  OK
+"select order.id from Order order"  OK
+"select order from Order order"  OK
+"from Order order where order.group.by.from is not null"  OK
+"from Order order order by order.group.by.from"  OK
+"from Group as group group by group.by.from"  OK
+"from Foo f where f.full = 'yep'"  OK
+"from where.Order"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.Bar bar where (b.x, b.y, b.z) in (select foo, bar, baz from org.hibernate.test.Foo)"  OK
+"from User user where user.name like '%nn\u4e2dnn%'"  OK
+//FIXME "from User user where user.\u432d like '%\u4e2d%'"  OK
+//FIXME "from \u432d \u432d where \u432d.name like '%fred%'"  OK
+"from Foo f order by com.fooco.SpecialFunction(f.id)"  OK
+"from Animal where zoo.address.street = '123 Bogus St.'"  OK
+"select distinct user.party from com.itf.iceclaims.domain.party.user.UserImpl user inner join user.party.$RelatedWorkgroups relatedWorkgroups where relatedWorkgroups.workgroup.id = :workgroup and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.start <= :datesnow and relatedWorkgroups.effectiveTime.end > :dateenow "  OK
+"from Foo f where f.name = 'fred'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = ?1"  OK
+"select object(m) from Model m"  OK
+"select o from Animal a inner join a.offspring o"  OK
+"select object(o) from Animal a, in(a.offspring) o"  OK
+"from Animal a where not exists elements(a.offspring)"  OK
+"from Animal a where exists (from a.mother.father.offspring)"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother.father.offspring is not empty"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother in (from a.offspring)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother not in (from a.offspring)"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother not member of a.offspring"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.description = concat('1', concat('2','3'), '4'||'5')||0"  OK
+"from Animal a where substring(a.description, 1, 3) = :p1"  OK
+"select substring(a.description, 1, 3) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where lower(a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"from Animal a where length(a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"select length(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where locate(a.description, 'abc', 2) = :p1"  OK
+"select locate(a.description, :p1, 2) from Animal a"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(trailing '_' from a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"select trim(trailing '_' from a.description) from Animal a"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(leading '_' from a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where trim(a.description) = :p1"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight) = sqrt(a.bodyWeight)"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where mod(a.bodyWeight, a.mother.bodyWeight) = :p1"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) = :p1"  OK
+"select BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where CURRENT_DATE = :p1 or CURRENT_TIME = :p2 or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = :p3"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%'"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight not like '%a%'"  OK
+"select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%' escape '%'"  OK
+"from Human h where h.pregnant = true"  OK
+"from Human h where h.pregnant = false"  OK
+"from Human h where not( h.pregnant=true )"  OK
+"select p.name, a.zipCode, count(*) from Person p left outer join Employee e on e.id = p.id and p.type = 'E' and (e.effective>? or e.effective<?) join Address a on a.pid = p.id where upper(p.name) like 'G%' and p.age > 100 and (p.sex = 'M' or p.sex = 'F') and coalesce( trim(a.street), a.city, (a.zip) ) is not null order by p.name asc, a.zipCode asc"  OK
+"select ( (m.age - p.age) * 12 ), trim(upper(p.name)) from Person p, Person m where p.mother = m.id and ( p.age = (select max(p0.age) from Person p0 where (p0.mother=m.id)) and p.name like ? )"  OK
+"select case when p.age > 50 then 'old' when p.age > 18 then 'adult' else 'child' end from Person p where ( case when p.age > 50 then 'old' when p.age > 18 then 'adult' else 'child' end ) like ?"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.offspring.description = 'xyz'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.offspring.father.description = 'xyz'"  OK
+"select c.address.zip.code from ComponentContainer c"  OK
+"select c.address.zip from ComponentContainer c"  OK
+"select c.address from ComponentContainer c"  OK
+"from PropertySet p where p.someSpecificProperty.id is not null"  OK
+"from PropertySet p join p.generalProperties gp where gp.id is not null"  OK
+"select a.id, a.description from Animal a left join a.offspring where a in ( select a1 from Animal a1 left join a1.offspring o where a1.id=1)"  OK
+"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends where h in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f where h1.id=1 )"  OK
+"select o.orderDate - o.orderDate from Order o"  OK
+"select o.orderDate + 2 from Order o"  OK
+"select o.orderDate -2 from Order o"  OK
+"from Order o where o.orderDate > ?"  OK
+"select o.orderDate + ? from Order o"  OK
+"select a as animal from Animal a"  OK
+"select o as entity from java.lang.Object o"  OK
+"select foo.foo from Foo foo, Foo foo2"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo from Foo foo, Foo foo2"  OK
+"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) between :min and :max"  OK
+"from Animal x where (select max(a.description) from Animal a) like 'big%'"  OK
+"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) is not null"  OK
+"from Animal x where exists (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a)"  OK
+"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) in (1,2,3)"  OK
+"from Animal a left outer join fetch a.offspring where a.mother.id = :mid order by a.description"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description"  OK
+"from Animal a join fetch a.offspring order by a.description"  OK
+"from Animal a join fetch a.offspring o order by o.description"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description, o.description"  OK
+"from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight-:param) < 2.0"  OK
+"from Animal a where abs(:param - a.bodyWeight) < 2.0"  OK
+"select e.id.id from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e"  OK
+"select max(e.id.id) from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e"  OK
+"select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
+"select c from Container c where c.manyToMany[ maxIndex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2"  OK
+"select c from ContainerX c where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'"  OK
+"from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems li left join fetch li.product p"  OK
+"from Outer o where o.id.master.id.sup.dudu is not null"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.mother m1 join a.mother m2"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an join zoo.mammals m"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals an join zoo.mammals m"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where zoo.mammals[ index(an) ] = an"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ] = dog"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where dog = zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ]"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].description like '%black%'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].father.description like '%black%'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].father.id = 1234"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals['1234'].description like '%black%'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where index(dog) = 'dog'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where index(an) = '1234'"  OK
+"select baz, date from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
+"from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'"  OK
+"from Baz b order by org.bazco.SpecialFunction(b.id)"  OK
+"from Baz b order by anypackage.anyFunction(b.id)"  OK
+"from Animal as animal where animal.id in (:idList_1, :idList_2)"  OK
+"from Zoo z where z.address.stateProvince.id is null"  OK
+"select h.friends.offspring from Human h"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as animal where animal.id in ( select a.id from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as a left join a.mother as mo )"  OK
+"select o.mother.bodyWeight, count(distinct o) from Animal an join an.offspring as o group by o.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null"  OK
+"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.offspring.size > 0"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring where a.offspring.size > 1"  OK
+"from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 0"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o where size(a.offspring) > 1"  OK
+"from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 1 and size(a.offspring) < 100"  OK
+"from Human a where a.family.size > 0"  OK
+"from Human a join a.family where a.family.size > 1"  OK
+"from Human a where size(a.family) > 0"  OK
+"from Human a join a.family o where size(a.family) > 1"  OK
+"from Human a where a.family.size > 0 and a.family.size < 100"  OK
+"from Animal"  OK
+"from Model"  OK
+"select h from Human as h join h.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)"  OK
+"select h from Human as h join h.friends as f join f.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)"  OK
+"from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.addresses)"  OK
+"from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.father.addresses)"  OK
+"from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.nickNames)"  OK
+"from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.father.nickNames)"  OK
+"from Animal a where exists( from a.mother.offspring )"  OK
+"from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count )"  OK
+"select size(baz.stringDateMap) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Baz baz"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where size(zoo.animals) > 100"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where maxindex(zoo.mammals) = 'dog'"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother gm"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother ggm"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother.mother gggm"  OK
+"select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'"  OK
+"select size(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+//HQLTest.testCollectionIndexFunctionsInSelect"  OK
+"select maxindex(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select minindex(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select indices(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select maxelement(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select minelement(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select elements(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"from Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet"  OK
+"from User u join fetch u.permissions"  OK
+"select m from Master m1, Master m left join fetch m.details where m.name=m1.name"  OK
+"select maxelement(u.permissions) from User u"  OK
+"select elements(u.permissions) from User u"  OK
+"from User u where 'read' in elements(u.permissions)"  OK
+"from User u where 'write' <> all elements(u.permissions)"  OK
+"select maxelement(human.friends) from Human human"  OK
+"select elements(human.friends) from Human human"  OK
+"from Human human where 5 = maxelement(human.friends)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 = maxindex(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 2 = minindex(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 > some indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 > all indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 in indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where exists indices(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 > some elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 > all elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 4 in elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where exists elements(zoo.animals)"  OK
+"from Human h where h.nickName is null"  OK
+"from Human h where h.nickName is not null"  OK
+"from Human h where h.pregnant = yes"  OK
+"from Human h where h.pregnant = foo"  OK
+"from Human h where h.nickName='1 ov''tha''few'"  OK
+"from Human h where case when h.nickName='1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when h.nickName='turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end = h.name.first"  OK
+"from Human h where case h.nickName when '1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when 'turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end = h.name.first"  OK
+"from Animal foo where an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"select an.name from Animal foo"  OK
+"from Animal foo where an.verybogus > 10"  OK
+"select an.boguspropertyname from Animal foo"  OK
+"from NonexistentClass where name='foo'"  OK
+"select new FOO_BOGUS_Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
+"select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight, 666) from Animal an"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 1 and 10"  OK
+"from Human h where h.nickName = '1' || 'ov' || 'tha' || 'few'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description like '%black%'"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.description like '%fat%'"  OK
+"from Animal an where lower(an.description) like '%fat%'"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.description in ('fat', 'skinny')"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(5)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(-5)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3-5)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3/5)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3+5)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3*5)"  OK
+"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not 'foo'='foo'"  OK
+"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not ('foo'='foo')"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' )"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' )"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or not ('x'='y')"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and not ('x'='y')"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' or not 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' and not 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo') or 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo') and 'x'='y'"  OK
+"from Simple s where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs((3-5)/4)"  OK
+"from Animal where current_date = current_time"  OK
+"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = 'FAT'"  OK
+"select lower(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight desc"  OK
+"from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight*4)/2"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight, an.description"  OK
+"from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc, an.description desc"  OK
+"from Human h order by sqrt(h.bodyWeight), year(h.birthdate)"  OK
+"select count(*) from Human h group by year(h.birthdate)"  OK
+"select count(*) from Human h group by trunc( sqrt(h.bodyWeight*4)/2 )"  OK
+"select count(*) from Human h group by year(sysdate)"  OK
+"from Mammal"  OK
+"from Dog"  OK
+"from Mammal m where m.pregnant = false and m.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Dog d where d.pregnant = false and d.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Animal, Animal"  OK
+"from Animal x, Animal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from Animal x, Mammal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight and not y.pregnant = true"  OK
+"from Mammal, Mammal"  OK
+"from PettingZoo, PettingZoo"  OK
+"select x from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName"  OK
+"select x, y from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join fetch an.mother"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join mo.mother gm"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join mo.mother gm"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother m inner join an.father f"  OK
+"from Animal an left join fetch an.mother m left join fetch an.father f"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join an.offspring os"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join an.offspring os"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother.id = 12"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da left join fetch da.owner"  OK
+"from Human h join h.pets p where p.pregnant = 1"  OK
+"from Human h join h.pets p where p.bodyWeight > 100"  OK
+"from Human h left join fetch h.pets"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.offspring os"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring"  OK
+"select an from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals mam where mam.pregnant = true and mam.description like '%white%'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%white%'"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%\u4e2d%'"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > ?"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Dog dog where dog.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother is not null"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother.id = 123"  OK
+"select foo, foo.long from Foo foo"  OK
+"select foo.foo from Foo foo"  OK
+"select foo, foo.foo from Foo foo"  OK
+"select foo.foo from Foo foo where foo.foo is not null"  OK
+"select an.mother.mother from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.mother.mother.mother from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.mother.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.mother.zoo.id from Animal an"  OK
+"select user.human.zoo.id from User user"  OK
+"select u.userName, u.human.name.first from User u"  OK
+"select u.human.name.last, u.human.name.first from User u"  OK
+"select bar.baz.name from Bar bar"  OK
+"select bar.baz.name, bar.baz.count from Bar bar"  OK
+"select current_date, current_time, current_timestamp from Animal"  OK
+"from User u where u.permissions['hibernate']='read'"  OK
+"select baz, size(baz.stringSet), count( distinct elements(baz.stringSet) ), max( elements(baz.stringSet) ) from Baz baz group by baz"  OK
+"select elements(fum1.friends) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Fum fum1"  OK
+"select elements(one.manies) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.One one"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > :weight"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother.class = Reptile"  OK
+"from Human h where h.name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"select an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select mo, an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select max(p), min(p) from User u join u.permissions p"  OK
+"select count(an) from Animal an"  OK
+"select count(distinct an) from Animal an"  OK
+"select count(distinct an.id) from Animal an"  OK
+"select count(all an.id) from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select an.mother from Animal an"  OK
+"select an, an.mother from Animal an"  OK
+"select distinct an.description, an.bodyWeight from Animal an"  OK
+"select all an from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.mother.id from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.mother.id, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by an.mother.id having max(an.bodyWeight)>1.0"  OK
+"select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple s, org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple t where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count"  OK
+"from Human h join h.friends f where f.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"from Human h join h.friends f where f.bodyWeight > 100"  OK
+"from Human human where human in elements(human.friends)"  OK
+"from Human human where human = some elements(human.friends)"  OK
+"from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in elements(h1.family)"  OK
+"from Human h1, Human h2 where 'father' in indices(h1.family)"  OK
+"from Human h left join fetch h.friends"  OK
+"select c from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
+"select s from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
+"from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s"  OK
+"select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
+"select new org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select o.bodyWeight from a.offspring o)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a = (from a.offspring o)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select an.bodyWeight from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a = (from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a = (select o from a.offspring o)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a in (select o from a.offspring o)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a = (select an from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a in (select an from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight > (select max(o.bodyWeight) from a.offspring o)"  OK
+"select foo from Foo foo where foo in (select elt from Baz baz join baz.fooArray elt)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a = (select an.mother from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.id = (select an.mother.id from Animal an)"  OK
+"from Animal a where 'foo' in (select m.description from a.mother m)"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > ?"  OK
+"from Glarch g order by g.order asc"  OK
+"select g.order from Glarch g where g.order = 3"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where c.name = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where c.id = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_ID"  OK
+"from Category c where c.name = Category.ROOT_CATEGORY"  OK
+"select c.name, Category.ROOT_ID from Category as c"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.class = PettingZoo"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal an where an.class = Dog"  OK
+"select mod(s.count, 2) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple as s where s.id = 10"  OK
+"select upper(human.name.first) from Human human"  OK
+"from Human human where lower(human.name.first) like 'gav%'"  OK
+"select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Human human join human.friends, Human h join h.mother"  OK
+"from Human human join human.friends f, Animal an join an.mother m where f=m"  OK
+"from Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, Bar bar join bar.foo"  OK
+"from Dog d join d.owner h join h.friends f where f.name.first like 'joe%'"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring"  OK
+"from Dog d join d.owner m join m.offspring"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring o where o.bodyWeight > a.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'gavin'"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.bodyWeight > 0"  OK
+"from Animal an inner join an.offspring os join os.offspring gc"  OK
+"from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os left outer join os.offspring gc"  OK
+"select distinct p from org.hibernate.test.compositeelement.Parent p join p.children c where c.name like 'Child%'"  OK
+"select fum.id from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Fum as fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'"  OK
+"from Animal an group by an.zoo.id order by an.zoo.id, count(*)"  OK
+"from Animal an group by an.zoo.id having count(an.zoo.id) > 1"  OK
+"select foo from Foo foo, Baz baz where foo in elements(baz.fooArray)"  OK
+"from Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where comp.name='foo'"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.onetoone.joined.Person p join fetch p.address left join fetch p.mailingAddress"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName like 'Gavin%'"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName = 'gavin'"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.bodyWeight > 0"  OK
+"from Dog dog where dog.owner.name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"from User u where u.human.nickName='Steve'"  OK
+"from User u where u.human.name.first='Steve'"  OK
+"select d.owner.mother from Dog d"  OK
+"select d.owner.mother.description from Dog d"  OK
+"select d.owner.mother from Dog d, Dog h"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner.mother m where m.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Human h join h.mother.mother.offspring o"  OK
+"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an join an.mother m where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"select an.mother from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight is not null"  OK
+"select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select an, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"select an, mo, an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight"  OK
+"from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where pz1.id = pz2.id"  OK
+"from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where pz1.id = pz2"  OK
+"from PettingZoo pz where pz.id > 0 "  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where foo.foo.foo = 'bar'"  OK
+"select foo.foo.foo.foo.string from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where foo.component.subcomponent.name='bar'"  OK
+"from Human h where not( h.nickName is null )"  OK
+"from Human h where not( h.nickName is not null )"  OK
+"from Lower s where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a in (select m from Animal an join an.mother m)"  OK
+"from Animal a where a in (select o from Animal an join an.offspring o)"  OK
+"from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Lower s where s.yetanother.name='name'"  OK
+"select zoo from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz"  OK
+"select zoo, pz from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz"  OK
+"from Animal a where exists (from a.offspring o where o.bodyWeight>10)"  OK
+"from Human h where h = (from Animal an where an = h)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo left join zoo.mammals"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo left join fetch zoo.mammals"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where 'dog' in indices(zoo.mammals)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where dog in elements(zoo.mammals)"  OK
+"select elements(zoo.mammals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+"select indices(zoo.mammals) from Zoo zoo"  OK
+ "select x.id from Human h1 join h1.family x"   OK
+"select index(h2) from Human h1 join h1.family h2"  OK
+ "from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in (select x.id from h1.family x)"  OK
+ "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'] is not null"  OK
+ "select zoo from Zoo zoo"  OK
+ "from Zoo zoo"  OK
+ "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals m"  OK
+ "from Zoo"  OK
+ "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals"  OK
+ "from Animal a where ('foo', 'bar') in (select m.description, m.bodyWeight from a.mother m)"  OK
+"from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count ) and s.other.count > 0"  OK
+ "select foo.string from Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string"  OK
+"from Animal where zoo is null"  OK
+"from Human where name.first = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"from Human where name is null"  OK
+"from Human where name is not null"  OK
+"from Human where cast(? as string) is null"  OK
+"from Human where ? is null"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o where o.description = 'xyz'"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o where o.father.description = 'xyz'"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by o.description"  OK
+"from Animal a join a.offspring o order by o.father.description"  OK
+"from Animal a order by a.offspring.description"  OK
+"from Animal a order by a.offspring.father.description"  OK
+"from Animal where abs(cast(:x as long) - :y) < 2.0"  OK
+"from Animal where abs(:x - cast(:y as long)) < 2.0"  OK
+"from Animal where abs(cast(:x as long) - cast(:y as long)) < 2.0"  OK
+"from Animal where abs(:x - :y) < 2.0"  OK
+"from Animal where lower(upper(cast(:foo as string))) like 'f%'"  OK 			
+"from Animal where lower(upper(:foo)) like 'f%'"  OK
+"from Animal a where abs(abs(a.bodyWeight - 1.0 + :param) * abs(length('ffobar')-3)) = 3.0"  OK 
+"from Animal where lower(upper('foo') || upper(cast(:bar as string))) like 'f%'"  OK
+"from Animal where lower(upper('foo') || upper(:bar)) like 'f%'"  OK
+"from Animal where abs(cast(1 as float) - cast(:param as float)) = 1.0"  OK
+"select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e"  OK
+"select e.owner from SimpleAssociatedEntity e"  OK
+"select e.id, e.owner from SimpleAssociatedEntity e"  OK
+"from SimpleAssociatedEntity e order by e.owner"  OK
+"select e.owner.id, count(*) from SimpleAssociatedEntity e group by e.owner"  OK
+"from Commento c where c.marelo.commento.mcompr is null"  OK
+"select a.description from Animal a where a.class = Mammal"  OK
+"select a.class from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.class = Dog"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.PettingZoo"  OK
+"select a.description from Animal a where a.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Mammal"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal an where an.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Dog"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.class = org.hibernate.test.hql.Dog"  OK
+"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.name.first = 'John'"  OK
+"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.pregnant = false"  OK
+"select m.pregnant from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.pregnant = false"  OK
+"from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.description = 'tabby'"  OK
+"select m.description from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.description = 'tabby'"  OK
+"select m.name from Zoo z join z.mammals as m where m.name.first = 'John'"  OK
+"select m.pregnant from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
+"select m.description from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
+"select m.name from Zoo z join z.mammals as m"  OK
+"from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner as o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"select da.father from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner as o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'"  OK
+"from Human where name.last in (?1)"  OK
+"select h.name from Human h"  OK
+"from Human h where h.name = h.name"  OK
+"from Human h where h.name = :name"  OK
+"from Human where name = :name"  OK
+"from Human h where :name = h.name"  OK
+"from Human h where :name <> h.name"  OK
+"from Human h where h.name = ('John', 'X', 'Doe')"  OK
+"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') = h.name"  OK
+"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') <> h.name"  OK
+"from Human h where ('John', 'X', 'Doe') >= h.name"  OK
+"from Human h order by h.name"  OK
+"from Order o where o.customer.name =:name and o.id = :id"  OK
+"from Order o where o.id = :id and o.customer.name =:name "  OK
+"from PropertySet p where p.someSpecificProperty = :ssp"  OK
+"from Zoo z where z.classification = org.hibernate.test.hql.Classification.LAME"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description = :nonstring"  OK
+"from Human h join fetch h.friends f join fetch f.friends fof"  OK
+"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends where h in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f where h1.id=1)"  OK
+"select h.id, h.description from Human h left join h.friends f where f in ( select h1 from Human h1 left join h1.friends f1 where h = f1 )"  OK
+"select distinct p from Animal p inner join fetch p.offspring"  OK
+"select p from Animal p inner join fetch p.offspring order by p.id"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother in (select m from Animal a1 inner join a1.mother as m join fetch m.mother)"  OK
+"from Animal a inner join fetch a.mother"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['tiger'].mother.bodyWeight > 3.0f"  OK
+"select h from Human as h join fetch h.nickNames"  OK
+"from Foo where long = 1"  OK
+"from Foo where long = 1L"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.0e-10"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.0E-10"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001f"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001F"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001d"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100.001D"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > .001f"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 100e-10"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > .01E-10"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight > 1e-38"  OK
+"from Animal where bodyWeight = bodyWeight"  OK
+"select bodyWeight from Animal"  OK
+"select max(bodyWeight) from Animal"  OK
+"select name from Human"  OK
+"select upper(h.name.first) from Human as h"  OK
+"select upper(name.first) from Human"  OK
+"from Animal where mother.father.id = 1"  OK
+"from Animal where mother = :mother"  OK
+"from Zoo where mammals['dog'].description like '%black%'"  OK
+"select mother from Human a left join fetch a.mother mother"  OK
+"select 2*2*2*2*(2*2) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 / (1+1) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 - (1+1) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 - 1 + 1 from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 * (1-1) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 4 / (2 * 2) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 4 / 2 * 2 from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 * (2/2) from Zoo"  OK
+"select 2 * (2/2+1) from Zoo"  OK
+"from Animal a left join fetch a.offspring o left join fetch o.offspring where a.mother.id = 1 order by a.description"  OK
+"from Zoo z left join fetch z.animals a left join fetch a.offspring where z.name ='MZ' order by a.description"  OK
+"from Human h left join fetch h.pets a left join fetch a.offspring where h.name.first ='Gavin' order by a.description"  OK
+"select (select max(z.id) from a.zoo z) from Animal a"  OK
+"select (select max(z.id) from a.zoo z where z.name=:name) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a"  OK
+"select distinct a.zoo from Animal a where a.zoo is not null"  OK
+"from Human as h order by h.name"  OK
+"select cast(bodyWeight as integer) from Animal"  OK
+"select cast(a.bodyWeight as integer) from Animal a"  OK
+"select a.bodyWeight as abw, a.description from Animal a"  OK
+"select count(*), avg(a.bodyWeight) as avg from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description = ? and a.bodyWeight = ? or a.bodyWeight = :bw"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description = ? and a.bodyWeight = ?"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.bodyWeight in (?, ?)"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals[:name] = :id"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals[:name].bodyWeight > :w"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals[:sn].mother.bodyWeight < :mw"  OK
+"from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals[:sn].description like :desc and zoo.animals[:sn].bodyWeight > :wmin and zoo.animals[:sn].bodyWeight < :wmax"  OK
+"from Human where addresses[:type].city = :city and addresses[:type].country = :country"  OK
+"select sum(h.bodyWeight) from Human h"  OK
+"select avg(h.height) from Human h"  OK
+"select max(a.id) from Animal a"  OK
+"select case nickName when 'Oney' then 'gavin' when 'Turin' then 'christian' else nickName end from Human"  OK
+"select case when bodyWeight > 100 then 'fat' else 'skinny' end from Human"  OK
+"from java.lang.Comparable"  OK
+"from java.lang.Object"  OK
+"from Human h where coalesce(h.nickName, h.name.first, h.name.last) = 'max'"  OK
+"select nullif(nickName, '1e1') from Human"  OK
+"select str(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an where str(an.bodyWeight) like '%1%'"  OK
+"select str(an.bodyWeight, 8, 3) from Animal an where str(an.bodyWeight, 8, 3) like '%1%'"  OK
+"select str(current_date) from Animal"  OK
+"select str(year(current_date))||'-'||str(month(current_date))||'-'||str(day(current_date)) from Animal"  OK
+"from Human h where h.nickName like 'G%'"  OK
+"from Animal a where cast(a.bodyWeight as string) like '1.%'"  OK
+"from Animal a where cast(a.bodyWeight as integer) = 1"  OK
+"select second(current_timestamp()), minute(current_timestamp()), hour(current_timestamp()) from Mammal m"  OK
+"select day(m.birthdate), month(m.birthdate), year(m.birthdate) from Mammal m"  OK
+"select extract(second from current_timestamp()), extract(minute from current_timestamp()), extract(hour from current_timestamp()) from Mammal m"  OK
+"select extract(day from m.birthdate), extract(month from m.birthdate), extract(year from m.birthdate) from Mammal m"  OK
+"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where lower(h.name.first) = 'gavin'"  OK
+"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where concat(h.name.first, ' ', h.name.initial, ' ', h.name.last) = 'Gavin A King'"  OK
+"select 'found', lower(h.name.first) from Human h where h.name.first||' '||h.name.initial||' '||h.name.last = 'Gavin A King'"  OK
+"select a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
+"select 2.0 * (a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight) from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
+"select sum(a.bodyWeight + m.bodyWeight) from Animal a join a.mother m"  OK
+"select sum(a.mother.bodyWeight * 2.0) from Animal a"  OK
+"select concat(h.name.first, ' ', h.name.initial, ' ', h.name.last) from Human h"  OK
+"select h.name.first||' '||h.name.initial||' '||h.name.last from Human h"  OK
+"select nickName from Human"  OK
+"select lower(nickName) from Human"  OK
+"select abs(bodyWeight*-1) from Human"  OK
+"select upper(h.name.first||' ('||h.nickName||')') from Human h"  OK
+"select abs(a.bodyWeight-:param) from Animal a"  OK
+"select abs(:param - a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
+"select lower(upper('foo')) from Animal"  OK
+"select lower(upper('foo') || upper('bar')) from Animal"  OK
+"select sum(abs(bodyWeight - 1.0) * abs(length('ffobar')-3)) from Animal"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother.bodyWeight < 2.0 or a.mother.bodyWeight > 9.0"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.mother.bodyWeight > 2.0 and a.mother.bodyWeight > 9.0"  OK
+"select a.mother from Animal as a"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where not an.bodyWeight > 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 0 and 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where an.bodyWeight not between 0 and 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2 > 10"  OK
+"from Animal an where (an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100) or an.bodyWeight is null"  OK
+"from Animal an join fetch an.mother"  OK
+"select an from Animal an join fetch an.mother"  OK
+"from Animal an join fetch an.offspring"  OK
+"select an from Animal an join fetch an.offspring"  OK
+"select an.mother.id, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by an.mother.id"  OK
+"select current_time(), current_date(), current_timestamp() from Product"  OK
+"select new list(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
+"select new map(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an"  OK
+"select new map(an.description as descr, an.bodyWeight as bw) from Animal an"  OK
+"select an.description as description, an.bodyWeight as bodyWeight from Animal an order by bodyWeight desc"  OK
+"select a from Animal a, Animal b order by a.id"  OK
+"select an as an from Animal an order by bodyWeight desc"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description = concat('1', concat('2','3'), '4'||'5')||'0'"  OK
+"from Animal a where substring(a.description, 1, 3) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where lower(a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where upper(a.description) = 'CAT'"  OK
+"select upper(a.description) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where length(a.description) = 5"  OK
+"from Animal a where locate('abc', a.description, 2) = 2"  OK
+"from Animal a where locate('abc', a.description) = 2"  OK
+"select locate('cat', a.description, 2) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where trim(trailing '_' from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where trim(leading '_' from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where trim(both from a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where trim(a.description) = 'cat'"  OK
+"from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight) = sqrt(a.bodyWeight)"  OK
+"from Animal a where mod(16, 4) = 4"  OK
+"from Animal a where bit_length(a.bodyWeight) = 24"  OK
+"select bit_length(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description like '%a%'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description not like '%a%'"  OK
+"from Animal a where a.description like 'x%ax%' escape 'x'"  OK
+"from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) between 0 and 100"  OK
+//"from Animal x where (x.name, x.bodyWeight) = ('cat', 20)"  OK
+"delete Animal where mother is not null"  OK
+"delete Animal where not mother is not null"  OK
+"delete Animal"  OK
+"delete from Thing"  OK
+"delete from Person"  OK
+"delete from Location"  OK
+"delete from Child"  OK
+"delete from Parent"  OK
+"delete from Item"  OK
+"delete Customer where contactOwner is not null"  OK
+"delete Employee where manager is not null"  OK
+"delete Person"  OK
+"delete Locality"  OK
+"delete Country"  OK
+"delete Continent"  OK
+"delete from DataPoint"  OK
+"delete from User where userid = :userid"  OK
+"delete from Mail where alias = :alias"  OK
+"delete from NumberedNode where name like 'child%'"  OK
+"delete from fooArray where id_='???' and i>=8"  OK
+"delete from t_user"  OK
+"delete Animal where not description like 'root%'"  OK
+"delete Animal where description like 'grand%'"  OK
+"delete from Animal where mother is not null or father is not null"  OK
+"delete Animal where mother = :mother"  OK
+"delete EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey where id.id = 1 and id.otherId = 2"  OK
+"delete from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey where id.id = 1 and id.otherId = 2"  OK
+"delete from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e where e.id.id = 1 and e.id.otherId = 2"  OK
+"delete from Bar where barString = 's'"  OK
+"delete Vehicle where owner = :owner"  OK
+"delete Mammal where bodyWeight > 150"  OK
+"delete from User u where u not in (select u from User u)"  OK
+"delete SimpleEntityWithAssociation e where size( e.associatedEntities ) = 0 and e.name like '%'"  OK
+"delete Animal where bodyWeight = null"  OK
+"delete from PICKUP"  OK
+"delete from Address where id = ? and version = ?"  OK
+"update Paper set color = :newColor"  OK
+"update Document set name = :newName where name = :oldName"  OK
+"update Mammal set bodyWeight = null"  OK
+"update Zoo set address.city = null"  OK
+"update PettingZoo set address.city = null"  OK
+"update Vehicle set owner = null where owner = 'Steve'"  OK
+"update Vehicle set owner = 'Steve'"  OK
+"update Mammal set bodyWeight = ( select max(bodyWeight) from Animal )"  OK
+"update Mammal set bodyWeight = 25"  OK
+"update Mammal set description = description"  OK
+"update Animal set bodyWeight = bodyWeight + :w1 + :w2"  OK
+"update Animal set description = :newDesc where description = :desc"  OK
+"update Animal set description = description where description = :desc"  OK
+"update Zoo as z set name = name where id = :id"  OK
+"update Zoo as z set z.name = z.name"  OK
+"update PettingZoo pz set pz.name = pz.name where pz.id = :id"  OK
+"update PettingZoo set name = name"  OK
+"update Human set mother.name.initial = :initial"  OK
+"update Animal a set a.mother = (from Animal where id = 1) where a.id = 2"  OK
+"update Animal a set a.mother = null where a.id = 2"  OK
+"update Human set name.first = :correction where id = :id"  OK
+"update versioned TimestampVersioned set name = name"  OK
+"update versioned IntegerVersioned set name = name"  OK
+<<update SimpleEntityWithAssociation e
+     set e.name = 'updated'
+     where exists (
+           select a.id 
+           from e.associatedEntities a 
+           where a.name = 'one-to-many-association' 
+     )>>  OK
+<<update SimpleEntityWithAssociation e
+     set e.name = 'updated'
+     where exists (
+     	select a.id
+     	from e.manyToManyAssociatedEntities a
+     	where a.name = 'many-to-many-association'
+ 	 )>>  OK
+<<update Human h
+     set h.description = 'updated' 
+     where exists (
+     	 select f.id
+     	 from h.friends f
+     	 where f.name.last = 'Public'
+ 	 )>>  OK
+"update Human set Human.description = 'xyz' where Human.id = 1 and Human.description is null"  OK
+"update BooleanLiteralEntity set yesNoBoolean = true, trueFalseBoolean = true, zeroOneBoolean = true"  OK
+"update BooleanLiteralEntity set yesNoBoolean = :b1, trueFalseBoolean = :b2, zeroOneBoolean = :b3"  OK
+"update NonExistentEntity e set e.someProp = ?"  OK
+"update Customer c set c.company = 'XYZ'"  OK
+"update User u set u.username = :un where u.name = :n"  OK
+"update Person p set p.name = '<male>'"  OK
+"update Person p set p.name = 'Shawn'"  OK
+"update Address set city = ?, state=?, zip=?, version = ? where id in (select aid from Person)"  OK
+"update Address set city = ?, state=?, zip=?, version = ? where id = ? and version = ?  "  OK
+"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight) select h.description, h.bodyWeight from Human h join h.mother m where m.mother is not null"  OK
+"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight) select h.description, h.bodyWeight from Human h where h.mother.mother is not null"  OK
+"insert into TimestampVersioned ( name ) select name from TimestampVersioned"  OK
+"insert into IntegerVersioned ( name ) select name from IntegerVersioned"  OK
+"insert into PettingZoo (name) select name from Zoo"  OK
+"insert into Joiner (name, joinedName) select vin, owner from Car"  OK
+"insert into Human (id, bodyWeight) select id, bodyWeight from Lizard"  OK
+"insert into Pickup (owner, vin, id) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK
+"insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight, mother) select description, bodyWeight, mother from Human"  OK
+"insert into PICKUP (id, vin, owner) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK
+"insert into Pickup (id, vin, owner) select id, vin, owner from Car"  OK

Property changes on: core/branches/antlr3/src/test/gunit/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/gUnitHQLTreeWalker.testsuite
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: core/branches/antlr3/src/test/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/TestHQLResolver.java
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/test/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/TestHQLResolver.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/test/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/TestHQLResolver.java	2009-04-22 17:46:26 UTC (rev 16403)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.resolve;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
+import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
+import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeNodeStream;
+import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree;
+import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
+import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
+import org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect;
+import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
+import org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse.HQLLexer;
+import org.hibernate.sql.ast.phase.hql.parse.HQLParser;
+public class TestHQLResolver extends TestCase {
+	private SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory;
+	private CommonTokenStream tokens;
+	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+		super.setUp();
+		sessionFactory = ( SessionFactoryImplementor ) new Configuration()
+				.setProperty( Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, "none" )
+				.setProperty( Environment.DIALECT, HSQLDialect.class.getName() )
+				.setProperty( Environment.QUERY_TRANSLATOR,
+						ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory.class.getName() )
+				.addResource(
+						"org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/domain/Mappings.hbm.xml" )
+				.buildSessionFactory();
+	}
+	protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+		if ( sessionFactory != null ) {
+			sessionFactory.close();
+		}
+		super.tearDown();
+	}
+	public void testBasicStructure() throws Throwable {
+		Tree queryTree = normalize( "from Animal" );
+	}
+	public void testBasicSelectStructure() throws Throwable {
+		Tree queryTree = normalize( "from Animal as a inner join a.mother" );
+	}
+	public Tree normalize( String hql ) throws RecognitionException {
+		return normalize( hql, getSessionFactoryImplementor() );
+	}
+	protected SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactoryImplementor() {
+		return sessionFactory;
+	}
+	public Tree normalize( String hql, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory )
+			throws RecognitionException {
+		Tree result = parse( hql );
+		CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream( result );
+		nodes.setTokenStream( tokens );
+		HQLResolution resololution = new HQLResolution( nodes, sessionFactory );
+		System.out.println( resololution.getTreePrinter().renderAsString(
+				result, "Parser Result" ) );
+		Tree resolvedTree = ( Tree ) resololution.statement().getTree();
+		System.out.println( resololution.getTreePrinter().renderAsString(
+				resolvedTree, "Resolution Result" ) );
+		return resolvedTree;
+	}
+	public Tree parse( String input ) throws RecognitionException {
+		HQLParser parser = buildHQLParser( input );
+		return ( Tree ) parser.statement().getTree();
+	}
+	private HQLParser buildHQLParser( String input ) {
+		ANTLRStringStream charStream = new ANTLRStringStream( input );
+		HQLLexer hqlLexer = new HQLLexer( charStream );
+		tokens = new CommonTokenStream( hqlLexer );
+		HQLParser parser = new HQLParser( tokens );
+		return parser;
+	}

Property changes on: core/branches/antlr3/src/test/java/org/hibernate/sql/ast/phase/hql/resolve/TestHQLResolver.java
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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