[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r19713 - core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content.

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Jun 10 12:22:35 EDT 2010

Author: epbernard
Date: 2010-06-10 12:22:34 -0400 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 19713

HHH-5149 Reorganise sections of basic O/R mappings

Modified: core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content/basic_mapping.xml
--- core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content/basic_mapping.xml	2010-06-10 16:21:56 UTC (rev 19712)
+++ core/trunk/documentation/manual/src/main/docbook/en-US/content/basic_mapping.xml	2010-06-10 16:22:34 UTC (rev 19713)
@@ -210,345 +210,6 @@
     affect the database schemas exported by the schema export tool (for
     example, the <literal> not-null</literal> attribute).</para>
-    <section>
-      <title>Some hbm.xml specificities</title>
-      <para>The hbm.xml structure has some specificities naturally not present
-      when using annotations, let's describe them briefly.</para>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-doctype" revision="3">
-        <title>Doctype</title>
-        <para>All XML mappings should declare the doctype shown. The actual
-        DTD can be found at the URL above, in the directory
-        <literal>hibernate-x.x.x/src/org/hibernate </literal>, or in
-        <literal>hibernate3.jar</literal>. Hibernate will always look for the
-        DTD in its classpath first. If you experience lookups of the DTD using
-        an Internet connection, check the DTD declaration against the contents
-        of your classpath.</para>
-        <section id="mapping-declaration-entity-resolution">
-          <title>EntityResolver</title>
-          <para>Hibernate will first attempt to resolve DTDs in its classpath.
-          It does this is by registering a custom
-          <literal>org.xml.sax.EntityResolver</literal> implementation with
-          the SAXReader it uses to read in the xml files. This custom
-          <literal>EntityResolver</literal> recognizes two different systemId
-          namespaces:</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>a <literal>hibernate namespace</literal> is recognized
-              whenever the resolver encounters a systemId starting with
-              <literal>http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/</literal>. The
-              resolver attempts to resolve these entities via the classloader
-              which loaded the Hibernate classes.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>a <literal>user namespace</literal> is recognized whenever
-              the resolver encounters a systemId using a
-              <literal>classpath://</literal> URL protocol. The resolver will
-              attempt to resolve these entities via (1) the current thread
-              context classloader and (2) the classloader which loaded the
-              Hibernate classes.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-          <para>The following is an example of utilizing user
-          namespacing:</para>
-          <programlisting language="XML" role="XML">
-<xi:include href="../extras/namespacing.xml_sample" parse="text"
-              xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-          <para>Where <literal>types.xml</literal> is a resource in the
-          <literal>your.domain</literal> package and contains a custom <link
-          linkend="mapping-types-custom">typedef</link>.</para>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-mapping" revision="3">
-        <title>Hibernate-mapping</title>
-        <para>This element has several optional attributes. The
-        <literal>schema</literal> and <literal>catalog</literal> attributes
-        specify that tables referred to in this mapping belong to the named
-        schema and/or catalog. If they are specified, tablenames will be
-        qualified by the given schema and catalog names. If they are missing,
-        tablenames will be unqualified. The <literal>default-cascade</literal>
-        attribute specifies what cascade style should be assumed for
-        properties and collections that do not specify a
-        <literal>cascade</literal> attribute. By default, the
-        <literal>auto-import</literal> attribute allows you to use unqualified
-        class names in the query language.</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="hm1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="hm2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="hm3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="hm4" />
-            <area coords="6" id="hm5" />
-            <area coords="7" id="hm6" />
-            <area coords="8" id="hm7" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping
-         schema="schemaName"
-         catalog="catalogName"
-         default-cascade="cascade_style"
-         default-access="field|property|ClassName"
-         default-lazy="true|false"
-         auto-import="true|false"
-         package="package.name"
- /&gt;</programlisting>
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="hm1">
-              <para><literal>schema</literal> (optional): the name of a
-              database schema.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm2">
-              <para><literal>catalog</literal> (optional): the name of a
-              database catalog.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm3">
-              <para><literal>default-cascade</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>none</literal>): a default cascade style.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm4">
-              <para><literal>default-access</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>property</literal>): the strategy Hibernate should use
-              for accessing all properties. It can be a custom implementation
-              of <literal>PropertyAccessor</literal>.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm5">
-              <para><literal>default-lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>true</literal>): the default value for unspecified
-              <literal>lazy</literal> attributes of class and collection
-              mappings.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm6">
-              <para><literal>auto-import</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>true</literal>): specifies whether we can use
-              unqualified class names of classes in this mapping in the query
-              language.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="hm7">
-              <para><literal>package</literal> (optional): specifies a package
-              prefix to use for unqualified class names in the mapping
-              document.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>If you have two persistent classes with the same unqualified
-        name, you should set <literal>auto-import="false"</literal>. An
-        exception will result if you attempt to assign two classes to the same
-        "imported" name.</para>
-        <para>The <literal>hibernate-mapping</literal> element allows you to
-        nest several persistent <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> mappings, as
-        shown above. It is, however, good practice (and expected by some
-        tools) to map only a single persistent class, or a single class
-        hierarchy, in one mapping file and name it after the persistent
-        superclass. For example, <literal>Cat.hbm.xml</literal>,
-        <literal>Dog.hbm.xml</literal>, or if using inheritance,
-        <literal>Animal.hbm.xml</literal>.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-key">
-        <title>Key</title>
-        <para>The <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element is featured a few
-        times within this guide. It appears anywhere the parent mapping
-        element defines a join to a new table that references the primary key
-        of the original table. It also defines the foreign key in the joined
-        table:</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="key1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="key2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="key3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="key4" />
-            <area coords="6" id="key5" />
-            <area coords="7" id="key6" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;key
-        column="columnname"
-        on-delete="noaction|cascade"
-        property-ref="propertyName"
-        not-null="true|false"
-        update="true|false"
-        unique="true|false"
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="key1">
-              <para><literal>column</literal> (optional): the name of the
-              foreign key column. This can also be specified by nested
-              <literal>&lt;column&gt;</literal> element(s).</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="key2">
-              <para><literal>on-delete</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>noaction</literal>): specifies whether the foreign key
-              constraint has database-level cascade delete enabled.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="key3">
-              <para><literal>property-ref</literal> (optional): specifies that
-              the foreign key refers to columns that are not the primary key
-              of the original table. It is provided for legacy data.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="key4">
-              <para><literal>not-null</literal> (optional): specifies that the
-              foreign key columns are not nullable. This is implied whenever
-              the foreign key is also part of the primary key.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="key5">
-              <para><literal>update</literal> (optional): specifies that the
-              foreign key should never be updated. This is implied whenever
-              the foreign key is also part of the primary key.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="key6">
-              <para><literal>unique</literal> (optional): specifies that the
-              foreign key should have a unique constraint. This is implied
-              whenever the foreign key is also the primary key.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>For systems where delete performance is important, we recommend
-        that all keys should be defined
-        <literal>on-delete="cascade"</literal>. Hibernate uses a
-        database-level <literal>ON CASCADE DELETE</literal> constraint,
-        instead of many individual <literal>DELETE</literal> statements. Be
-        aware that this feature bypasses Hibernate's usual optimistic locking
-        strategy for versioned data.</para>
-        <para>The <literal>not-null</literal> and <literal>update</literal>
-        attributes are useful when mapping a unidirectional one-to-many
-        association. If you map a unidirectional one-to-many association to a
-        non-nullable foreign key, you <emphasis>must</emphasis> declare the
-        key column using <literal>&lt;key
-        not-null="true"&gt;</literal>.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-import">
-        <title>Import</title>
-        <para>If your application has two persistent classes with the same
-        name, and you do not want to specify the fully qualified package name
-        in Hibernate queries, classes can be "imported" explicitly, rather
-        than relying upon <literal>auto-import="true"</literal>. You can also
-        import classes and interfaces that are not explicitly mapped:</para>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;import class="java.lang.Object" rename="Universe"/&gt;</programlisting>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="import1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="import2" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;import
-        class="ClassName"
-        rename="ShortName"
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="import1">
-              <para><literal>class</literal>: the fully qualified class name
-              of any Java class.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="import2">
-              <para><literal>rename</literal> (optional - defaults to the
-              unqualified class name): a name that can be used in the query
-              language.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <note>
-          <para>This feature is unique to hbm.xml and is not supported in
-          annotations.</para>
-        </note>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-column" revision="5">
-        <title>Column and formula elements</title>
-        <para>Mapping elements which accept a <literal>column</literal>
-        attribute will alternatively accept a
-        <literal>&lt;column&gt;</literal> subelement. Likewise,
-        <literal>&lt;formula&gt;</literal> is an alternative to the
-        <literal>formula</literal> attribute. For example:</para>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;column
-        name="column_name"
-        length="N"
-        precision="N"
-        scale="N"
-        not-null="true|false"
-        unique="true|false"
-        unique-key="multicolumn_unique_key_name"
-        index="index_name"
-        sql-type="sql_type_name"
-        check="SQL expression"
-        default="SQL expression"
-        read="SQL expression"
-        write="SQL expression"/&gt;</programlisting>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;formula&gt;SQL expression&lt;/formula&gt;</programlisting>
-        <para>Most of the attributes on <literal>column</literal> provide a
-        means of tailoring the DDL during automatic schema generation. The
-        <literal>read</literal> and <literal>write</literal> attributes allow
-        you to specify custom SQL that Hibernate will use to access the
-        column's value. For more on this, see the discussion of <link
-        linkend="mapping-column-read-and-write">column read and write
-        expressions</link>.</para>
-        <para>The <literal>column</literal> and <literal>formula</literal>
-        elements can even be combined within the same property or association
-        mapping to express, for example, exotic join conditions.</para>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;many-to-one name="homeAddress" class="Address"
-        insert="false" update="false"&gt;
-    &lt;column name="person_id" not-null="true" length="10"/&gt;
-    &lt;formula&gt;'MAILING'&lt;/formula&gt;
-      </section>
-    </section>
     <section id="mapping-declaration-class" revision="3">
@@ -2400,803 +2061,6 @@
-      <title>Inheritance strategy</title>
-      <para>Java is a language supporting polymorphism: a class can inherit
-      from another. Several strategies are possible to persist a class
-      hierarchy:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Single table per class hierarchy strategy: a single table
-          hosts all the instances of a class hierarchy</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Joined subclass strategy: one table per class and subclass is
-          present and each table persist the properties specific to a given
-          subclass. The state of the entity is then stored in its
-          corresponding class table and all its superclasses</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Table per class strategy: one table per concrete class and
-          subclass is present and each table persist the properties of the
-          class and its superclasses. The state of the entity is then stored
-          entirely in the dedicated table for its class.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-subclass" revision="4">
-        <title>Single table per class hierarchy strategy</title>
-        <para>With this approach the properties of all the subclasses in a
-        given mapped class hierarchy are stored in a single table.</para>
-        <para>Each subclass declares its own persistent properties and
-        subclasses. Version and id properties are assumed to be inherited from
-        the root class. Each subclass in a hierarchy must define a unique
-        discriminator value. If this is not specified, the fully qualified
-        Java class name is used.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
- at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
- at DiscriminatorColumn(
-    name="planetype",
-    discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING
- at DiscriminatorValue("Plane")
-public class Plane { ... }
- at Entity
- at DiscriminatorValue("A320")
-public class A320 extends Plane { ... }          </programlisting>
-        <para>In hbm.xml, for the table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy,
-        the <literal>&lt;subclass&gt;</literal> declaration is used. For
-        example:</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="subclass1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="subclass2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="subclass3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="subclass4" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;subclass
-        name="ClassName"
-        discriminator-value="discriminator_value"
-        proxy="ProxyInterface"
-        lazy="true|false"
-        dynamic-update="true|false"
-        dynamic-insert="true|false"
-        entity-name="EntityName"
-        node="element-name"
-        extends="SuperclassName"&gt;
-        &lt;property .... /&gt;
-        .....
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="subclass1">
-              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
-              the subclass.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="subclass2">
-              <para><literal>discriminator-value</literal> (optional -
-              defaults to the class name): a value that distinguishes
-              individual subclasses.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="subclass3">
-              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
-              interface used for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="subclass4">
-              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>true</literal>): setting
-              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
-              fetching.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
-        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
-        <section id="mapping-declaration-discriminator" revision="3">
-          <title>Discriminator</title>
-          <para>Discriminators are required for polymorphic persistence using
-          the table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy. It declares a
-          discriminator column of the table. The discriminator column contains
-          marker values that tell the persistence layer what subclass to
-          instantiate for a particular row. A restricted set of types can be
-          used: <literal>string</literal>, <literal>character</literal>,
-          <literal>integer</literal>, <literal>byte</literal>,
-          <literal>short</literal>, <literal>boolean</literal>,
-          <literal>yes_no</literal>, <literal>true_false</literal>.</para>
-          <para>Use the <classname>@DiscriminatorColumn</classname> to define
-          the discriminator column as well as the discriminator type.
-          Alternatively, you can also use
-          <classname>@DiscriminatorFormula</classname> to express in SQL what
-          would be in a virtual discriminator column. This is particularly
-          handy when the discriminator value can be extracted from one or more
-          columns of the table. Both
-          <classname>@DiscriminatorColumn</classname> and
-          <classname>@DiscriminatorFormula</classname> are to be set on the
-          root entity (once per persisted hierarchy).</para>
-          <para>Finally, use <classname>@DiscriminatorValue</classname> on
-          each class of the hierarchy to specify the value stored in the
-          discriminator column for a given entity. If you do not set
-          <classname>@DiscriminatorValue</classname> on a class, the fully
-          qualified class name is used.</para>
-          <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
- at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
- at DiscriminatorColumn(
-    name="planetype",
-    discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING
- at DiscriminatorValue("Plane")
-public class Plane { ... }
- at Entity
- at DiscriminatorValue("A320")
-public class A320 extends Plane { ... }          </programlisting>
-          <para>In hbm.xml, the <literal>&lt;discriminator&gt;</literal>
-          element is used to define the discriminator column or
-          formula:</para>
-          <programlistingco role="XML">
-            <areaspec>
-              <area coords="2" id="discriminator1" />
-              <area coords="3" id="discriminator2" />
-              <area coords="4" id="discriminator3" />
-              <area coords="5" id="discriminator4" />
-              <area coords="6" id="discriminator5" />
-            </areaspec>
-            <programlisting>&lt;discriminator
-        column="discriminator_column"
-        type="discriminator_type"
-        force="true|false"
-        insert="true|false"
-        formula="arbitrary sql expression"
-            <calloutlist>
-              <callout arearefs="discriminator1">
-                <para><literal>column</literal> (optional - defaults to
-                <literal>class</literal>): the name of the discriminator
-                column.</para>
-              </callout>
-              <callout arearefs="discriminator2">
-                <para><literal>type</literal> (optional - defaults to
-                <literal>string</literal>): a name that indicates the
-                Hibernate type</para>
-              </callout>
-              <callout arearefs="discriminator3">
-                <para><literal>force</literal> (optional - defaults to
-                <literal>false</literal>): "forces" Hibernate to specify the
-                allowed discriminator values, even when retrieving all
-                instances of the root class.</para>
-              </callout>
-              <callout arearefs="discriminator4">
-                <para><literal>insert</literal> (optional - defaults to
-                <literal>true</literal>): set this to <literal>false</literal>
-                if your discriminator column is also part of a mapped
-                composite identifier. It tells Hibernate not to include the
-                column in SQL <literal>INSERTs</literal>.</para>
-              </callout>
-              <callout arearefs="discriminator5">
-                <para><literal>formula</literal> (optional): an arbitrary SQL
-                expression that is executed when a type has to be evaluated.
-                It allows content-based discrimination.</para>
-              </callout>
-            </calloutlist>
-          </programlistingco>
-          <para>Actual values of the discriminator column are specified by the
-          <literal>discriminator-value</literal> attribute of the
-          <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> and
-          <literal>&lt;subclass&gt;</literal> elements.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>force</literal> attribute is only useful if the
-          table contains rows with "extra" discriminator values that are not
-          mapped to a persistent class. This will not usually be the
-          case.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>formula</literal> attribute allows you to declare
-          an arbitrary SQL expression that will be used to evaluate the type
-          of a row. For example:</para>
-          <programlisting role="XML">&lt;discriminator
-    formula="case when CLASS_TYPE in ('a', 'b', 'c') then 0 else 1 end"
-    type="integer"/&gt;</programlisting>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-joinedsubclass" revision="3">
-        <title>Joined subclass strategy</title>
-        <para>Each subclass can also be mapped to its own table. This is
-        called the table-per-subclass mapping strategy. An inherited state is
-        retrieved by joining with the table of the superclass. A discriminator
-        column is not required for this mapping strategy. Each subclass must,
-        however, declare a table column holding the object identifier. The
-        primary key of this table is also a foreign key to the superclass
-        table and described by the
-        <classname>@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn</classname>s or the
-        <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity @Table(name="CATS")
- at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
-public class Cat implements Serializable { 
-    @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="cat-uuid") 
-    @GenericGenerator(name="cat-uuid", strategy="uuid")
-    String getId() { return id; }
-    ...
- at Entity @Table(name="DOMESTIC_CATS")
- at PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="CAT")
-public class DomesticCat extends Cat { 
-    public String getName() { return name; }
-}            </programlisting>
-        <note>
-          <para>The table name still defaults to the non qualified class name.
-          Also if <classname>@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn</classname> is not set, the
-          primary key / foreign key columns are assumed to have the same names
-          as the primary key columns of the primary table of the
-          superclass.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>In hbm.xml, use the <literal>&lt;joined-subclass&gt;</literal>
-        element. For example:</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="joinedsubclass1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="joinedsubclass2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="joinedsubclass3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="joinedsubclass4" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;joined-subclass
-        name="ClassName"
-        table="tablename"
-        proxy="ProxyInterface"
-        lazy="true|false"
-        dynamic-update="true|false"
-        dynamic-insert="true|false"
-        schema="schema"
-        catalog="catalog"
-        extends="SuperclassName"
-        persister="ClassName"
-        subselect="SQL expression"
-        entity-name="EntityName"
-        node="element-name"&gt;
-        &lt;key .... &gt;
-        &lt;property .... /&gt;
-        .....
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass1">
-              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
-              the subclass.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass2">
-              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the subclass
-              table.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass3">
-              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
-              interface to use for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass4">
-              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional, defaults to
-              <literal>true</literal>): setting
-              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
-              fetching.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>Use the <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element to declare the
-        primary key / foreign key column. The mapping at the start of the
-        chapter would then be re-written as:</para>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
-&lt;!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
-        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
-        "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"&gt;
-&lt;hibernate-mapping package="eg"&gt;
-        &lt;class name="Cat" table="CATS"&gt;
-                &lt;id name="id" column="uid" type="long"&gt;
-                        &lt;generator class="hilo"/&gt;
-                &lt;/id&gt;
-                &lt;property name="birthdate" type="date"/&gt;
-                &lt;property name="color" not-null="true"/&gt;
-                &lt;property name="sex" not-null="true"/&gt;
-                &lt;property name="weight"/&gt;
-                &lt;many-to-one name="mate"/&gt;
-                &lt;set name="kittens"&gt;
-                        &lt;key column="MOTHER"/&gt;
-                        &lt;one-to-many class="Cat"/&gt;
-                &lt;/set&gt;
-                &lt;joined-subclass name="DomesticCat" table="DOMESTIC_CATS"&gt;
-                    &lt;key column="CAT"/&gt;
-                    &lt;property name="name" type="string"/&gt;
-                &lt;/joined-subclass&gt;
-        &lt;/class&gt;
-        &lt;class name="eg.Dog"&gt;
-                &lt;!-- mapping for Dog could go here --&gt;
-        &lt;/class&gt;
-        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
-        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-unionsubclass" revision="2">
-        <title>Table per class strategy</title>
-        <para>A third option is to map only the concrete classes of an
-        inheritance hierarchy to tables. This is called the
-        table-per-concrete-class strategy. Each table defines all persistent
-        states of the class, including the inherited state. In Hibernate, it
-        is not necessary to explicitly map such inheritance hierarchies. You
-        can map each class as a separate entity root. However, if you wish use
-        polymorphic associations (e.g. an association to the superclass of
-        your hierarchy), you need to use the union subclass mapping.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
- at Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
-public class Flight implements Serializable { ... }            </programlisting>
-        <para>Or in hbm.xml:</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="unionsubclass1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="unionsubclass2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="unionsubclass3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="unionsubclass4" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;union-subclass
-        name="ClassName"
-        table="tablename"
-        proxy="ProxyInterface"
-        lazy="true|false"
-        dynamic-update="true|false"
-        dynamic-insert="true|false"
-        schema="schema"
-        catalog="catalog"
-        extends="SuperclassName"
-        abstract="true|false"
-        persister="ClassName"
-        subselect="SQL expression"
-        entity-name="EntityName"
-        node="element-name"&gt;
-        &lt;property .... /&gt;
-        .....
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass1">
-              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
-              the subclass.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass2">
-              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the subclass
-              table.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass3">
-              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
-              interface to use for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass4">
-              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional, defaults to
-              <literal>true</literal>): setting
-              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
-              fetching.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>No discriminator column or key column is required for this
-        mapping strategy.</para>
-        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
-        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Inherit properties from superclasses</title>
-        <para>This is sometimes useful to share common properties through a
-        technical or a business superclass without including it as a regular
-        mapped entity (ie no specific table for this entity). For that purpose
-        you can map them as <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal>.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@MappedSuperclass
-public class BaseEntity {
-    @Basic
-    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
-    public Date getLastUpdate() { ... }
-    public String getLastUpdater() { ... }
-    ...
- at Entity class Order extends BaseEntity {
-    @Id public Integer getId() { ... }
-    ...
-        <para>In database, this hierarchy will be represented as an
-        <literal>Order</literal> table having the <literal>id</literal>,
-        <literal>lastUpdate</literal> and <literal>lastUpdater</literal>
-        columns. The embedded superclass property mappings are copied into
-        their entity subclasses. Remember that the embeddable superclass is
-        not the root of the hierarchy though.</para>
-        <note>
-          <para>Properties from superclasses not mapped as
-          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> are ignored.</para>
-        </note>
-        <note>
-          <para>The default access type (field or methods) is used, unless you
-          use the <literal>@Access</literal> annotation.</para>
-        </note>
-        <note>
-          <para>The same notion can be applied to
-          <literal>@Embeddable</literal> objects to persist properties from
-          their superclasses. You also need to use
-          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> to do that (this should not be
-          considered as a standard EJB3 feature though)</para>
-        </note>
-        <note>
-          <para>It is allowed to mark a class as
-          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> in the middle of the mapped
-          inheritance hierarchy.</para>
-        </note>
-        <note>
-          <para>Any class in the hierarchy non annotated with
-          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> nor <literal>@Entity</literal>
-          will be ignored.</para>
-        </note>
-        <para>You can override columns defined in entity superclasses at the
-        root entity level using the <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal>
-        annotation.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@MappedSuperclass
-public class FlyingObject implements Serializable {
-    public int getAltitude() {
-        return altitude;
-    }
-    @Transient
-    public int getMetricAltitude() {
-        return metricAltitude;
-    }
-    @ManyToOne
-    public PropulsionType getPropulsion() {
-        return metricAltitude;
-    }
-    ...
- at Entity
- at AttributeOverride( name="altitude", column = @Column(name="fld_altitude") )
- at AssociationOverride( 
-   name="propulsion", 
-   joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="fld_propulsion_fk") 
-public class Plane extends FlyingObject {
-    ...
-        <para>The <literal>altitude</literal> property will be persisted in an
-        <literal>fld_altitude</literal> column of table
-        <literal>Plane</literal> and the propulsion association will be
-        materialized in a <literal>fld_propulsion_fk</literal> foreign key
-        column.</para>
-        <para>You can define <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal>(s) and
-        <literal>@AssociationOverride</literal>(s) on
-        <literal>@Entity</literal> classes,
-        <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> classes and properties pointing
-        to an <literal>@Embeddable</literal> object.</para>
-        <para>In hbm.xml, simply map the properties of the superclass in the
-        <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> element of the entity that needs to
-        inherit them.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="mapping-declaration-join" revision="3">
-        <title>Mapping one entity to several tables</title>
-        <para>While not recommended for a fresh schema, some legacy databases
-        force your to map a single entity on several tables.</para>
-        <para>Using the <literal>@SecondaryTable</literal> or
-        <literal>@SecondaryTables</literal> class level annotations. To
-        express that a column is in a particular table, use the
-        <literal>table</literal> parameter of <literal>@Column</literal> or
-        <literal>@JoinColumn</literal>.</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
- at Table(name="MainCat")
- at SecondaryTables({
-    @SecondaryTable(name="Cat1", pkJoinColumns={
-        @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="cat_id", referencedColumnName="id")
-    ),
-    @SecondaryTable(name="Cat2", uniqueConstraints={@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"storyPart2"})})
-public class Cat implements Serializable {
-    private Integer id;
-    private String name;
-    private String storyPart1;
-    private String storyPart2;
-    @Id @GeneratedValue
-    public Integer getId() {
-        return id;
-    }
-    public String getName() {
-        return name;
-    }
-    @Column(table="Cat1")
-    public String getStoryPart1() {
-        return storyPart1;
-    }
-    @Column(table="Cat2")
-    public String getStoryPart2() {
-        return storyPart2;
-    }
-        <para>In this example, <literal>name</literal> will be in
-        <literal>MainCat</literal>. <literal>storyPart1</literal> will be in
-        <literal>Cat1</literal> and <literal>storyPart2</literal> will be in
-        <literal>Cat2</literal>. <literal>Cat1</literal> will be joined to
-        <literal>MainCat</literal> using the <literal>cat_id</literal> as a
-        foreign key, and <literal>Cat2</literal> using <literal>id</literal>
-        (ie the same column name, the <literal>MainCat</literal> id column
-        has). Plus a unique constraint on <literal>storyPart2</literal> has
-        been set.</para>
-        <para>There is also additional tuning accessible via the
-        <classname>@org.hibernate.annotations.Table</classname>
-        annotation:</para>
-        <itemizedlist>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>fetch</literal>: If set to JOIN, the default,
-            Hibernate will use an inner join to retrieve a secondary table
-            defined by a class or its superclasses and an outer join for a
-            secondary table defined by a subclass. If set to
-            <classname>SELECT</classname> then Hibernate will use a sequential
-            select for a secondary table defined on a subclass, which will be
-            issued only if a row turns out to represent an instance of the
-            subclass. Inner joins will still be used to retrieve a secondary
-            defined by the class and its superclasses.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>inverse</literal>: If true, Hibernate will not try
-            to insert or update the properties defined by this join. Default
-            to false.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>optional</literal>: If enabled (the default),
-            Hibernate will insert a row only if the properties defined by this
-            join are non-null and will always use an outer join to retrieve
-            the properties.</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>foreignKey</literal>: defines the Foreign Key name
-            of a secondary table pointing back to the primary table.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-        <para>Make sure to use the secondary table name in the
-        <methodname>appliesto</methodname> property</para>
-        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
- at Table(name="MainCat")
- at SecondaryTable(name="Cat1")
- at org.hibernate.annotations.Table(
-   appliesTo="Cat1",
-   fetch=FetchMode.SELECT,
-   optional=true)
-public class Cat implements Serializable {
-    private Integer id;
-    private String name;
-    private String storyPart1;
-    private String storyPart2;
-    @Id @GeneratedValue
-    public Integer getId() {
-        return id;
-    }
-    public String getName() {
-        return name;
-    }
-    @Column(table="Cat1")
-    public String getStoryPart1() {
-        return storyPart1;
-    }
-    @Column(table="Cat2")
-    public String getStoryPart2() {
-        return storyPart2;
-    }
-        <para>In hbm.xml, use the <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal>
-        element.</para>
-        <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <areaspec>
-            <area coords="2" id="join1" />
-            <area coords="3" id="join2" />
-            <area coords="4" id="join3" />
-            <area coords="5" id="join4" />
-            <area coords="6" id="join5" />
-            <area coords="7" id="join6" />
-          </areaspec>
-          <programlisting>&lt;join
-        table="tablename"
-        schema="owner"
-        catalog="catalog"
-        fetch="join|select"
-        inverse="true|false"
-        optional="true|false"&gt;
-        &lt;key ... /&gt;
-        &lt;property ... /&gt;
-        ...
-          <calloutlist>
-            <callout arearefs="join1">
-              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the joined
-              table.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="join2">
-              <para><literal>schema</literal> (optional): overrides the schema
-              name specified by the root
-              <literal>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;</literal> element.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="join3">
-              <para><literal>catalog</literal> (optional): overrides the
-              catalog name specified by the root
-              <literal>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;</literal> element.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="join4">
-              <para><literal>fetch</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>join</literal>): if set to <literal>join</literal>, the
-              default, Hibernate will use an inner join to retrieve a
-              <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by a class or its
-              superclasses. It will use an outer join for a
-              <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by a subclass. If set to
-              <literal>select</literal> then Hibernate will use a sequential
-              select for a <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined on a
-              subclass. This will be issued only if a row represents an
-              instance of the subclass. Inner joins will still be used to
-              retrieve a <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by the class
-              and its superclasses.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="join5">
-              <para><literal>inverse</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>false</literal>): if enabled, Hibernate will not insert
-              or update the properties defined by this join.</para>
-            </callout>
-            <callout arearefs="join6">
-              <para><literal>optional</literal> (optional - defaults to
-              <literal>false</literal>): if enabled, Hibernate will insert a
-              row only if the properties defined by this join are non-null. It
-              will always use an outer join to retrieve the properties.</para>
-            </callout>
-          </calloutlist>
-        </programlistingco>
-        <para>For example, address information for a person can be mapped to a
-        separate table while preserving value type semantics for all
-        properties:</para>
-        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;class name="Person"
-    table="PERSON"&gt;
-    &lt;id name="id" column="PERSON_ID"&gt;...&lt;/id&gt;
-    &lt;join table="ADDRESS"&gt;
-        &lt;key column="ADDRESS_ID"/&gt;
-        &lt;property name="address"/&gt;
-        &lt;property name="zip"/&gt;
-        &lt;property name="country"/&gt;
-    &lt;/join&gt;
-    ...</programlisting>
-        <para>This feature is often only useful for legacy data models. We
-        recommend fewer tables than classes and a fine-grained domain model.
-        However, it is useful for switching between inheritance mapping
-        strategies in a single hierarchy, as explained later.</para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
       <title>Optimistic locking properties (optional)</title>
       <para>When using long transactions or conversations that span several
@@ -4182,7 +3046,1013 @@
+    <section id="mapping-declaration-component">
+      <title>Embedded objects (aka components)</title>
+      <para>Embeddable objects (or components) are objects whose properties
+      are mapped to the same table as the owning entity's table. Components
+      can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or
+      collections</para>
+      <para>It is possible to declare an embedded component inside an entity
+      and even override its column mapping. Component classes have to be
+      annotated at the class level with the <literal>@Embeddable</literal>
+      annotation. It is possible to override the column mapping of an embedded
+      object for a particular entity using the <literal>@Embedded</literal>
+      and <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal> annotation in the associated
+      property:</para>
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+public class Person implements Serializable {
+    // Persistent component using defaults
+    Address homeAddress;
+    @Embedded
+    @AttributeOverrides( {
+            @AttributeOverride(name="iso2", column = @Column(name="bornIso2") ),
+            @AttributeOverride(name="name", column = @Column(name="bornCountryName") )
+    } )
+    Country bornIn;
+    ...
+}          </programlisting>
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
+public class Address implements Serializable {
+    String city;
+    Country nationality; //no overriding here
+}            </programlisting>
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
+public class Country implements Serializable {
+    private String iso2;
+    @Column(name="countryName") private String name;
+    public String getIso2() { return iso2; }
+    public void setIso2(String iso2) { this.iso2 = iso2; }
+    public String getName() { return name; }
+    public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
+    ...
+}            </programlisting>
+      <para>An embeddable object inherits the access type of its owning entity
+      (note that you can override that using the <literal>@Access</literal>
+      annotation).</para>
+      <para>The <literal>Person</literal> entity has two component properties,
+      <literal>homeAddress</literal> and <literal>bornIn</literal>.
+      <literal>homeAddress</literal> property has not been annotated, but
+      Hibernate will guess that it is a persistent component by looking for
+      the <literal>@Embeddable</literal> annotation in the Address class. We
+      also override the mapping of a column name (to
+      <literal>bornCountryName</literal>) with the
+      <literal>@Embedded</literal> and <literal>@AttributeOverride
+      </literal>annotations for each mapped attribute of
+      <literal>Country</literal>. As you can see, <literal>Country
+      </literal>is also a nested component of <literal>Address</literal>,
+      again using auto-detection by Hibernate and JPA defaults. Overriding
+      columns of embedded objects of embedded objects is through dotted
+      expressions.</para>
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">    @Embedded
+    @AttributeOverrides( {
+            @AttributeOverride(name="city", column = @Column(name="fld_city") ),
+            @AttributeOverride(name="nationality.iso2", column = @Column(name="nat_Iso2") ),
+            @AttributeOverride(name="nationality.name", column = @Column(name="nat_CountryName") )
+            //nationality columns in homeAddress are overridden
+    } )
+    Address homeAddress;</programlisting>
+      <para>Hibernate Annotations supports something that is not explicitly
+      supported by the JPA specification. You can annotate a embedded object
+      with the <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> annotation to make the
+      superclass properties persistent (see
+      <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> for more informations).</para>
+      <para>You can also use association annotations in an embeddable object
+      (ie <literal>@OneToOne</literal>, <classname>@ManyToOne</classname>,
+      <classname>@OneToMany</classname> or <literal>@ManyToMany</literal>). To
+      override the association columns you can use
+      <literal>@AssociationOverride</literal>.</para>
+      <para>If you want to have the same embeddable object type twice in the
+      same entity, the column name defaulting will not work as several
+      embedded objects would share the same set of columns. In plain JPA, you
+      need to override at least one set of columns. Hibernate, however, allows
+      you to enhance the default naming mechanism through the
+      <classname>NamingStrategy</classname> interface. You can write a
+      strategy that prevent name clashing in such a situation.
+      <classname>DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy</classname> is an example
+      of this.</para>
+      <para>If a property of the embedded object points back to the owning
+      entity, annotate it with the <classname>@Parent</classname> annotation.
+      Hibernate will make sure this property is properly loaded with the
+      entity reference.</para>
+      <para>In XML, use the <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal>
+      element.</para>
+      <programlistingco role="XML">
+        <areaspec>
+          <area coords="2" id="component1" />
+          <area coords="3" id="component2" />
+          <area coords="4" id="component3" />
+          <area coords="5" id="component4" />
+          <area coords="6" id="component5" />
+          <area coords="7" id="component6" />
+          <area coords="8" id="component7" />
+          <area coords="9" id="component8" />
+        </areaspec>
+        <programlisting>&lt;component
+        name="propertyName"
+        class="className"
+        insert="true|false"
+        update="true|false"
+        access="field|property|ClassName"
+        lazy="true|false"
+        optimistic-lock="true|false"
+        unique="true|false"
+        node="element-name|."
+        &lt;property ...../&gt;
+        &lt;many-to-one .... /&gt;
+        ........
+        <calloutlist>
+          <callout arearefs="component1">
+            <para><literal>name</literal>: the name of the property.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component2">
+            <para><literal>class</literal> (optional - defaults to the
+            property type determined by reflection): the name of the component
+            (child) class.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component3">
+            <para><literal>insert</literal>: do the mapped columns appear in
+            SQL <literal>INSERTs</literal>?</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component4">
+            <para><literal>update</literal>: do the mapped columns appear in
+            SQL <literal>UPDATEs</literal>?</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component5">
+            <para><literal>access</literal> (optional - defaults to
+            <literal>property</literal>): the strategy Hibernate uses for
+            accessing the property value.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component6">
+            <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
+            <literal>false</literal>): specifies that this component should be
+            fetched lazily when the instance variable is first accessed. It
+            requires build-time bytecode instrumentation.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component7">
+            <para><literal>optimistic-lock</literal> (optional - defaults to
+            <literal>true</literal>): specifies that updates to this component
+            either do or do not require acquisition of the optimistic lock. It
+            determines if a version increment should occur when this property
+            is dirty.</para>
+          </callout>
+          <callout arearefs="component8">
+            <para><literal>unique</literal> (optional - defaults to
+            <literal>false</literal>): specifies that a unique constraint
+            exists upon all mapped columns of the component.</para>
+          </callout>
+        </calloutlist>
+      </programlistingco>
+      <para>The child <literal>&lt;property&gt;</literal> tags map properties
+      of the child class to table columns.</para>
+      <para>The <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal> element allows a
+      <literal>&lt;parent&gt;</literal> subelement that maps a property of the
+      component class as a reference back to the containing entity.</para>
+      <para>The <literal>&lt;dynamic-component&gt;</literal> element allows a
+      <literal>Map</literal> to be mapped as a component, where the property
+      names refer to keys of the map. See <xref
+      linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information. This feature is
+      not supported in annotations.</para>
+    </section>
+      <title>Inheritance strategy</title>
+      <para>Java is a language supporting polymorphism: a class can inherit
+      from another. Several strategies are possible to persist a class
+      hierarchy:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Single table per class hierarchy strategy: a single table
+          hosts all the instances of a class hierarchy</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Joined subclass strategy: one table per class and subclass is
+          present and each table persist the properties specific to a given
+          subclass. The state of the entity is then stored in its
+          corresponding class table and all its superclasses</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Table per class strategy: one table per concrete class and
+          subclass is present and each table persist the properties of the
+          class and its superclasses. The state of the entity is then stored
+          entirely in the dedicated table for its class.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-subclass" revision="4">
+        <title>Single table per class hierarchy strategy</title>
+        <para>With this approach the properties of all the subclasses in a
+        given mapped class hierarchy are stored in a single table.</para>
+        <para>Each subclass declares its own persistent properties and
+        subclasses. Version and id properties are assumed to be inherited from
+        the root class. Each subclass in a hierarchy must define a unique
+        discriminator value. If this is not specified, the fully qualified
+        Java class name is used.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+ at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
+ at DiscriminatorColumn(
+    name="planetype",
+    discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING
+ at DiscriminatorValue("Plane")
+public class Plane { ... }
+ at Entity
+ at DiscriminatorValue("A320")
+public class A320 extends Plane { ... }          </programlisting>
+        <para>In hbm.xml, for the table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy,
+        the <literal>&lt;subclass&gt;</literal> declaration is used. For
+        example:</para>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="subclass1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="subclass2" />
+            <area coords="4" id="subclass3" />
+            <area coords="5" id="subclass4" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;subclass
+        name="ClassName"
+        discriminator-value="discriminator_value"
+        proxy="ProxyInterface"
+        lazy="true|false"
+        dynamic-update="true|false"
+        dynamic-insert="true|false"
+        entity-name="EntityName"
+        node="element-name"
+        extends="SuperclassName"&gt;
+        &lt;property .... /&gt;
+        .....
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="subclass1">
+              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
+              the subclass.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="subclass2">
+              <para><literal>discriminator-value</literal> (optional -
+              defaults to the class name): a value that distinguishes
+              individual subclasses.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="subclass3">
+              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
+              interface used for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="subclass4">
+              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>true</literal>): setting
+              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
+              fetching.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
+        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
+        <section id="mapping-declaration-discriminator" revision="3">
+          <title>Discriminator</title>
+          <para>Discriminators are required for polymorphic persistence using
+          the table-per-class-hierarchy mapping strategy. It declares a
+          discriminator column of the table. The discriminator column contains
+          marker values that tell the persistence layer what subclass to
+          instantiate for a particular row. A restricted set of types can be
+          used: <literal>string</literal>, <literal>character</literal>,
+          <literal>integer</literal>, <literal>byte</literal>,
+          <literal>short</literal>, <literal>boolean</literal>,
+          <literal>yes_no</literal>, <literal>true_false</literal>.</para>
+          <para>Use the <classname>@DiscriminatorColumn</classname> to define
+          the discriminator column as well as the discriminator type.
+          Alternatively, you can also use
+          <classname>@DiscriminatorFormula</classname> to express in SQL what
+          would be in a virtual discriminator column. This is particularly
+          handy when the discriminator value can be extracted from one or more
+          columns of the table. Both
+          <classname>@DiscriminatorColumn</classname> and
+          <classname>@DiscriminatorFormula</classname> are to be set on the
+          root entity (once per persisted hierarchy).</para>
+          <para>Finally, use <classname>@DiscriminatorValue</classname> on
+          each class of the hierarchy to specify the value stored in the
+          discriminator column for a given entity. If you do not set
+          <classname>@DiscriminatorValue</classname> on a class, the fully
+          qualified class name is used.</para>
+          <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+ at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
+ at DiscriminatorColumn(
+    name="planetype",
+    discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING
+ at DiscriminatorValue("Plane")
+public class Plane { ... }
+ at Entity
+ at DiscriminatorValue("A320")
+public class A320 extends Plane { ... }          </programlisting>
+          <para>In hbm.xml, the <literal>&lt;discriminator&gt;</literal>
+          element is used to define the discriminator column or
+          formula:</para>
+          <programlistingco role="XML">
+            <areaspec>
+              <area coords="2" id="discriminator1" />
+              <area coords="3" id="discriminator2" />
+              <area coords="4" id="discriminator3" />
+              <area coords="5" id="discriminator4" />
+              <area coords="6" id="discriminator5" />
+            </areaspec>
+            <programlisting>&lt;discriminator
+        column="discriminator_column"
+        type="discriminator_type"
+        force="true|false"
+        insert="true|false"
+        formula="arbitrary sql expression"
+            <calloutlist>
+              <callout arearefs="discriminator1">
+                <para><literal>column</literal> (optional - defaults to
+                <literal>class</literal>): the name of the discriminator
+                column.</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="discriminator2">
+                <para><literal>type</literal> (optional - defaults to
+                <literal>string</literal>): a name that indicates the
+                Hibernate type</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="discriminator3">
+                <para><literal>force</literal> (optional - defaults to
+                <literal>false</literal>): "forces" Hibernate to specify the
+                allowed discriminator values, even when retrieving all
+                instances of the root class.</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="discriminator4">
+                <para><literal>insert</literal> (optional - defaults to
+                <literal>true</literal>): set this to <literal>false</literal>
+                if your discriminator column is also part of a mapped
+                composite identifier. It tells Hibernate not to include the
+                column in SQL <literal>INSERTs</literal>.</para>
+              </callout>
+              <callout arearefs="discriminator5">
+                <para><literal>formula</literal> (optional): an arbitrary SQL
+                expression that is executed when a type has to be evaluated.
+                It allows content-based discrimination.</para>
+              </callout>
+            </calloutlist>
+          </programlistingco>
+          <para>Actual values of the discriminator column are specified by the
+          <literal>discriminator-value</literal> attribute of the
+          <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> and
+          <literal>&lt;subclass&gt;</literal> elements.</para>
+          <para>The <literal>force</literal> attribute is only useful if the
+          table contains rows with "extra" discriminator values that are not
+          mapped to a persistent class. This will not usually be the
+          case.</para>
+          <para>The <literal>formula</literal> attribute allows you to declare
+          an arbitrary SQL expression that will be used to evaluate the type
+          of a row. For example:</para>
+          <programlisting role="XML">&lt;discriminator
+    formula="case when CLASS_TYPE in ('a', 'b', 'c') then 0 else 1 end"
+    type="integer"/&gt;</programlisting>
+        </section>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-joinedsubclass" revision="3">
+        <title>Joined subclass strategy</title>
+        <para>Each subclass can also be mapped to its own table. This is
+        called the table-per-subclass mapping strategy. An inherited state is
+        retrieved by joining with the table of the superclass. A discriminator
+        column is not required for this mapping strategy. Each subclass must,
+        however, declare a table column holding the object identifier. The
+        primary key of this table is also a foreign key to the superclass
+        table and described by the
+        <classname>@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn</classname>s or the
+        <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity @Table(name="CATS")
+ at Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
+public class Cat implements Serializable { 
+    @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="cat-uuid") 
+    @GenericGenerator(name="cat-uuid", strategy="uuid")
+    String getId() { return id; }
+    ...
+ at Entity @Table(name="DOMESTIC_CATS")
+ at PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="CAT")
+public class DomesticCat extends Cat { 
+    public String getName() { return name; }
+}            </programlisting>
+        <note>
+          <para>The table name still defaults to the non qualified class name.
+          Also if <classname>@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn</classname> is not set, the
+          primary key / foreign key columns are assumed to have the same names
+          as the primary key columns of the primary table of the
+          superclass.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>In hbm.xml, use the <literal>&lt;joined-subclass&gt;</literal>
+        element. For example:</para>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="joinedsubclass1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="joinedsubclass2" />
+            <area coords="4" id="joinedsubclass3" />
+            <area coords="5" id="joinedsubclass4" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;joined-subclass
+        name="ClassName"
+        table="tablename"
+        proxy="ProxyInterface"
+        lazy="true|false"
+        dynamic-update="true|false"
+        dynamic-insert="true|false"
+        schema="schema"
+        catalog="catalog"
+        extends="SuperclassName"
+        persister="ClassName"
+        subselect="SQL expression"
+        entity-name="EntityName"
+        node="element-name"&gt;
+        &lt;key .... &gt;
+        &lt;property .... /&gt;
+        .....
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass1">
+              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
+              the subclass.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass2">
+              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the subclass
+              table.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass3">
+              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
+              interface to use for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="joinedsubclass4">
+              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional, defaults to
+              <literal>true</literal>): setting
+              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
+              fetching.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>Use the <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element to declare the
+        primary key / foreign key column. The mapping at the start of the
+        chapter would then be re-written as:</para>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
+&lt;!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
+        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
+        "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"&gt;
+&lt;hibernate-mapping package="eg"&gt;
+        &lt;class name="Cat" table="CATS"&gt;
+                &lt;id name="id" column="uid" type="long"&gt;
+                        &lt;generator class="hilo"/&gt;
+                &lt;/id&gt;
+                &lt;property name="birthdate" type="date"/&gt;
+                &lt;property name="color" not-null="true"/&gt;
+                &lt;property name="sex" not-null="true"/&gt;
+                &lt;property name="weight"/&gt;
+                &lt;many-to-one name="mate"/&gt;
+                &lt;set name="kittens"&gt;
+                        &lt;key column="MOTHER"/&gt;
+                        &lt;one-to-many class="Cat"/&gt;
+                &lt;/set&gt;
+                &lt;joined-subclass name="DomesticCat" table="DOMESTIC_CATS"&gt;
+                    &lt;key column="CAT"/&gt;
+                    &lt;property name="name" type="string"/&gt;
+                &lt;/joined-subclass&gt;
+        &lt;/class&gt;
+        &lt;class name="eg.Dog"&gt;
+                &lt;!-- mapping for Dog could go here --&gt;
+        &lt;/class&gt;
+        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
+        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-unionsubclass" revision="2">
+        <title>Table per class strategy</title>
+        <para>A third option is to map only the concrete classes of an
+        inheritance hierarchy to tables. This is called the
+        table-per-concrete-class strategy. Each table defines all persistent
+        states of the class, including the inherited state. In Hibernate, it
+        is not necessary to explicitly map such inheritance hierarchies. You
+        can map each class as a separate entity root. However, if you wish use
+        polymorphic associations (e.g. an association to the superclass of
+        your hierarchy), you need to use the union subclass mapping.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+ at Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
+public class Flight implements Serializable { ... }            </programlisting>
+        <para>Or in hbm.xml:</para>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="unionsubclass1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="unionsubclass2" />
+            <area coords="4" id="unionsubclass3" />
+            <area coords="5" id="unionsubclass4" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;union-subclass
+        name="ClassName"
+        table="tablename"
+        proxy="ProxyInterface"
+        lazy="true|false"
+        dynamic-update="true|false"
+        dynamic-insert="true|false"
+        schema="schema"
+        catalog="catalog"
+        extends="SuperclassName"
+        abstract="true|false"
+        persister="ClassName"
+        subselect="SQL expression"
+        entity-name="EntityName"
+        node="element-name"&gt;
+        &lt;property .... /&gt;
+        .....
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass1">
+              <para><literal>name</literal>: the fully qualified class name of
+              the subclass.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass2">
+              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the subclass
+              table.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass3">
+              <para><literal>proxy</literal> (optional): specifies a class or
+              interface to use for lazy initializing proxies.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="unionsubclass4">
+              <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional, defaults to
+              <literal>true</literal>): setting
+              <literal>lazy="false"</literal> disables the use of lazy
+              fetching.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>No discriminator column or key column is required for this
+        mapping strategy.</para>
+        <para>For information about inheritance mappings see <xref
+        linkend="inheritance" />.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <title>Inherit properties from superclasses</title>
+        <para>This is sometimes useful to share common properties through a
+        technical or a business superclass without including it as a regular
+        mapped entity (ie no specific table for this entity). For that purpose
+        you can map them as <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal>.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@MappedSuperclass
+public class BaseEntity {
+    @Basic
+    @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
+    public Date getLastUpdate() { ... }
+    public String getLastUpdater() { ... }
+    ...
+ at Entity class Order extends BaseEntity {
+    @Id public Integer getId() { ... }
+    ...
+        <para>In database, this hierarchy will be represented as an
+        <literal>Order</literal> table having the <literal>id</literal>,
+        <literal>lastUpdate</literal> and <literal>lastUpdater</literal>
+        columns. The embedded superclass property mappings are copied into
+        their entity subclasses. Remember that the embeddable superclass is
+        not the root of the hierarchy though.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>Properties from superclasses not mapped as
+          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> are ignored.</para>
+        </note>
+        <note>
+          <para>The default access type (field or methods) is used, unless you
+          use the <literal>@Access</literal> annotation.</para>
+        </note>
+        <note>
+          <para>The same notion can be applied to
+          <literal>@Embeddable</literal> objects to persist properties from
+          their superclasses. You also need to use
+          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> to do that (this should not be
+          considered as a standard EJB3 feature though)</para>
+        </note>
+        <note>
+          <para>It is allowed to mark a class as
+          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> in the middle of the mapped
+          inheritance hierarchy.</para>
+        </note>
+        <note>
+          <para>Any class in the hierarchy non annotated with
+          <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> nor <literal>@Entity</literal>
+          will be ignored.</para>
+        </note>
+        <para>You can override columns defined in entity superclasses at the
+        root entity level using the <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal>
+        annotation.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@MappedSuperclass
+public class FlyingObject implements Serializable {
+    public int getAltitude() {
+        return altitude;
+    }
+    @Transient
+    public int getMetricAltitude() {
+        return metricAltitude;
+    }
+    @ManyToOne
+    public PropulsionType getPropulsion() {
+        return metricAltitude;
+    }
+    ...
+ at Entity
+ at AttributeOverride( name="altitude", column = @Column(name="fld_altitude") )
+ at AssociationOverride( 
+   name="propulsion", 
+   joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="fld_propulsion_fk") 
+public class Plane extends FlyingObject {
+    ...
+        <para>The <literal>altitude</literal> property will be persisted in an
+        <literal>fld_altitude</literal> column of table
+        <literal>Plane</literal> and the propulsion association will be
+        materialized in a <literal>fld_propulsion_fk</literal> foreign key
+        column.</para>
+        <para>You can define <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal>(s) and
+        <literal>@AssociationOverride</literal>(s) on
+        <literal>@Entity</literal> classes,
+        <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> classes and properties pointing
+        to an <literal>@Embeddable</literal> object.</para>
+        <para>In hbm.xml, simply map the properties of the superclass in the
+        <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> element of the entity that needs to
+        inherit them.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-join" revision="3">
+        <title>Mapping one entity to several tables</title>
+        <para>While not recommended for a fresh schema, some legacy databases
+        force your to map a single entity on several tables.</para>
+        <para>Using the <literal>@SecondaryTable</literal> or
+        <literal>@SecondaryTables</literal> class level annotations. To
+        express that a column is in a particular table, use the
+        <literal>table</literal> parameter of <literal>@Column</literal> or
+        <literal>@JoinColumn</literal>.</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+ at Table(name="MainCat")
+ at SecondaryTables({
+    @SecondaryTable(name="Cat1", pkJoinColumns={
+        @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="cat_id", referencedColumnName="id")
+    ),
+    @SecondaryTable(name="Cat2", uniqueConstraints={@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"storyPart2"})})
+public class Cat implements Serializable {
+    private Integer id;
+    private String name;
+    private String storyPart1;
+    private String storyPart2;
+    @Id @GeneratedValue
+    public Integer getId() {
+        return id;
+    }
+    public String getName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    @Column(table="Cat1")
+    public String getStoryPart1() {
+        return storyPart1;
+    }
+    @Column(table="Cat2")
+    public String getStoryPart2() {
+        return storyPart2;
+    }
+        <para>In this example, <literal>name</literal> will be in
+        <literal>MainCat</literal>. <literal>storyPart1</literal> will be in
+        <literal>Cat1</literal> and <literal>storyPart2</literal> will be in
+        <literal>Cat2</literal>. <literal>Cat1</literal> will be joined to
+        <literal>MainCat</literal> using the <literal>cat_id</literal> as a
+        foreign key, and <literal>Cat2</literal> using <literal>id</literal>
+        (ie the same column name, the <literal>MainCat</literal> id column
+        has). Plus a unique constraint on <literal>storyPart2</literal> has
+        been set.</para>
+        <para>There is also additional tuning accessible via the
+        <classname>@org.hibernate.annotations.Table</classname>
+        annotation:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><literal>fetch</literal>: If set to JOIN, the default,
+            Hibernate will use an inner join to retrieve a secondary table
+            defined by a class or its superclasses and an outer join for a
+            secondary table defined by a subclass. If set to
+            <classname>SELECT</classname> then Hibernate will use a sequential
+            select for a secondary table defined on a subclass, which will be
+            issued only if a row turns out to represent an instance of the
+            subclass. Inner joins will still be used to retrieve a secondary
+            defined by the class and its superclasses.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><literal>inverse</literal>: If true, Hibernate will not try
+            to insert or update the properties defined by this join. Default
+            to false.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><literal>optional</literal>: If enabled (the default),
+            Hibernate will insert a row only if the properties defined by this
+            join are non-null and will always use an outer join to retrieve
+            the properties.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><literal>foreignKey</literal>: defines the Foreign Key name
+            of a secondary table pointing back to the primary table.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>Make sure to use the secondary table name in the
+        <methodname>appliesto</methodname> property</para>
+        <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
+ at Table(name="MainCat")
+ at SecondaryTable(name="Cat1")
+ at org.hibernate.annotations.Table(
+   appliesTo="Cat1",
+   fetch=FetchMode.SELECT,
+   optional=true)
+public class Cat implements Serializable {
+    private Integer id;
+    private String name;
+    private String storyPart1;
+    private String storyPart2;
+    @Id @GeneratedValue
+    public Integer getId() {
+        return id;
+    }
+    public String getName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    @Column(table="Cat1")
+    public String getStoryPart1() {
+        return storyPart1;
+    }
+    @Column(table="Cat2")
+    public String getStoryPart2() {
+        return storyPart2;
+    }
+        <para>In hbm.xml, use the <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal>
+        element.</para>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="join1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="join2" />
+            <area coords="4" id="join3" />
+            <area coords="5" id="join4" />
+            <area coords="6" id="join5" />
+            <area coords="7" id="join6" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;join
+        table="tablename"
+        schema="owner"
+        catalog="catalog"
+        fetch="join|select"
+        inverse="true|false"
+        optional="true|false"&gt;
+        &lt;key ... /&gt;
+        &lt;property ... /&gt;
+        ...
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="join1">
+              <para><literal>table</literal>: the name of the joined
+              table.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="join2">
+              <para><literal>schema</literal> (optional): overrides the schema
+              name specified by the root
+              <literal>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;</literal> element.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="join3">
+              <para><literal>catalog</literal> (optional): overrides the
+              catalog name specified by the root
+              <literal>&lt;hibernate-mapping&gt;</literal> element.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="join4">
+              <para><literal>fetch</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>join</literal>): if set to <literal>join</literal>, the
+              default, Hibernate will use an inner join to retrieve a
+              <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by a class or its
+              superclasses. It will use an outer join for a
+              <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by a subclass. If set to
+              <literal>select</literal> then Hibernate will use a sequential
+              select for a <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined on a
+              subclass. This will be issued only if a row represents an
+              instance of the subclass. Inner joins will still be used to
+              retrieve a <literal>&lt;join&gt;</literal> defined by the class
+              and its superclasses.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="join5">
+              <para><literal>inverse</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>false</literal>): if enabled, Hibernate will not insert
+              or update the properties defined by this join.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="join6">
+              <para><literal>optional</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>false</literal>): if enabled, Hibernate will insert a
+              row only if the properties defined by this join are non-null. It
+              will always use an outer join to retrieve the properties.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>For example, address information for a person can be mapped to a
+        separate table while preserving value type semantics for all
+        properties:</para>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;class name="Person"
+    table="PERSON"&gt;
+    &lt;id name="id" column="PERSON_ID"&gt;...&lt;/id&gt;
+    &lt;join table="ADDRESS"&gt;
+        &lt;key column="ADDRESS_ID"/&gt;
+        &lt;property name="address"/&gt;
+        &lt;property name="zip"/&gt;
+        &lt;property name="country"/&gt;
+    &lt;/join&gt;
+    ...</programlisting>
+        <para>This feature is often only useful for legacy data models. We
+        recommend fewer tables than classes and a fine-grained domain model.
+        However, it is useful for switching between inheritance mapping
+        strategies in a single hierarchy, as explained later.</para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
       <title>Mapping one to one and one to many associations</title>
       <para>To link one entity to an other, you need to map the association
@@ -4900,213 +4770,145 @@
-    <section id="mapping-declaration-component">
-      <title>Embedded objects (aka components)</title>
+    <section id="mapping-types-anymapping" revision="2">
+      <title>Any</title>
-      <para>Embeddable objects (or components) are objects whose properties
-      are mapped to the same table as the owning entity's table. Components
-      can, in turn, declare their own properties, components or
-      collections</para>
+      <para>There is one more type of property mapping. The
+      <classname>@Any</classname> mapping defines a polymorphic association to
+      classes from multiple tables. This type of mapping requires more than
+      one column. The first column contains the type of the associated entity.
+      The remaining columns contain the identifier. It is impossible to
+      specify a foreign key constraint for this kind of association. This is
+      not the usual way of mapping polymorphic associations and you should use
+      this only in special cases. For example, for audit logs, user session
+      data, etc.</para>
-      <para>It is possible to declare an embedded component inside an entity
-      and even override its column mapping. Component classes have to be
-      annotated at the class level with the <literal>@Embeddable</literal>
-      annotation. It is possible to override the column mapping of an embedded
-      object for a particular entity using the <literal>@Embedded</literal>
-      and <literal>@AttributeOverride</literal> annotation in the associated
-      property:</para>
+      <para>The <classname>@Any</classname> annotation describes the column
+      holding the metadata information. To link the value of the metadata
+      information and an actual entity type, The
+      <classname>@AnyDef</classname> and <classname>@AnyDefs</classname>
+      annotations are used. The <literal>metaType</literal> attribute allows
+      the application to specify a custom type that maps database column
+      values to persistent classes that have identifier properties of the type
+      specified by <literal>idType</literal>. You must specify the mapping
+      from values of the <literal>metaType</literal> to class names.</para>
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Entity
-public class Person implements Serializable {
-    // Persistent component using defaults
-    Address homeAddress;
-    @Embedded
-    @AttributeOverrides( {
-            @AttributeOverride(name="iso2", column = @Column(name="bornIso2") ),
-            @AttributeOverride(name="name", column = @Column(name="bornCountryName") )
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Any( metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
+ at AnyMetaDef( 
+    idType = "integer", 
+    metaType = "string", 
+    metaValues = {
+        @MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
+        @MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
     } )
-    Country bornIn;
-    ...
-}          </programlisting>
+ at JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
+public Property getMainProperty() {
+    return mainProperty;
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
-public class Address implements Serializable {
-    String city;
-    Country nationality; //no overriding here
-}            </programlisting>
+      <para>Note that <classname>@AnyDef</classname> can be mutualized and
+      reused. It is recommended to place it as a package metadata in this
+      case.</para>
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Embeddable
-public class Country implements Serializable {
-    private String iso2;
-    @Column(name="countryName") private String name;
-    public String getIso2() { return iso2; }
-    public void setIso2(String iso2) { this.iso2 = iso2; }
-    public String getName() { return name; }
-    public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
-    ...
-}            </programlisting>
-      <para>An embeddable object inherits the access type of its owning entity
-      (note that you can override that using the <literal>@Access</literal>
-      annotation).</para>
-      <para>The <literal>Person</literal> entity has two component properties,
-      <literal>homeAddress</literal> and <literal>bornIn</literal>.
-      <literal>homeAddress</literal> property has not been annotated, but
-      Hibernate will guess that it is a persistent component by looking for
-      the <literal>@Embeddable</literal> annotation in the Address class. We
-      also override the mapping of a column name (to
-      <literal>bornCountryName</literal>) with the
-      <literal>@Embedded</literal> and <literal>@AttributeOverride
-      </literal>annotations for each mapped attribute of
-      <literal>Country</literal>. As you can see, <literal>Country
-      </literal>is also a nested component of <literal>Address</literal>,
-      again using auto-detection by Hibernate and JPA defaults. Overriding
-      columns of embedded objects of embedded objects is through dotted
-      expressions.</para>
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">    @Embedded
-    @AttributeOverrides( {
-            @AttributeOverride(name="city", column = @Column(name="fld_city") ),
-            @AttributeOverride(name="nationality.iso2", column = @Column(name="nat_Iso2") ),
-            @AttributeOverride(name="nationality.name", column = @Column(name="nat_CountryName") )
-            //nationality columns in homeAddress are overridden
+      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">//on a package
+ at AnyMetaDef( name="property" 
+    idType = "integer", 
+    metaType = "string", 
+    metaValues = {
+        @MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
+        @MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
     } )
-    Address homeAddress;</programlisting>
+package org.hibernate.test.annotations.any;
-      <para>Hibernate Annotations supports something that is not explicitly
-      supported by the JPA specification. You can annotate a embedded object
-      with the <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> annotation to make the
-      superclass properties persistent (see
-      <literal>@MappedSuperclass</literal> for more informations).</para>
-      <para>You can also use association annotations in an embeddable object
-      (ie <literal>@OneToOne</literal>, <classname>@ManyToOne</classname>,
-      <classname>@OneToMany</classname> or <literal>@ManyToMany</literal>). To
-      override the association columns you can use
-      <literal>@AssociationOverride</literal>.</para>
+//in a class
+    @Any( metaDef="property", metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
+    @JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
+    public Property getMainProperty() {
+        return mainProperty;
+    }</programlisting>
-      <para>If you want to have the same embeddable object type twice in the
-      same entity, the column name defaulting will not work as several
-      embedded objects would share the same set of columns. In plain JPA, you
-      need to override at least one set of columns. Hibernate, however, allows
-      you to enhance the default naming mechanism through the
-      <classname>NamingStrategy</classname> interface. You can write a
-      strategy that prevent name clashing in such a situation.
-      <classname>DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy</classname> is an example
-      of this.</para>
+      <para>The hbm.xml equivalent is:</para>
-      <para>If a property of the embedded object points back to the owning
-      entity, annotate it with the <classname>@Parent</classname> annotation.
-      Hibernate will make sure this property is properly loaded with the
-      entity reference.</para>
+      <programlisting role="XML">&lt;any name="being" id-type="long" meta-type="string"&gt;
+    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_ANIMAL" class="Animal"/&gt;
+    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_HUMAN" class="Human"/&gt;
+    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_ALIEN" class="Alien"/&gt;
+    &lt;column name="table_name"/&gt;
+    &lt;column name="id"/&gt;
-      <para>In XML, use the <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal>
-      element.</para>
+      <note>
+        <para>You cannot mutualize the metadata in hbm.xml as you can in
+        annotations.</para>
+      </note>
       <programlistingco role="XML">
-          <area coords="2" id="component1" />
+          <area coords="2" id="any1" />
-          <area coords="3" id="component2" />
+          <area coords="3" id="any2" />
-          <area coords="4" id="component3" />
+          <area coords="4" id="any3" />
-          <area coords="5" id="component4" />
+          <area coords="5" id="any4" />
-          <area coords="6" id="component5" />
+          <area coords="6" id="any5" />
-          <area coords="7" id="component6" />
-          <area coords="8" id="component7" />
-          <area coords="9" id="component8" />
+          <area coords="7" id="any6" />
-        <programlisting>&lt;component
+        <programlisting>&lt;any
-        class="className"
-        insert="true|false"
-        update="true|false"
+        id-type="idtypename"
+        meta-type="metatypename"
+        cascade="cascade_style"
-        lazy="true|false"
-        unique="true|false"
-        node="element-name|."
+        &lt;meta-value ... /&gt;
+        &lt;meta-value ... /&gt;
+        .....
+        &lt;column .... /&gt;
+        &lt;column .... /&gt;
+        .....
-        &lt;property ...../&gt;
-        &lt;many-to-one .... /&gt;
-        ........
-          <callout arearefs="component1">
-            <para><literal>name</literal>: the name of the property.</para>
+          <callout arearefs="any1">
+            <para><literal>name</literal>: the property name.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component2">
-            <para><literal>class</literal> (optional - defaults to the
-            property type determined by reflection): the name of the component
-            (child) class.</para>
+          <callout arearefs="any2">
+            <para><literal>id-type</literal>: the identifier type.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component3">
-            <para><literal>insert</literal>: do the mapped columns appear in
-            SQL <literal>INSERTs</literal>?</para>
+          <callout arearefs="any3">
+            <para><literal>meta-type</literal> (optional - defaults to
+            <literal>string</literal>): any type that is allowed for a
+            discriminator mapping.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component4">
-            <para><literal>update</literal>: do the mapped columns appear in
-            SQL <literal>UPDATEs</literal>?</para>
+          <callout arearefs="any4">
+            <para><literal>cascade</literal> (optional- defaults to
+            <literal>none</literal>): the cascade style.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component5">
+          <callout arearefs="any5">
             <para><literal>access</literal> (optional - defaults to
             <literal>property</literal>): the strategy Hibernate uses for
             accessing the property value.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component6">
-            <para><literal>lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>false</literal>): specifies that this component should be
-            fetched lazily when the instance variable is first accessed. It
-            requires build-time bytecode instrumentation.</para>
-          </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="component7">
+          <callout arearefs="any6">
             <para><literal>optimistic-lock</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>true</literal>): specifies that updates to this component
+            <literal>true</literal>): specifies that updates to this property
             either do or do not require acquisition of the optimistic lock. It
-            determines if a version increment should occur when this property
+            defines whether a version increment should occur if this property
             is dirty.</para>
-          <callout arearefs="component8">
-            <para><literal>unique</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>false</literal>): specifies that a unique constraint
-            exists upon all mapped columns of the component.</para>
-          </callout>
-      <para>The child <literal>&lt;property&gt;</literal> tags map properties
-      of the child class to table columns.</para>
-      <para>The <literal>&lt;component&gt;</literal> element allows a
-      <literal>&lt;parent&gt;</literal> subelement that maps a property of the
-      component class as a reference back to the containing entity.</para>
-      <para>The <literal>&lt;dynamic-component&gt;</literal> element allows a
-      <literal>Map</literal> to be mapped as a component, where the property
-      names refer to keys of the map. See <xref
-      linkend="components-dynamic" /> for more information. This feature is
-      not supported in annotations.</para>
     <section id="mapping-declaration-properties" revision="2">
@@ -5233,145 +5035,343 @@
-    <section id="mapping-types-anymapping" revision="2">
-      <title>Any</title>
+    <section>
+      <title>Some hbm.xml specificities</title>
-      <para>There is one more type of property mapping. The
-      <classname>@Any</classname> mapping defines a polymorphic association to
-      classes from multiple tables. This type of mapping requires more than
-      one column. The first column contains the type of the associated entity.
-      The remaining columns contain the identifier. It is impossible to
-      specify a foreign key constraint for this kind of association. This is
-      not the usual way of mapping polymorphic associations and you should use
-      this only in special cases. For example, for audit logs, user session
-      data, etc.</para>
+      <para>The hbm.xml structure has some specificities naturally not present
+      when using annotations, let's describe them briefly.</para>
-      <para>The <classname>@Any</classname> annotation describes the column
-      holding the metadata information. To link the value of the metadata
-      information and an actual entity type, The
-      <classname>@AnyDef</classname> and <classname>@AnyDefs</classname>
-      annotations are used. The <literal>metaType</literal> attribute allows
-      the application to specify a custom type that maps database column
-      values to persistent classes that have identifier properties of the type
-      specified by <literal>idType</literal>. You must specify the mapping
-      from values of the <literal>metaType</literal> to class names.</para>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-doctype" revision="3">
+        <title>Doctype</title>
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">@Any( metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
- at AnyMetaDef( 
-    idType = "integer", 
-    metaType = "string", 
-    metaValues = {
-        @MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
-        @MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
-    } )
- at JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
-public Property getMainProperty() {
-    return mainProperty;
+        <para>All XML mappings should declare the doctype shown. The actual
+        DTD can be found at the URL above, in the directory
+        <literal>hibernate-x.x.x/src/org/hibernate </literal>, or in
+        <literal>hibernate3.jar</literal>. Hibernate will always look for the
+        DTD in its classpath first. If you experience lookups of the DTD using
+        an Internet connection, check the DTD declaration against the contents
+        of your classpath.</para>
-      <para>Note that <classname>@AnyDef</classname> can be mutualized and
-      reused. It is recommended to place it as a package metadata in this
-      case.</para>
+        <section id="mapping-declaration-entity-resolution">
+          <title>EntityResolver</title>
-      <programlisting language="JAVA" role="JAVA">//on a package
- at AnyMetaDef( name="property" 
-    idType = "integer", 
-    metaType = "string", 
-    metaValues = {
-        @MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
-        @MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
-    } )
-package org.hibernate.test.annotations.any;
+          <para>Hibernate will first attempt to resolve DTDs in its classpath.
+          It does this is by registering a custom
+          <literal>org.xml.sax.EntityResolver</literal> implementation with
+          the SAXReader it uses to read in the xml files. This custom
+          <literal>EntityResolver</literal> recognizes two different systemId
+          namespaces:</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>a <literal>hibernate namespace</literal> is recognized
+              whenever the resolver encounters a systemId starting with
+              <literal>http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/</literal>. The
+              resolver attempts to resolve these entities via the classloader
+              which loaded the Hibernate classes.</para>
+            </listitem>
-//in a class
-    @Any( metaDef="property", metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
-    @JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
-    public Property getMainProperty() {
-        return mainProperty;
-    }</programlisting>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>a <literal>user namespace</literal> is recognized whenever
+              the resolver encounters a systemId using a
+              <literal>classpath://</literal> URL protocol. The resolver will
+              attempt to resolve these entities via (1) the current thread
+              context classloader and (2) the classloader which loaded the
+              Hibernate classes.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
-      <para>The hbm.xml equivalent is:</para>
+          <para>The following is an example of utilizing user
+          namespacing:</para>
-      <programlisting role="XML">&lt;any name="being" id-type="long" meta-type="string"&gt;
-    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_ANIMAL" class="Animal"/&gt;
-    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_HUMAN" class="Human"/&gt;
-    &lt;meta-value value="TBL_ALIEN" class="Alien"/&gt;
-    &lt;column name="table_name"/&gt;
-    &lt;column name="id"/&gt;
+          <programlisting language="XML" role="XML">
+<xi:include href="../extras/namespacing.xml_sample" parse="text"
+              xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
-      <note>
-        <para>You cannot mutualize the metadata in hbm.xml as you can in
-        annotations.</para>
-      </note>
+          <para>Where <literal>types.xml</literal> is a resource in the
+          <literal>your.domain</literal> package and contains a custom <link
+          linkend="mapping-types-custom">typedef</link>.</para>
+        </section>
+      </section>
-      <programlistingco role="XML">
-        <areaspec>
-          <area coords="2" id="any1" />
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-mapping" revision="3">
+        <title>Hibernate-mapping</title>
-          <area coords="3" id="any2" />
+        <para>This element has several optional attributes. The
+        <literal>schema</literal> and <literal>catalog</literal> attributes
+        specify that tables referred to in this mapping belong to the named
+        schema and/or catalog. If they are specified, tablenames will be
+        qualified by the given schema and catalog names. If they are missing,
+        tablenames will be unqualified. The <literal>default-cascade</literal>
+        attribute specifies what cascade style should be assumed for
+        properties and collections that do not specify a
+        <literal>cascade</literal> attribute. By default, the
+        <literal>auto-import</literal> attribute allows you to use unqualified
+        class names in the query language.</para>
-          <area coords="4" id="any3" />
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="hm1" />
-          <area coords="5" id="any4" />
+            <area coords="3" id="hm2" />
-          <area coords="6" id="any5" />
+            <area coords="4" id="hm3" />
-          <area coords="7" id="any6" />
-        </areaspec>
+            <area coords="5" id="hm4" />
-        <programlisting>&lt;any
-        name="propertyName"
-        id-type="idtypename"
-        meta-type="metatypename"
-        cascade="cascade_style"
-        access="field|property|ClassName"
-        optimistic-lock="true|false"
-        &lt;meta-value ... /&gt;
-        &lt;meta-value ... /&gt;
-        .....
-        &lt;column .... /&gt;
-        &lt;column .... /&gt;
-        .....
+            <area coords="6" id="hm5" />
-        <calloutlist>
-          <callout arearefs="any1">
-            <para><literal>name</literal>: the property name.</para>
-          </callout>
+            <area coords="7" id="hm6" />
-          <callout arearefs="any2">
-            <para><literal>id-type</literal>: the identifier type.</para>
-          </callout>
+            <area coords="8" id="hm7" />
+          </areaspec>
-          <callout arearefs="any3">
-            <para><literal>meta-type</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>string</literal>): any type that is allowed for a
-            discriminator mapping.</para>
-          </callout>
+          <programlisting>&lt;hibernate-mapping
+         schema="schemaName"
+         catalog="catalogName"
+         default-cascade="cascade_style"
+         default-access="field|property|ClassName"
+         default-lazy="true|false"
+         auto-import="true|false"
+         package="package.name"
+ /&gt;</programlisting>
-          <callout arearefs="any4">
-            <para><literal>cascade</literal> (optional- defaults to
-            <literal>none</literal>): the cascade style.</para>
-          </callout>
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="hm1">
+              <para><literal>schema</literal> (optional): the name of a
+              database schema.</para>
+            </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="any5">
-            <para><literal>access</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>property</literal>): the strategy Hibernate uses for
-            accessing the property value.</para>
-          </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="hm2">
+              <para><literal>catalog</literal> (optional): the name of a
+              database catalog.</para>
+            </callout>
-          <callout arearefs="any6">
-            <para><literal>optimistic-lock</literal> (optional - defaults to
-            <literal>true</literal>): specifies that updates to this property
-            either do or do not require acquisition of the optimistic lock. It
-            defines whether a version increment should occur if this property
-            is dirty.</para>
-          </callout>
-        </calloutlist>
-      </programlistingco>
+            <callout arearefs="hm3">
+              <para><literal>default-cascade</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>none</literal>): a default cascade style.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="hm4">
+              <para><literal>default-access</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>property</literal>): the strategy Hibernate should use
+              for accessing all properties. It can be a custom implementation
+              of <literal>PropertyAccessor</literal>.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="hm5">
+              <para><literal>default-lazy</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>true</literal>): the default value for unspecified
+              <literal>lazy</literal> attributes of class and collection
+              mappings.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="hm6">
+              <para><literal>auto-import</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>true</literal>): specifies whether we can use
+              unqualified class names of classes in this mapping in the query
+              language.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="hm7">
+              <para><literal>package</literal> (optional): specifies a package
+              prefix to use for unqualified class names in the mapping
+              document.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>If you have two persistent classes with the same unqualified
+        name, you should set <literal>auto-import="false"</literal>. An
+        exception will result if you attempt to assign two classes to the same
+        "imported" name.</para>
+        <para>The <literal>hibernate-mapping</literal> element allows you to
+        nest several persistent <literal>&lt;class&gt;</literal> mappings, as
+        shown above. It is, however, good practice (and expected by some
+        tools) to map only a single persistent class, or a single class
+        hierarchy, in one mapping file and name it after the persistent
+        superclass. For example, <literal>Cat.hbm.xml</literal>,
+        <literal>Dog.hbm.xml</literal>, or if using inheritance,
+        <literal>Animal.hbm.xml</literal>.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-key">
+        <title>Key</title>
+        <para>The <literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> element is featured a few
+        times within this guide. It appears anywhere the parent mapping
+        element defines a join to a new table that references the primary key
+        of the original table. It also defines the foreign key in the joined
+        table:</para>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="key1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="key2" />
+            <area coords="4" id="key3" />
+            <area coords="5" id="key4" />
+            <area coords="6" id="key5" />
+            <area coords="7" id="key6" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;key
+        column="columnname"
+        on-delete="noaction|cascade"
+        property-ref="propertyName"
+        not-null="true|false"
+        update="true|false"
+        unique="true|false"
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="key1">
+              <para><literal>column</literal> (optional): the name of the
+              foreign key column. This can also be specified by nested
+              <literal>&lt;column&gt;</literal> element(s).</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="key2">
+              <para><literal>on-delete</literal> (optional - defaults to
+              <literal>noaction</literal>): specifies whether the foreign key
+              constraint has database-level cascade delete enabled.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="key3">
+              <para><literal>property-ref</literal> (optional): specifies that
+              the foreign key refers to columns that are not the primary key
+              of the original table. It is provided for legacy data.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="key4">
+              <para><literal>not-null</literal> (optional): specifies that the
+              foreign key columns are not nullable. This is implied whenever
+              the foreign key is also part of the primary key.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="key5">
+              <para><literal>update</literal> (optional): specifies that the
+              foreign key should never be updated. This is implied whenever
+              the foreign key is also part of the primary key.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="key6">
+              <para><literal>unique</literal> (optional): specifies that the
+              foreign key should have a unique constraint. This is implied
+              whenever the foreign key is also the primary key.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <para>For systems where delete performance is important, we recommend
+        that all keys should be defined
+        <literal>on-delete="cascade"</literal>. Hibernate uses a
+        database-level <literal>ON CASCADE DELETE</literal> constraint,
+        instead of many individual <literal>DELETE</literal> statements. Be
+        aware that this feature bypasses Hibernate's usual optimistic locking
+        strategy for versioned data.</para>
+        <para>The <literal>not-null</literal> and <literal>update</literal>
+        attributes are useful when mapping a unidirectional one-to-many
+        association. If you map a unidirectional one-to-many association to a
+        non-nullable foreign key, you <emphasis>must</emphasis> declare the
+        key column using <literal>&lt;key
+        not-null="true"&gt;</literal>.</para>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-declaration-import">
+        <title>Import</title>
+        <para>If your application has two persistent classes with the same
+        name, and you do not want to specify the fully qualified package name
+        in Hibernate queries, classes can be "imported" explicitly, rather
+        than relying upon <literal>auto-import="true"</literal>. You can also
+        import classes and interfaces that are not explicitly mapped:</para>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;import class="java.lang.Object" rename="Universe"/&gt;</programlisting>
+        <programlistingco role="XML">
+          <areaspec>
+            <area coords="2" id="import1" />
+            <area coords="3" id="import2" />
+          </areaspec>
+          <programlisting>&lt;import
+        class="ClassName"
+        rename="ShortName"
+          <calloutlist>
+            <callout arearefs="import1">
+              <para><literal>class</literal>: the fully qualified class name
+              of any Java class.</para>
+            </callout>
+            <callout arearefs="import2">
+              <para><literal>rename</literal> (optional - defaults to the
+              unqualified class name): a name that can be used in the query
+              language.</para>
+            </callout>
+          </calloutlist>
+        </programlistingco>
+        <note>
+          <para>This feature is unique to hbm.xml and is not supported in
+          annotations.</para>
+        </note>
+      </section>
+      <section id="mapping-column" revision="5">
+        <title>Column and formula elements</title>
+        <para>Mapping elements which accept a <literal>column</literal>
+        attribute will alternatively accept a
+        <literal>&lt;column&gt;</literal> subelement. Likewise,
+        <literal>&lt;formula&gt;</literal> is an alternative to the
+        <literal>formula</literal> attribute. For example:</para>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;column
+        name="column_name"
+        length="N"
+        precision="N"
+        scale="N"
+        not-null="true|false"
+        unique="true|false"
+        unique-key="multicolumn_unique_key_name"
+        index="index_name"
+        sql-type="sql_type_name"
+        check="SQL expression"
+        default="SQL expression"
+        read="SQL expression"
+        write="SQL expression"/&gt;</programlisting>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;formula&gt;SQL expression&lt;/formula&gt;</programlisting>
+        <para>Most of the attributes on <literal>column</literal> provide a
+        means of tailoring the DDL during automatic schema generation. The
+        <literal>read</literal> and <literal>write</literal> attributes allow
+        you to specify custom SQL that Hibernate will use to access the
+        column's value. For more on this, see the discussion of <link
+        linkend="mapping-column-read-and-write">column read and write
+        expressions</link>.</para>
+        <para>The <literal>column</literal> and <literal>formula</literal>
+        elements can even be combined within the same property or association
+        mapping to express, for example, exotic join conditions.</para>
+        <programlisting role="XML">&lt;many-to-one name="homeAddress" class="Address"
+        insert="false" update="false"&gt;
+    &lt;column name="person_id" not-null="true" length="10"/&gt;
+    &lt;formula&gt;'MAILING'&lt;/formula&gt;
+      </section>

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