[hibernate-dev] Question regarding one-to-one forumla support.

Wei Gao wgao at packetmotion.com
Mon Mar 5 20:19:36 EST 2007

Hi There,


I have a question about one-to-one formula.


Let's say I have domain object and container (org uint) object. Domain
has list of containers, but only one is rootContainer. So domain to
rootContainer is one-to-one mapping base on container.parent is null. So
I'm using one-to-one with formula for this purpose.


<class name="Domain" ...>

  <id name"id" type="long">

     <generator class="native"/>


  <one-to-one name="rootContainer" class="Container"





<class name="Container" ...>

  <id name"id" type="long">

     <generator class="native"/>


  <propperties name"rootContainer" >

     <many-to-one name="domain" class="Domain">

       <column name="domainid"/>


     <many-to-one name="parent" class="Container">

       <column name="parentid"/>



  <set name="children" inverse="true">

     <key column="parentid"/>

     <one-to-many class="Container" />




I know it doesn't work, my question is: for two formulas, how can I set
domain object for first formula parameter? How can I set null object
reference as second formula parameter instead of "null" string?


Any hint will be highly appreciated.





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