[hibernate-dev] How to tune the Hibernate cache for a big database table

Chris Bredesen cbredesen at redhat.com
Wed Dec 17 09:05:45 EST 2008

This is a question that should be asked on the forum.  This list is for 
issues about the development *of* hibernate, not developing applications 
*with* Hibernate.



Mariani, Renato wrote:
> Having a big table to mapping, I’m thinking to divide it into more 
> different physical table in order to be able to tune better the used 
> cache. What do you think about it ? Is there any other possibility to 
> find out the problem without divide the database table ? I’m thinking to 
> database table portioning and/or Hibernate query result caching.
> For instance We may have the following scenario:
>             a table containing all the bus stop around the world for 
> each bus provider
>             a Web Services to book a bus trip
>             If we have just one bus provider mostly used how we can 
> cache just its bus station ?
> Thank in advance and best regards Renato.
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