[hibernate-dev] Hibernate EntityManager and Annotations bug fix release

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Tue Mar 18 10:32:26 EDT 2008

On  Mar 16, 2008, at 13:01, Max Bowsher wrote:

> Also, what is the difference between javax.persistence:persistence- 
> api:1.0 and org.hibernate:ejb3-persistence:1.0.1.GA ? It seems bad  
> for the javax.persistence APIs to be defined under two different  
> identifiers, since that opens the door for people unwittingly ending  
> up with both on their classpath, and experiencing unexpected  
> behaviour.

I don't know who added the dependency to javax.persistence:persistence- 
api:1.0, I prepare the releases with org.hibernate:ejb3-persistence: 
1.0.1.GA. I think in practice these are very similar, but I'd rather  
have control, it's hard enough to get a TCK working. No need to add  
even more changing deps in the mix.
Note that this dependency is part of your Java EE container anyway so  
in EE 5 should not be included.

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