Fwd: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search: configure the LockingFactory

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Wed Feb 18 09:50:03 EST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sanne Grinovero <sanne.grinovero at gmail.com>
> Date:  February 18, 2009 15:41:06  CEST
> To: Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
> Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search: configure the  
> LockingFactory
> 2009/2/18 Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>:
>> On  Feb 18, 2009, at 11:49, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>>> The "none" doesn't protect at all, so you have to make sure to  
>>> never open
>>> a second indexwriter or use any indexwriter when you are using an
>>> indexreader
>>> to make changes.
>>> Sounds a bit dangerous IMHO but I don't think we should stop people
>>> shooting
>>> at their own feet.
>>> As we are enforcing a single indexwriter and all our indexreaders  
>>> are
>>> readonly since
>>> last release, you may want to use it: I think the current design of
>>> H.Search
>>> doesn't stop us from offering this option.
>>> I've added a note in the docs to use it only if you really  
>>> understand it.
>> Well, if you are only using Hibernate Search to access indexes (90%  
>> of our
>> user base) and you deploy on one server (80% of our user base),  
>> none is a
>> compelling solution right? (that's 70% of deployments :))
> yes I think it could be used; but I don't think the speed
> improvement is anything you could measure, and it is dangerous.
> Bad things will happen to your index if you don't know about it and  
> are in the
> unlucky 30% of deployments.
> Also I'm not sure what crazy things could be using the "Native  
> Lucene" APIs
> exposed...
> But now at least we don't stop anybody from trying it.

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