[hibernate-dev] Programmatic Mapping patch

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Fri Nov 20 09:21:34 EST 2009

On 20 nov. 09, at 15:20, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

> Hi Amin,
> I've committed your patch, thanks!
> There is still some work and questions remaining but that's a big  
> coverage improvement. Now on to the doc to get the release out :)
> Here is my raw feedback
> 1.
> Interface vs class?
> Should we start using interfaces instead of classes, at least for  
> SearchMapping. That way we could hide the getEntityDescriptor()  
> method to the users.
> I think we need to start using superclasses or super interfaces to  
> enforce the repeated contracts down to the tree of navigation?
> 2.
> Should the methods be on IndexedMapping not EntityMapping?
>  - fullTextFilterDef
>  - analyzerDiscriminator
>  - similarity
> Question to Hardy and Sanne, do these concepts make sense on a non  
> @indexed element? I can't remember how the parser behaves.
> I think these methods should be onn IndexedMapping rather than  
> EntityMapping
>  - boost
>  - providedId
> The problem with this approach is that we would need to  
> differentiate PropertyMapping and IndexedPropertyMapping. I am not  
> sure this additional complexity is worth the extra help to the  
> developer.
> 3.
> property(String name, ElementType type) should it be replaced with  
> specific methods like?
> .field() => conflict with lucene field
> .getter()
> 4.
> Is date bridge exclusive to calendar bridge? I think the contract  
> expresses that today.
> 5.
> ContainedInMapping does not contain the necessary upper methods.
> 6.
> I've updated the original ProvidedIdTest, Can you push the same  
> changes to the programmatic version of the test.

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