[hibernate-dev] Re : Hibernate Core is now using Git

Julien HENRY henryju at yahoo.fr
Thu Oct 7 10:12:19 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I think this is a good thing to have Hibernate on github. I just forked and did 
a few modifications (I'm learning git at the same time). I also did my first 
pull request ;) to validate the process. This is very minor modification so I 
didn't open an issue on JIRA.



----- Message d'origine ----
> De : Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
> À : hibernate-dev at lists.jboss.org
> Envoyé le : Jeu 7 octobre 2010, 11h 30min 11s
> Objet : [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Core is now using Git
> Hibernate Core now uses Git as the version control system.
> You can access it  at http://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-core
> Core on Git
> We  have imported the SVN history (at least what GIT could extract) and pushed 
>the  SVN trunk, branch 3.5 and branch 3.3. If you need more of the legacy 
>branches or  tags, let me know, that can be arranged.
> If you want to contribute a fix  or new feature, either use the pure Git 
>approach, or use the GitHub fork  capability (see 
>http://help.github.com/forking/ and http://help.github.com/pull-requests/ ) The 
>benefit of the GitHub approach  is that we can comment on the pull request and 
>code though I am far from an  expert so far and their flow could easily be 
>improved (slightly  confusing).
> If you still want to do it the old way a provide a patch  file, that's ok too.
> Tips on Git
> Here are some tips on Git:
> o  read Pro Git http://progit.org/book/ awesome book and very practical. It has 
>a free html  and epub version (buying the tree version is recommended to repay 
>the  author).
> o prefer the git protocol when cloning over http (so say the  experts). At the 
>very least that will be much faster. cloning the repo from  GitHub took me less 
>than 3 minutes
> #for people with read/write  access
> git clone git at github.com:hibernate/hibernate-core.git 
> #for people with read-only access
> git clone  git://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-core.git 
> It will create a "remote"  link named origin. I usually tend to rename it to 
>reflect what it is  really.
> git remote rename origin core-on-github
> o always work on a  topic branch and merge your work when you are done
> git checkout master
> git  checkout -b HHH-XXX
> hack commit hack commit
> Likewise if you want to  share a work with somebody from the Hibernate team, 
>push or define the pull  request of your topic branch (though make sure your 
>topic branch is above  master).
> o prefer small commits, they will be more readable and will very  unlikely fail 
>on merge
> o write good comments (short one line including  the issue at stack followed by 
>a blank line and a more detailed explanation if  needed)
> `HHH-XXX Fix NPE on persist
> Fix stupid bug by Gavin that lead  to a NPE when persisting objects with 
> o prefer rebase over  merge
> Rebase put changes from the branch you forked below the new commits you  have 
>done and thus keep the history linear.
> got checkout HHH-XXX
> git  rebase master
> DO NOT rebase a branch that you have shared publicly  (unless you know people 
>won't use it or you wish them harm).
> o while you  are at rebasing, you can rewrite your commit history to clean 
>comments or merge  some commits together (named squashing)
> git rebase -i HEAD~6 (go back 6  commits in time)
> o once you're fed up with typing longish command lines,  use aliases (see 
> o I've put a copy of my ~/.gitconfig file in case  people want to copy some 
>things including aliases (see below)
> o if you  use Mac OS X, GitX is a fantastic tool, in particular to do 
>interactive staging  and commit only some parts of a file
> o you can read this blog entry that  was some more info 
> o  feel free to add your tips to this email thread, I'll likely compile them in 
>a  blog entry.
> ~/.gitconfig
> [user]
>     name =  Redacted
>     email = redacted at redacted.com
>      signingkey = id_key.pub
> [core]
>     editor = open -nW -a  Smultron
> [merge]
>     tool =  opendiff
> [color]
>     ui = auto
> [color  "branch"]
>     current = yellow reverse
>      local = yellow
>     remote = green
> [color  "diff"]
>     meta = yellow bold
>     frag =  magenta bold
>     old = red bold
>     new =  green bold
> [color "status"]
>     added =  yellow
>     changed = green
>     untracked =  cyan
> [github]
>     user = redacted
>      token = redacted
> [alias]
>     co =  checkout
>     undo = reset --hard
>     cb =  checkout -b
>     br = branch
>         cp  =  cherry-pick
> _______________________________________________
> hibernate-dev  mailing list
> hibernate-dev at lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/hibernate-dev


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