[hibernate-dev] Integrator and retrieving objects

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Wed Apr 6 10:28:35 EDT 2011

yes as is indeed better.

On 6 avr. 2011, at 13:29, Steve Ebersole wrote:

> A phrase I see a lot here is "as":
> session.as( AuditReader.class ).someEnversSpecificMethod()
> or
> session.as( FullTextSession.class )...
> On 04/06/2011 06:26 AM, Adam Warski wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>> The phrase 'unwrap' might be a bit misleading there because you may not be dealing with wrapped objects.  But the idea itself is still solid I believe.  Think of it more as a multi-directional cast
>> Right, the idea sounds good; so it would be something like a per-session service? :)
>> Envers could use it as well, right now just as search has Search.getFullTextSession, envers has AuditReaderFactory.getFor
>> So we could have session.service(AuditReader.class / FullTextSession.class).
>> Adam
>>> On Apr 6, 2011 6:15 AM, "Adam Warski"<adam at warski.org>  wrote:
>>>>> FullTextSession ftSession = session.unwrap(FullTextSession.class);
>>>>> //the current approach is via some static helper method
>>>>> //FullTextSession ftSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session);
>>>>> That would mean that the integration point between HSearch and Hibernate would have an unwrap method and Hibernate would delegate the unwrap calls to each integrator until a non null object is returned.
>>>>> It's just a thought, WDYT?
>>>> But while EntityManager wraps a Session object, a Session doesn't wrap a FullTextSession, but the other way round, no?
>>>> --
>>>> Adam Warski
>>>> http://www.warski.org
>>>> http://www.softwaremill.eu
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> -- 
> Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>
> http://hibernate.org
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