[hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search 3.5 or 4

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Wed Apr 20 03:57:41 EDT 2011

On Wed, 20 Apr 2011 09:32:16 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard  
<emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:

> Do you see more task for 4?

I think there is a lot of room for improvement in the faceting.
Would be great to get some feedback from the community and improve from  

Another thing which is on my wish list for a long time is some sort of meta
data api, which allows me for example to find out which fields are  
This ties in w/ a potential change to the field bridge API.

> Since Hibernate Core 4 seems to be doing alright and that the time  
> pressure will be strong to get Hibernate Search aligned, I propose to  
> skip 3.5 entirely and focus on 4. We did not that that many new features  
> planned anyways for 3.5, it was more a consolidation release.
> Even with skipping 3.5, the 4 release will be a lot of work. We should  
> start early. Any objection or comment?

+1 to moving to Hibernate Search 4

> Changing contracts
> We have had a few contracts that we wanted to change to make way for  
> future improvements:
>  - should a bridge know about the field it changes (make the  
> optimization more efficient)

+1 Not only opens this the doors to some optimizations, it also is helps
the meta data api (see above)

> Use JBoss Logging
> I tend to think we should do this migration late in the game. WDYT?

No strong opinion on this. Deferring it for a while is fine for me.
Whenever we decide to do it thought it should be a done at once.


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