[hibernate-dev] classloading issue when trying to add envers to as7

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Wed Aug 3 13:30:52 EDT 2011

On 08/03/2011 12:56 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>> 2. org.hibernte.envers module automaticly injected into app when it is a jpa project.
> This is where it gets tricky to package envers with the app.  Have you
> synced up with AS7 (7.0.1) master yet?  I have another change coming
> that could impact yours (in queue waiting to be merged).

I asked if my (https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/pull/118) change 
would be merged in and the answer is yes.  It won't be a big deal but 
you probably should integrate with my change after its pulled. 
Basically, the change is removing the version number from the 
org.hibernate module name and adapter module names.  Instead, we can 
place the Hibernate3 jars in the AS7 org.hibernate module (under 
slot="3").  We can create more specific versioning later (alias "3.6.4 = 
slot"3") or something like that.

> Anyway, start with packaging envers as a standalone module and try
> bringing a envers test into the as7/testsuite/compat/* based on the
> current embedded test (there are only two tests and one is @Ignored).

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