[hibernate-dev] Intellij javac running out of memory compiling master??

Hardy Ferentschik hibernate at ferentschik.de
Tue Mar 15 05:55:53 EDT 2011


did you rebuild the idea configuration files - 'gradle idea'
Steve and I had similar issues after opening master in idea with the new  
logging stuff.
I would guess that the annotation processor goes wild.

What helped for me was to re-create the idea config files and then go  
all the modules classpath configuration to ensure that the right  
directories are
in- and excluded.

There is a bug - http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRADLE-1174 - in the  
plugin which
excludes everything under $buildDir which is not correct.


On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:48:12 +0100, Galder ZamarreƱo <galder at jboss.org>  

> Guys,
> What the heck is up with master? I import it into IntelliJ, run the  
> compiler and I get an OOME compiling!
> See attached screenshot. As you can see IntelliJ has enough memory.

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