[hibernate-dev] Integrator locator

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Sun Mar 27 13:27:43 EDT 2011

HHH-5562 is done, which introduces a locator/discovery means for integrating 
with Hibernate.  Specifically it introduces the (alternate name suggestions 
welcome, i am indifferent to this one) org.hibernate.impl.Integrator 

It does discovery based on a classpath lookup for a well-defined filename (can 
discover multiple) which names an implementor of this interface.  The process 
occurs in the midst of Sessionfactory building to account for the main use 
cases I know of including Envers, Search, Validation and BV.  Currently I 
additionally define those 4 as "built in" integrators, meaning there is no 
need for them to define auto-discovery files unless we want them to be 
integrated in that manner (I know for example that Search is interested in 
this via HSEARCH-595).  Anyway, we should probably decide pretty early which 
integrations we want done which way.

Actually I take one part back.  Envers is actually handed by discovery due to 
the fact that it is in a separate project (jar).  The others were done this 
way because they already had the reflection code in place to do this.  So for 
it, we need to decide if we want to go the opposite way.

Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>

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