[hibernate-dev] JPA 2.1 progress

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Mon Jul 16 15:06:46 EDT 2012

Strong, I forgot to mention that Jason completely agrees that changes to 
Jandex are needed.  I agreed to prototype some of the things he and I 
discussed specifically in this code base and hand them back to him for 
integration back into the next rev of Jandex.

One such point of discussion was a common interface for "Index". 
Unfortunately the name Index is already taken as in the main Jandex 
class.  So we came up with some other names.  For this work I went ahead 
with the name 'IndexResult' for that common contract (interface). 
Anyway, no matter the name, eventually both Index and that new 
CompositeIndex would both implement this new common contract.

The other thing we discussed was integrating XML overrides into the 
indexing process since quite a few places where Jandex gets used would 
need this.  And since you worked on that in the metamodel codebase, was 
hoping to get your feedback as to whether you thought it would be 
possible to integrate XML overrides into this process up front.  And if 
so, how you thought it might be best to approach that.

On 07/16/2012 12:25 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Not sure what happened.  Maybe I just forgot to upload?  Anyway, it is
> there now.
> On Mon 16 Jul 2012 09:39:04 AM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> Hmmm.. let me check...
>> On Mon 16 Jul 2012 08:45:48 AM CDT, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> It also contains some major refactorings:
>>>> 1) removal of Ejb3Configuration in preference of the new 2-phase
>>>> bootstrap approach of Bootstrap/EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.
>>> sounds good
>>>> 2) I renamed o.h.ejb to o.h.jpa.
>>> +1 jpa is much more concise
>>>> Let me know if you see any problems…
>>> it seems you latest code depends on a Draft-6b which is not deployed
>>> to the repository. I can only see Daft-6.
>>> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration
>>> ':hibernate-core:compile'.
>>>> Could not find group:org.hibernate.javax.persistence,
>>>> module:hibernate-jpa-2.1-api, version:1.0.0.Draft-6b.
>>>    Required by:
>>>        org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.1.5-SNAPSHOT
>>> --Hardy
>> --
>> steve at hibernate.org
>> http://hibernate.org
> --
> steve at hibernate.org
> http://hibernate.org

steve at hibernate.org

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