[hibernate-dev] @Spatials

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Mon Jun 4 11:03:21 EDT 2012

On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

> I don't think it can be SpatialValue as the annotations:
> - marks the property describing the spatial coordinates
> - describes how the data will be indexed wrt spatial indexing (strategy + fine tuning)
> - describes the usual boost, etc properties

I don't see a contradiction between these points and @SpatialValue (at least w/ my current 
understanding of the feature)

> It's the sister of @Field but @SpatialField is wrong as we are not storing data in one field but several.

Hmm, I would like the symmetry between @Field, @NumericField and @SpatialField. is it really a concern 
that we are storing data into multiple fields. I don't think there is an expectation for a one to one mapping
between @Field and the Lucene index. Using a custom field bridge any user can for example index a single
property into multiple Document fields. 
>From this perspective @SpatialField just implies a special field bridge which creates multiple Document fields. 
This would fit fine into my model on how Search works.


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