[hibernate-dev] Envers 5.0 metamodel branch

Ɓukasz Antoniak lukasz.antoniak at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 14:32:32 EST 2012

Hello Community,

Yesterday I have pushed my changes done to apply new metamodel in Envers code: 
https://github.com/lukasz-antoniak/hibernate-core/tree/envers-metamodel. It's just a working branch so you can see lots of TODO's 
and code commented out. The task of Envers migration is quite complex and I would be very grateful for help. The process that I 
have followed was to start in AuditConfiguration#register(MetadataImplementor, IndexView) and rewrite the code line by line. At 
the moment I have finished at EntitiesConfigurator and AuditMetadataGenerator. To test my changes, I have used 
org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.proxy.QueryingWithProxyObjectTest test case.

@Vyacheslav Sakhno: I remember you wanted to refactor Envers to improve overall design 
(https://community.jboss.org/message/764565). Maybe we could gather our strengths, migrate it first and then work on necessary 
improvements in 5.0 (metamodel)?


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