[hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search Spatial: Units?

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Wed Oct 10 05:31:19 EDT 2012

The default name for @Spatial is the empty string (at least as defined
on the annotation before we override it to the entity mode).

Considering we have @Spatials (plural) to support multiple coordinates
on a single entity, would it make sense to support

onCoordinates(String... names)

This has the nice effect of supporting the method without any
parameter, so one can use

    Query luceneQuery = builder.spatial()
        .within( 50, Unit.KM )

to point to the default one (undefined, aka empty string)

Can also target multiple constraints at once:

 Query luceneQuery = builder.spatial()
        .onCoordinates( "home", "office" )
        .within( 50, Unit.KM )

Looks not so good when mixing default and specific:

 Query luceneQuery = builder.spatial()
        .onCoordinates( "", "office" )
        .within( 50, Unit.KM )

But my guess is that when having multiple coordinates on an entity it
should be recommended to name them all explicitly; we could even
require this.

+1 to not consider
"SpatialQueryBuilder.buildSpatialQueryByGrid" a public API but in that
case I think we should update the tests using it to use the DSL.


On 10 October 2012 08:44, Nicolas Helleringer
<nicolas.helleringer at gmail.com> wrote:
> 5 seems just fine to me
> Niko
> 2012/10/10 Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
>> I see a few options:
>> 1. Make onCoordinates optional
>> For me that does not look right and would make the dsl confusing but I'd
>> like to see additional feedback
>> 2. Use a constant
>> 3. Use the class name ( that's what you did )
>> 4. Use "" as the value
>> .onCoordinates("")
>> 5. Add a specific method
>> .onDefaultCoordinates()
>> So far 5 seems the most natural to me.
>> Emmanuel
>> On 10 oct. 2012, at 09:20, Nicolas Helleringer
>> <nicolas.helleringer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This makes sense.
>> The DSL is clearly THE way to build spatial queries. It simple and
>> elegant.
>> By the way, Emmanuel, I would like some help to remove the
>>   .onCoordinates( PoI.class.getName() )
>> in
>> Query luceneQuery = builder.spatial()
>>    .onCoordinates( PoI.class.getName() )
>>    .within( 50, Unit.KM )
>>    .ofLatitude( centerLatitude )
>>    .andLongitude( centerLongitude )
>>    .createQuery();
>> when building a spatial query on a class with a @Spatial that does not
>> have a name attribute set and thus using the default value of
>> class.getName()
>> Niko
>> 2012/10/10 Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
>>> I almost think that org.hibernate.search.spatial.SpatialQueryBuilder
>>> should be an internal class. Do we want to offer direct access to these
>>> instead of the dsl?
>>> The answer could be yes, but I'd like to see a use case.
>>> On 9 oct. 2012, at 18:45, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> > Hi Nicolas,
>>> >
>>> > In the QueryBuilder DSL a spatial Query has a nice option to define
>>> > which units are being used:
>>> >
>>> > org.apache.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery =
>>> > builder.spatial().onCoordinates( UserRange.class.getName() )
>>> >                .within( 50, Unit.KM ).ofLatitude( centerLatitude
>>> > ).andLongitude(
>>> > centerLongitude ).createQuery();
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > org.hibernate.search.spatial.SpatialQueryBuilder.buildSpatialQueryByGrid(double,
>>> > double, double, String)
>>> > has a javadoc comment specifying the parameters are expected to be KM.
>>> >
>>> > I guess we should pick a strategy and be consistent with it; I think
>>> > we should add the Unit parameter to the SpatialQueryBuilder;
>>> >
>>> > Any thoughts about it? Can I assume you'll be able to look into that?
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Sanne
>>> >
>>> > Tracked by https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HSEARCH-1203
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