[hibernate-dev] Hibernate Search 4.4.0.Alpha1 release

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Mon Aug 5 09:20:53 EDT 2013

On 2 Jan 2013, at 9:17 PM, Guillaume Smet <guillaume.smet at gmail.com> wrote:

> The SearchFactory.getIndexedTypes API looks nice.


> Would it be possible to also expose something like getRootIndexedTypes
> based on the magic done in MassIndexerImpl.toRootEntities?

TBH i am not completely sure I understand what the method does. The docs says:

"From the set of classes a new set is built containing all indexed subclasses, but removing then all subtypes of 
indexed entities."

Not sure what exactly that means. What are you using this method for? Maybe you could 
provide a use case. 

Do you have any suggestion on how to add this into the the current API? Do you want to
have something like isRoot on IndexedTypeDescriptor (thought I am not quite sure yet what
"root" means in this case.


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