[hibernate-dev] Trying Hibernate 5.0.0.Beta1

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Wed Apr 1 07:25:51 EDT 2015


On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 11:45:55AM +0100, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> the version issue of jboss-logging is a known limitation; I've
> described some details on the wildfly-dev mailing list.
> I was expecting for people to choose the most up to date version of
> jboss-logging in case of conflicting versions though, or manage the
> version explicitly rather than leaving the choice to the build tool.

I would also expect that choosing the latest jboss-logging version should
work. Have you tried explicitly adding jboss-logging as dependency? 
That said, excluding the transitive jboss-logging dependency from validator
should work as well. Did you run 'mvn dependency:tree' to see what the resulting
dependencies are in your project? 

You could also try to use Hibernate Validator 5.2.0.Beta1. In relation to any
5.1 features, there should be no difference and I consider it stable. 

> The TRACE problem was not expected of course. May I assume you have
> the TRACE level enabled?

How does your log configuration look like?


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