[hibernate-dev] Pooled Optimiser Improvements

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Mon Dec 14 22:12:26 EST 2015

On 12/11/2015 09:30 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> It's hard to say without understanding the scenario where you are seeing
> this as a problem.  I have some guesses as to what may be the problem,
> but without understanding more about why you see this as a problem in
> the first place it is hard to give you an answer.  For example, I wonder
> if for environments not using multi-tenancy whether the recent changes
> for the generators to support multi-tenancy might be the culprit.  If
> that is the case, and those changes are in fact the underlying cause of
> the perf issues you see then I think there is actually a better
> solution.  But again, its hard to say unless we understand the reason
> this "shows up" as a perf problem for you.

As best as I can tell from looking at the current PooledLoOptimizer, 
versus the proposed change (to have a chunk of ids per thread), we went 
from accessing a contented lock, to instead using per thread memory 
(eliminating the contended lock on PooledLoOptimizer.generate()).

> Until we hear more I think at this stage I'd vote for a separate
> optimizer.  And maybe even not one that is upstream.
> Also I agree with Scott that I am VERY leery of not cleaning up a
> ThreadLocal.

My mistake, as Stuart pointed out, the TL is not static, so we shouldn't 
introduce any leaks.

> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 7:55 AM Scott Marlow <smarlow at redhat.com
> <mailto:smarlow at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Should this be a specialized pooled optimizer that is only used in
>     environments that do not suffer from leaving the ThreadLocal around
>     after the application is undeployed?  In other words, the expectation is
>     that classloader leaks with this pooled optimizer are expected (e.g.
>     user must restart the jvm to really undeploy the application
>     completely).
>     I am thinking that there are at least three typical situations:
>     1.  Applications are deployed in Java standalone edition.  Generally,
>     when the app undeploys the jvm is shutting down.
>     2. Applications are deployed as part of some container (e.g. an EE
>     server) and the Hibernate jars are on the global classloader path (or
>     something like that).  On each shared container thread, there would be
>     one Optimizer for all deployed applications.  I wonder if instead, we
>     would want one Optimizer instance per Hibernate SessionFactory
>     associated with the many container threads?
>     3. Applications are deployed as part of some container (e.g. an EE
>     server) and the Hibernate jars are deployed with the application. The
>     ThreadLocals are associated with threads that are shared by different
>     deployed applications. The application classloader contains the
>     Hibernate classes. Each deployed application has its own Optimizer
>     threadlocal. On each shared container thread, there would be one
>     Optimizer per application (since each application has its Optimizer TL).
>        Like (2), there would be sharing of the same Optimizer with the many
>     application session factories.  Should we instead have an optimizer per
>     session factory?
>     Scott
>     On 12/10/2015 11:31 PM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>      > Hello,
>      >
>      > I have been working on a change to the pooled optimizer that we
>     have been seeing good performance results with. Basically it hands
>     out blocks of ID's to a thread local, rather than having every
>     thread contend on the lock every time an ID is required.
>      >
>      >
>     https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/compare/master...stuartwdouglas:pooled-optimiser-hack
>      >
>      > What would I need to do to get a change like this in? In particular:
>      >
>      > - Does it need to be a new type of optimizer, or is modifying the
>     existing one like I have done OK?
>      > - How should it be configured?
>      >
>      > I am happy to do up a PR for this, but I am just not really sure
>     what would be required to get it to a point where it would be
>     acceptable for inclusion.
>      >
>      > Stuart
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