[hibernate-dev] WildFly BeanValidationCdiIntegrationTestCase test failure with ORM 5

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Wed Jul 8 08:29:12 EDT 2015

On 07/08/2015 07:15 AM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> On 8 July 2015 at 11:42, Hardy Ferentschik <hardy at hibernate.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 07, 2015 at 04:50:36PM -0400, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>> Hardy,
>>> It seems that the ValidatorFactoryBean#createConstraintValidatorFactory is
>>> getting called too late for some reason. http://pastebin.com/WrdD91Hr shows
>>> the call stack for
>>> ValidatorFactoryBean#create(CreationalContext<ValidatorFactory> ctx) which
>>> calls createConstraintValidatorFactory, which seems too late
>>> (CdiValidatorFactoryService is shutting down).
>> Did you not change some of the integration code in order to upgrade to ORM 5
>> within Wildfly? It is not just a version upgrade, right?
>> The reason I am asking is that afaik we jump through quite some hoops regarding
>> the Bean Validation integration to ensure that the JNDI bound Validator(Factory)
>> is CDI enabled and identical to the one which can be retrieved via CDI. This
>> is the whole LazyValidatorFactory stuff. I am not so familiar with this code,
>> but I am wondering whether your changes for the ORM 5 integration interfere with
>> the Bean Valiadtion bootstrapping. What needed to change for the ORM 5 integration?
>> I know that you and Sanne discussed the ability to bootstrap the PersistenceProvider
>> using the API as defined by JPA. Did you go in this direction?

The ORM integration code does not interact with the Bean Validation 
bootstrapping.  That is done the same (by the JPA 
container/deployer/subsystem) for any persistence provider that we 
integrate with.

>>> To recreate the WildFly ORM 5 issue on WildFly (if you want to see it
>>> yourself), steps are:
>> Ok, I'll take a look at your branch.
>> Is this test failure the last hurdle to integrate ORM5 into Wildfly 10?


> I have the same question, I'm confused as yesterday I heard we were
> down to zero failures.

There were certain tests that I was not running locally.  I found that 
the following command runs all of the WildFly tests that I really wanted 
to run:

./integration-tests.sh -Dts.basic -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true 

I also ran the WildFly clustering tests which replicate an extended 
persistence context.  No failures with those.

> Did something else change, or are tests being run in incremental
> iterations? Just wondering how confident we are about not seeing more
> issues being reported tomorrow.

I am planning on running the EE TCK tests with ORM 5 CR2 after it is 
merged.  There may be EE TCK test failures with ORM 5 that will need to 
be addressed this summer (before end of August).

> Sanne
>> --Hardy
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