[hibernate-dev] SchemaExport usage ?

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Wed May 13 12:48:57 EDT 2015

Thanks Steve, that was very helpful.

On 13 May 2015 at 05:09, Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org> wrote:
> HHH-9792 - Clean up missed Configuration methods
> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>
> wrote:
>> None of the bootstrapping contracts are kept around after the SF is
>> bootstrapped.  Nothing different there from Configuration.  There is nothing
>> meaningful on SessionFactory for performing any schema tools.  For what its
>> worth I hope to change that with the metamodel work (6.0), but for now this
>> is the case.
>> The Configuration methods should be removed.  I just missed them.
>> Take a look at
>> org.hibernate.test.multitenancy.schema.SchemaBasedMultiTenancyTest in
>> regards to how I do this for my tests
>> On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org>
>> wrote:
>>> We have some Hibernate Search tests which use multi-tenancy, and
>>> require the schema to be exported explicitly. I'm trying to get these
>>> to run now with Hibernate ORM 5.
>>> I can't use the command line tool, as the test configuration options
>>> should be passed by instance (there are several unit tests to be run,
>>> each with its own configuration).
>>> I already have a SessionFactory started, so I'd prefer to use its
>>> metadata if possible, but while SchemaExport has plenty of
>>> constructors, it doesn't seem to have one I could use.
>>> This one looks like a good candidate:
>>>  SchemaExport(ConnectionHelper connectionHelper, MetadataImplementor
>>> metadata)
>>> as I do have a ConnectionHelper instance. But while I have a reference
>>> to my SessionFactory, and a reference to the Configuration which
>>> started it, I couldn't find a way to get a MetadataImplementor from
>>> these?
>>> Wouldn't it be very useful to have something like
>>> SchemaExport(ConnectionHelper connectionHelper, SessionFactorty sf) ?
>>> I think all multi-tenancy users would need something similar.
>>> Partially unrelated, the methods:
>>>  - org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.generateDropSchemaScript(Dialect)
>>>  - org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.generateSchemaCreationScript(Dialect)
>>> are returning an hard coded String[0]. Should these be implemented
>>> before 5.0.0.Final, or are these meant to be deprecated?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sanne
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