[hibernate-dev] ORM - FindBugs/PMD

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Wed May 20 02:00:48 EDT 2015

Checkstyle in ORM is now good to go and enforced in the CI jobs.

So I started thinking about FindBugs.  We do have FindBugs set up.  However
it is utterly out of control at the moment.  Maybe it's just me, but I find
FindBugs impossible to configure "well".  Granted I have little experience
with it, but Web searches turn up almost nothing on how to configure
FindBugs.  A few things in particular bug me about FindBugs:
1) Because it works on classes, not sources, it's nearly impossible to
succinctly say "ignore generated sources".  Would love to be proved wrong
there :)
2) I am unsure how to tell FindBugs which rules to run and which to not.  I
*think* this can be done through its filter files, but I have yet to find a
decent doc on doing that.
3) I have no idea how to change the confidence and severity of the things
FindBugs reports.  I have mentioned the DM_CONVERT_CASE scenario to some of
you before.  For us that is always a bug but FindBugs treats it with low
confidence (maybe a bug, maybe not).

I know PMD covers a lot of the same cases.  Anyone familiar with it?  lf it
is more easily configurable, maybe it fits our needs better...

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