[hibernate-dev] How best to eliminate the Javassist dependency from Hibernate applications...

Scott Marlow smarlow at redhat.com
Wed Feb 3 10:52:22 EST 2016

On 02/03/2016 10:42 AM, Stephen Fikes wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-02-03 at 15:09 +0000, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>> For the record, people should be able to use JPA in WildFly without
>> being able to see any org.hibernate class too.
> The background of the request/issue was a ClassNotFoundException when
> using the bundled Hibernate in an application leveraging the "native
> Hibernate" API (not using JPA).
> When using JPA, the issue did not occur.
> This may suggest a solution?

The WildFly/AS7 JPA container/deployer automatically adds the Hibernate 
ORM module to the application classpath.  However, this doesn't help 
Hibernate native applications.

With OSGi, there is no automatic solution, applications are expected to 
add Javassist to the application classpath.

In other environments, Hibernate applications also need Javassist on the 
classpath but the other environments are more likely to add Hibernate + 
Javassist jars to their global classpath.

No silver bullet here.

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