[hibernate-dev] 2LC docs

Radim Vansa rvansa at redhat.com
Mon Jan 25 05:48:36 EST 2016

On 01/22/2016 05:26 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:30 AM Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com 
> <mailto:rvansa at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     On 01/22/2016 03:11 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>     > On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 7:21 AM Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com
>     <mailto:rvansa at redhat.com>
>     > <mailto:rvansa at redhat.com <mailto:rvansa at redhat.com>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >     Why should the strategy 'never be used if serializable
>     transaction
>     >     isolation level is required'? What guarantees it gives, and what
>     >     in ORM
>     >     core depends on this?  When I've asked the last time, Steve said
>     >     that all modes but the
>     >
>     >     nonstrict one require that the 2LC is absolutely transparent
>     >     (consistency-wise), so you always get the same answer as if
>     you were
>     >     directly talking to DB.
>     >
>     >
>     > I would guess this is talking about "serializable isolation" at the
>     > application layer.  Yes extended across both the application and
>     > database.  In our original implementations we had no L2 cache
>     > providers that would support serializable isolation. Does
>     > hibernate-infinispan? If we ask for a certain entry from the
>     cache in
>     > T1, T2 adds that entry and commits, and then we ask for it again
>     in T1
>     > do we still see it as "not existing"?  I'd highly doubt it, but
>     if it
>     > does then lets make note of that.
>     No, without a transactional cache, it does not. Thanks for the
>     example.
>     But will the request get to 2LC, or will it be served already from
>     Session cache?
> It won't work even with a transactional cache I believe. It won't work 
> with Infinispan e.g. I do not think. Hibernate does not keep reference 
> to "non-existing" entities.  That's the only way the Session could 
> "serve" the fact that the first T1 lookup found nothing.  Again, this 
> gets right back to that idea of consistency.  Without L2 caching, in 
> this scenario with serializable isolation the database would return me 
> "no row" in both T1 SELECTs.

Infinispan keeps 'transactional context' for the current transaction and 
stores all reads there, even if this is a null read. However, as I've 
checked the distribution code, it still does the remote lookup (which 
escapes the transaction) and the value could get there even with 
so-called repeatable reads. I'll check infinispan-dev why.

>     >  Does the ' you should ensure that the transaction is completed when
>     >     `Session.close()` or `Session.disconnect()` is called' still
>     hold, or
>     >     does the transactional rework in 5.0 somehow obsolete this info?
>     >
>     >
>     > I cannot say why this is discussed in a chapter on caching.
>     > Session#disconnect is largely deprecated (its main use case is
>     handled
>     > much more transparently now).  IMO it's always a good idea to make
>     > sure a transaction against a resource is completed prior to closing
>     > that transaction. That's no different for a Hibernate Session
>     then it
>     > is for a JDBC Connection, etc.
>     Did you meant 'commit the transaction before closing the session'? If
>     the Session.close() is called with tx open, will the transaction be
>     committed? But any way, this should be really the same as without 2LC.
> I meant to say " make sure a transaction against a resource is 
> completed prior to closing that resource". Saying "complete the 
> transaction" != "commit the transaction".  Completion might be either 
> commit or rollback.  But the idea is that it is in a definitive state.
> Historically what a stranded transaction at the time of Session#close 
> meant depended on the JDBC driver.  Most drivers rollback back on a 
> stranded transaction; Oracle has always been the notable exception as 
> they would commit a stranded transaction.  But regardless in terms of 
> Session locks etc in the cache that would strand the locks as well iirc.
> In developing 5.0 and the new transaction handling I know we talked 
> about making this more deterministic, specifically always handling 
> this as if a rollback had been called.  But to be honest, that's not 
> what I am seeing in the code. Andrea, do you remember?  If not, we 
> should definitely add some tests for this to see what happens atm and 
> make sure its really what we want to have happen moving forward.
>     > Basically this passage is a poorly worded hint.  What it is
>     trying to
>     > convey is that for "asynchronous" cache access what drives the
>     > interactions with the Cache is the Hibernate transaction, and in
>     these
>     > case the user should take extra care to make sure that the
>     transaction
>     > is handled properly. That still holds true.
>     >
>     > As a refresher, the idea of "synchronous" versus "asynchronous" is
>     > simply cache access that is driven by JTA ("synchronous") versus
>     those
>     > that are driven by local transactions ("asynchronous"). 
>     Eh, I probably don't get the exact meaning of 'driving the access' :-/
>     And I can't find any reference to 'async' in user guide.
> I keep pointing y'all to 
> org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.EntityRegionAccessStrategy, 
> org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.CollectionRegionAccessStrategy, etc as 
> the best source for this information.  I spent a lot of time 
>  documenting (javadoc) these contracts as I developed them. 
>  sync/async is discussed there.  No need for it to be discussed in the 
> user guide IMO, its a concept for developers of cache implementations 
> to understand not users.

Okay, this sync/async. Sure, then it makes sense that it's not in user 
guide. But pardon my confusion, that class documents which methods are 
used by sync/async strategies, and what's the order of method 
invocation, but I never got what is the idea behind the sync/async 
strategy differentiation. As I've started messing with ORM only after 
the 5.0 tx rework, I always considered the difference between JTA and 
local transactions just an implementation detail orthogonal to 2LC.


Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team

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