[hibernate-dev] 5.2 or 6.0

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Tue Jun 7 13:49:26 EDT 2016

Currently we are still working on 6.0 "on top" of 5.2, meaning that all of
the changes we are proposing to ORM for 6.0 are kept in a separate
repo/project using ORM 5.2 as a dependency.

As I work on 6.0 I have come across a change that I would like to make that
requires that I change something in ORM proper.  The specific change is
that I would like to remove static access
to org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.SqlTypeDescriptorRegistry
and org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.JavaTypeDescriptorRegistry and have
these scoped as part of the SessionFactory instead (technically as part of
the org.hibernate.metamodel.internal.MetamodelImpl associated with a

There are 2 ways I can go about this:

   1. branch 5.2 and start 6.0 dev on master
   2. make this change in master for inclusion in both 5.2 and 6.0

(2) is certainly the more convenient approach.  But even beyond convenient,
I have seen some bugs from the fact that these are statically typed -
theoretically they should be scoped to the SF since the SF can mutate them.

However making that change in 5.2 has some risks depending upon whether
apps/integrations use it.  Anyone aware of any integration(s) accessing
these 2 registries?

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