[hibernate-dev] Connecting to a resource which isn't ready yet (or not ready anymore)

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Thu Mar 3 10:11:45 EST 2016

On Thu 2016-03-03 14:19, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> Back to my Elasticsearch problem: I think the short term solution
> would be that we actually have to check for the index state after
> having it created, and keep checking in a loop until some short
> timeout expires.
>  -> https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-2146

Sounds like a reasonable first approach.

> But I don't think that's the right design to pursue in the longer
> term; especially as we're not dealing with the fact that the index
> might "downgrade" its state at any time after we started.
> I think we need to check for "cluster health" headers regularly and
> monitor for acceptance for each command we send, keeping track of its
> health and probably keeping a persistent queue around for the
> operations which couldn't be applied yet.
> Our current design will throw a SearchException to the end user, which
> I don't think is practical..

Doesn't it call the error report API?
The idea of a persistent queue opens up a lot of complexity so I'm not
sure that's where we want to go - besides the existing master/slave +
JMS and whatever alternative we plan on implementing down the road.

My point is to wonder what the user expectation is when the ES cluster
goes down:

1. have HSearch be magical and keep data up in the air until the cluster
   comes back up - if it even does
2. have HSearch report on indexing errors so that one can take reindexing
3. do like a manual user implemented integration and pretend distributed
   systems always work

I think 2 is the practical approach.

> History might have shown that the current approach is fine with
> Hibernate ORM, but:
>  - requirements and expectations evolve, people might soon expect more
>  - I suspect that with RDBMs's this is less of a need than with the
> new crop of dynamic, self healing distributed systems we're dealing
> with.

On a philosophical note, can a client expect to tolerate schema
changing, temporarily unavailable server system at any time, for any
length of time? I think that's what you expect HSearch to do in a way.
My answer is no and the degraded mode requiring reindexing is an
acceptable trade-off.
But +1 to be more lenient at startup time and "wait a bit more than

> Not least, I noticed that the Elasticsearch native client actually
> enters the cluster as a member of it. That's similar to an Infinispan
> client using zero-weight vs a REST client.. Infinispan experts will
> understand there are significant different capabilities. I don't mean
> to remove the JEST client approach but we might want to study more of
> the consequences of that, and help me define what we will consider an
> acceptable tradeoff while still using the REST client approach.

What do you have in mind? As a layman, I'd say using the native Java
client will be "better" performance wise and could be the preferred

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