[hibernate-issues] bug in 3.2

Feldman, Eugene eugene.feldman at wachovia.com
Fri Jun 22 12:04:53 EDT 2007



I was trying to use Component.addTuplizer method in class
org.hibernate.mapping.Component but at runtime hibernate failed to
pickup my custom tuplizer. 

Here is a code snippet I was running:


        org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration hiberConfig =

        Iterator iter = hiberConfig.getClassMappings();



            PersistentClass cls = (PersistentClass)iter.next();

            String entityName = cls.getEntityName();

            logger.info("Found entity mapping: " + entityName);

            map.put(entityName, entityName);




                CdlEntityId clsId =

                if(clsId != null)



                    Iterator propIter = cls.getPropertyIterator();







            catch(CdlException cdle){}






    private void registerComponentTuplizers (Property property)


        if (property.getType().isComponentType())


            Component component = (Component) property.getValue();

            component.addTuplizer (EntityMode.MAP,




            Iterator propIter = component.getPropertyIterator();



                registerComponentTuplizers ((Property)propIter.next());







There were no exceptions but my custom tuplizer was not constructed,
instead I was getting default one for Map mode. When I looked in code in
Component class (I extracted relavent code from Comonent class) I
noticed that actual mapping resides in ComponentType (type variable)
which gets initialized when getType() is called and is cached. This
addition of caching I think broke addTuplizer() method because type will
not get recreated again and you are stuck with the mappings that were in
tuplizerImpls map variable at the time getType() is called. 


public class Component extends SimpleValue implements MetaAttributable {


            private java.util.Map tuplizerImpls;


            private Type type;


            public Type getType() throws MappingException {

                        // added this caching as I noticed that
getType() is being called multiple times...

                        if ( type == null ) {

                                    type = buildType();


                        return type;



            private Type buildType() {

                        // TODO : temporary initial step towards

                        ComponentMetamodel metamodel = new
ComponentMetamodel( this );

                        if ( isEmbedded() ) {

                                    return new EmbeddedComponentType(
metamodel );


                        else {

                                    return new ComponentType( metamodel




public void addTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, String implClassName) {

                        if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) {

                                    tuplizerImpls = new HashMap();


                        tuplizerImpls.put( entityMode, implClassName );



            public String getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode) {

                        // todo : remove this once ComponentMetamodel is
complete and merged

                        if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) {

                                    return null;


                        return ( String ) tuplizerImpls.get( mode );



            public Map getTuplizerMap() {

                        if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) {

                                    return null;


                        return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(
tuplizerImpls );






When can this bug get fixed ? Please let me know.


Best regards,



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