[hibernate-issues] Hibernate search with manytoone association IndexedEmbedded doesnt work

Halil Ağın halil.agin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 06:12:15 EDT 2009

Hello List;

I am trying to implement hibernate search with IndexedEmbedded on my pojos
which are associated with manytoone.

I have two pojo: Diary.java and User.java. the related code segments are
listed below:



public class Diary extends BasePojo{
    private User user;

/* other columns and getter/setter functions omitted*/




public class User extends BasePojo {

    private String name;

    private Set<Diary> diaries;


I want to search user name while searching on Diary class. My search test
class is below:


public class SearchTest{

    public static List searchByKeyword2(FullTextSession fs) throws
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException {
        org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser parser =
            new QueryParser("id", new StandardAnalyzer() );

        org.apache.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery = parser.parse(
"user.name:halil And content:veli");
        org.hibernate.Query fullTextQuery = fs.createFullTextQuery(
luceneQuery,Diary.class );
        List result = fullTextQuery.list(); //return a list of managed
        return result;


=====================end of codes========================

I want to do search with user.name whike querying onn Diary pojo. But i
couldnt. I search the net for 2 days. Some people encounter the same problem
and some solves also.

but i couldnt what is the problem? any help? By the way, i can search on
other columns but i couldnt search on associated columns such as manytone.
for example, above one.

thank you very much,


-Halil AĞIN
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