[hibernate-issues] [JIRA] (HHH-13875) Optional one-to-one does not always join the associated entity table when querying

Gail Badner (JIRA) jira at hibernate.atlassian.net
Fri Feb 21 17:42:46 EST 2020

Gail Badner ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=557058%3Aabbef6b0-cce3-4556-9748-b721becb9c9a ) *created* an issue

Hibernate ORM ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 ) / Bug ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 ) HHH-13875 ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 ) Optional one-to-one does not always join the associated entity table when querying ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 )

Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 5.4.12 Assignee: Unassigned Created: 21/Feb/2020 14:42 PM Fix Versions: 5.4.13 Priority: Major Reporter: Gail Badner ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=557058%3Aabbef6b0-cce3-4556-9748-b721becb9c9a )

Using the following entities:

	public class Foo
		private Long id;

		@OneToOne(optional = true )
		@JoinColumn(name = "id" )
		@NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
		private Bar bar;

	public class Bar {
		private long barId;

If there exists a Foo entity, but there is no Bar entity with the same ID value as the Foo entity, then the following query, "from Foo where bar.id = ?1" , should return null.

Instead, the query returns a Foo object with property bar set to null. This happens because the generated SQL does not include a join to the Bar entity table, as it should.

Notice that the query uses the "generic" ID named "id" , not the actual ID ( barId ).

( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875#add-comment?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 ) Add Comment ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13875#add-comment?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNTVlNGE0YzljYjE1NGYzOGI2MGU5YmNkMzQ2NmY0MDIiLCJwIjoiaiJ9 )

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