[hibernate-issues] [JIRA] (HSEARCH-1800) Offer API to index and query third party datasources easily

Yoann Rodière (JIRA) jira at hibernate.atlassian.net
Tue Jul 7 10:28:29 EDT 2020

Yoann Rodière ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=557058%3A58fa1ced-171a-4c00-97e8-5d70d442cc4b ) *commented* on HSEARCH-1800 ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-1800?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMTI4OTViNGJhZGQ3NDdiNGJkNTg0ZTRmYjcxN2EzNDciLCJwIjoiaiJ9 )

Re: Offer API to index and query third party datasources easily ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-1800?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMTI4OTViNGJhZGQ3NDdiNGJkNTg0ZTRmYjcxN2EzNDciLCJwIjoiaiJ9 )

This feels like a first draft could be implemented easily, so I'll tentatively target 6.0.

Use case

I have an application that sends data to a datastore, but this datastore is not a relational database or is not accessed through Hibernate ORM.
I want similar functionality to hibernate-search-mapper-orm, and I am prepared to provide the change events myself.

Potential solution

We could just use the javabeans mapper, probably renamed.

The only things that would be missing, in my opinion:

* Some way to configure the "model paradigm":

* tree / document : entities are trees and are not expected to have any association to other entities. This means reindexing resolvers are disabled, and we won't check for inverse side of associations.
* graph : similar to Hibernate ORM: entities are trees but are expected to have associations to other entities. This means reindexing resolvers are enabled and we will check for inverse side of associations.

Regarding the name: maybe rename it to hibernate-search-mapper-pojo ? But that may create split packages with the pojo-base module, so maybe a different name?

Later, we'll need more features:

* Allow users to configure their own loader for results. *WARNING* : In order to prepare for this, we need to make sure the search API uses selectEntities() by default (but fails, because there's no loader).
* Allow better projections from Elasticsearch

Optionally, we could go a step further and provide an API that specifically targets Elasticsearch. But maybe this should be a separate module, e.g. hibernate-search-standalone-elasticsearch ?

( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-1800#add-comment?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMTI4OTViNGJhZGQ3NDdiNGJkNTg0ZTRmYjcxN2EzNDciLCJwIjoiaiJ9 ) Add Comment ( https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-1800#add-comment?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMTI4OTViNGJhZGQ3NDdiNGJkNTg0ZTRmYjcxN2EzNDciLCJwIjoiaiJ9 )

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