[hibernate-users] Hibernate with JBoss TreeCache problem

Robert Klemme shortcutter at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 16 03:05:48 EDT 2007

Hi Andreas,

since your issue is in native code and seems closely related to thread
handling I'd first try a newer JVM.  You are using 1.4.2_11-b06 but
there is 1.4.2_14 already.



2007/8/15, Andreas Røsdal <andrearo at pvv.ntnu.no>:
> Hello,
> I'm having some problems with a website which uses Hibernate with JBoss
> TreeCache. Several servers with the following configuration:
> Resin application server, with Hibernate 3, with JBoss TreeCache.
> The problem occurs during startup of the Resin application server,
> occurs during initialization of hibernate, and the result is that when
> this occurs no .jsp pages are served from Resin which uses Hibernate.
> Most of the threads in the Resin application server are waiting for a
> thread in the jgroups classes. However, this function never finishes,
> causing all new tcpConnection threads to wait, until the application
> server crashes.
> Here is the full stack dump from java while the problem occurs:
> http://www.pvv.org/~andrearo/java-stack-dump.txt
> Here is the relevant thread which causes the problem:
> "tcpConnection-6802-19" daemon prio=1 tid=0x0825f300 nid=0x1354 in Object.wait() [0xaef01000..0xaef01878]
>              at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
>              - waiting on <0x51ed2f78> (a org.jgroups.util.Promise)
>              at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
>              at org.jgroups.util.Promise.doWait(Promise.java:100)
>              at org.jgroups.util.Promise._getResultWithTimeout(Promise.java:52)
>              at  org.jgroups.util.Promise.getResultWithTimeout(Promise.java:28)
>              - locked <0x51ed2f78> (a org.jgroups.util.Promise)
>              at org.jgroups.util.Promise.getResult(Promise.java:77)
>              at org.jgroups.JChannel.connect(JChannel.java:353)
> Any advice about what could be the cause of these problems? How should I
> go about further investigating this? I have briefly looked at
> the getResultWithTimeout() method in the Promise class from jgroups.
> Any help would be appreciated!
>    - Andreas R.
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