[hibernate-users] DB Connection Timeout

J. Davison de St. Germain dav at sci.utah.edu
Tue Mar 6 15:16:19 EST 2007


   Yes, I've seen some things about C3P0... however it seems that you 
should be able to do this without it... Also, the configuration item in 
C3P0 doesn't seem to be what I want.  From web searching I have found a 
comment that says that hibernate.c3p0.timeout is for "maximum idle time 
for a connection"... I don't quite know what that means... I'm not 
concerned with the connection sitting idle... I'm concerned with it not 
connecting in the first place. 

    Thanks again for your input.  Hopefully others will have other 
suggestions as well.


Robert Klemme wrote:
> I'd check connection pool settings.  Timeout is likely found there.
> Hibernate usually uses C3P0.
> Kind regards
> robert
> 2007/3/6, J. Davison de St. Germain <dav at sci.utah.edu>:
>> Hi,
>>  I've searched the web and read through a lot of documentation, but I
>> can't seem to find out how to do what I think should be a very simple
>> task.  I want to specify how long hibernate will wait before it returns
>> from a DB connection attempt.  I'm trying to test my code to ensure that
>> it behaves correctly when the DB is down.  But testing takes forever
>> because every time I run the code, it takes about a minute to timeout
>> and throw the "no connection" exception.  I know there has to be a way
>> (programmatically (and also via the config file)) to tell hibernate to
>> only wait, say, 5 seconds before throwing the exception.  Any help you
>> could provide me would be greatly appreciated.
>>          Sincerely,
>>                     Davison

- J. Davison de St. Germain         dav at cs.utah.edu    (801) 581-4078 -
- Chief Software Engineer           http://www.cs.utah.edu/~dav       -
- SCI Institute, SE C-SAFE          University of Utah                -

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