[hibernate-users] Simple relationship problems
boliver at lvlomas.com
boliver at lvlomas.com
Thu Apr 24 10:14:00 EDT 2008
I have a very simple DB structure that I can't seem to get going here with
The relationship between two tables is quite simple.
Table: Team - contains the following
pkid - int
name - varchar
divisionpkid - int
Table: Division - contains the following:
pkid - int
name - varchar
A team can belong to a division, and division can have many teams. What I
want is to get all the teams from the database, and have a reference in
each team to it's division.
My hibernate hbm file looks like this:
<class name="database.HldivisionEntity" table="hldivision"
<id name="pkid">
<column name="pkid" sql-type="int" length="11" precision="0"
<property name="name">
<column name="name" sql-type="varchar" length="20"
precision="0" not-null="false"/>
<class name="database.TeamEntity" table="team" catalog="Twisters2008">
<id name="pkid">
<column name="pkid" sql-type="int" length="11" precision="0"
<property name="name">
<column name="name" sql-type="varchar" length="20"
precision="0" not-null="false"/>
<property name="hldivisionpkid">
<column name="hldivisionpkid" sql-type="int" length="11"
precision="0" not-null="false"/>
<one-to-one name="division" class="database.HldivisionEntity"/>
In my code, when I execute this:
List teamList = session.createQuery("from TeamEntity" ).list();
I get a List returned of the two team records in my Team table, and the
hldivisionpkid fields are set correctly, the the division object is null.
So I must be doing something wrong here. Have I missed something in my
configuration to make this relationship work correctly?
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