[hibernate-users] Cannot cast org.hibernate.classic.Session to org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl

Halil Ağın halil.agin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 14:55:01 EDT 2008

Hello List;

I'm trying to implement the scenario explained at this site:

At some place in the code,  there is such code below(In AbstractGeneriDao,
in generate member method ):


SessionImpl : org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl
getSession : org.hibernate.classic.Session

I looked that SessionImpl class implements org.hibernate.classic.Session
interface, therefore the casting should work.
But when i run the application, there occure cast exception which says that
Cannot cast org.hibernate.classic.Session to org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.

Why this casting not working I could not understand. I think It should work,
because i am making a casting operation from an interface to its
implementation class.

Does anybody know why it does not work?


-Halil AGIN
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