[hibernate-users] is it possible to map attribute to custom resolvers?

Jaime Hablutzel Egoavil hablutzel1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 10:26:32 EST 2010

I know it has to be a really basic hibernate question, well, my problem is
that I have a pojo like this one:

class Pojo {

Integer id;
TypeA foo;
TypeB zas;
... getters and setters....


class TypeA {

Integer id;
String description;
... getters and setters....


class TypeB {

Integer id;
String description;
... getters and setters....


and I have two mappings:

<hibernate-mapping >
    <class name="Pojo"

        <id column="pojo_id" name="id" type="int"
            <generator class="native" />

        <property name="foo" class="TypeA" column="pojo_foo" />

        <property name="zas" class="TypeB" column="pojo_zas" />


    <class name="TypeA"

        <id column="typea_id" name="id" type="int"
            <generator class="native" />

        <property name="description" class="string" column="description" />



But as you can see there is no TypeB mapping, because this value is being
set in the service layer by a web service query, but I just want to persist
the id of the returned object (TypeB). thus I want something like to
transform cell values for TypeB (the id) and the object itself.

public class TypeBResolver{

public Integer getAsCellValue() {
    TypeB d = (TypeB) getValue();
    if (d == null) {
        return null;
    return d.getId();

public TypeB resolvCellValueForPojo(Integer s) {
if (s != null) {

return typeBService.getB(s);

} else {return null}


Jaime Hablutzel

(tildes omitidas intencionalmente)
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