[hibernate-users] hibernate-tools

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Wed Sep 2 09:07:25 EDT 2015

Hi Dennis,
great question, I had to ask the JBoss Tools team for an update, and we
just updated the FAQ accordingly:
 - http://hibernate.org/orm/faq/#where-is-the-tooling-for-hibernate-orm-5

So it's not ready yet, but someone should start working on it soon. As
always, help would be appreciated and would speed up things; I'm told
though that all existing (older) tooling should still be able to generate
valid mapping, in case that's all you need?


On 1 September 2015 at 20:04, Dennis Gesker <dennis at gesker.com> wrote:

> I see that Hibernate 5 is now final and has also been pushed to bintray.
> Will hibernate-tools also be upgraded to work with Hibernate 5? Will it
> also be pushed to bintray?
> I'd very much like to use it in an ant/gradle task to make pojos from my
> db.
> Thanks,
> Dennis
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