[infinispan-dev] surefire versions

Mircea Markus mircea.markus at jboss.com
Thu Apr 2 09:08:36 EDT 2009


When using surefire plugin version 2.4.3 there are some issues with test 
reports: reports are missing test class name.
I've noticed that there is another surefire version - "2.4.3-JBOSS" - 
reports work fine with this version.
Is there a fix for the above issue in some JBoss-version-of-surefire? 
What's the deal with "2.4.3-JBOSS"?

According to codehaus, the report issue should had been fixed in 2.4.1 
(http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-433), but it might be that the 
fix does not work for our setup (i.e. parallel suite at test level, each 
class being a test).


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