[infinispan-dev] [ISPN-125] Reading part of dynamic externalizer mappings

Vladimir Blagojevic vblagoje at redhat.com
Fri Jul 17 03:47:45 EDT 2009

On 7/16/09 6:15 PM, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
> Although brutal, this might the way forward. I mean, even if it's a
> lengthy process, the first time you do it, for every class with
> @Marshallable annotation that you find, you could add it to the map,
> regardless of whether it matches the one you're after. So, next time
> around, you'd have already done the hard work and would only do scanning
> if the mapping was not there.
> Vladimir, can you help with something like this?
It is brutal. If you end up searching entire classpath it can take 
forever. If you can restrict search only certain jars and file paths  - 
maybe not. Look at ClassFinder in util package and see if it suits you 
or how you can modify it.

I guess you could also require certain flag in manifest file of jar so 
you don't even scan jar if the flag is not there and so on...

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